It's fine as long as you hold on to me

Although the captain had tried his best to adjust the ship to a route with fewer obstacles behind him, he had no idea where it was going now that it was being pushed!

the air in the cabin was getting thinner and thinner.

An Xiaowan took a deep breath and felt a little suffocated. She finally looked away and looked up at Huo Shen, who was holding her.

When she saw the island just now, she felt as if she had entered another world.

At this moment, he finally came back to his senses.

The ship was tilting more and more.

Huo Shen looked behind him and saw another island not far away!

This Island seemed to be even bigger than the one that was destroyed just now. There were also small hills on it. If they were to crash into it, the ship would probably be scrapped!

huo shen's expression became serious.

however, things were no longer under his control.

just as these thoughts flashed through his mind, he heard a "boom" sound.