Tell your daddy ran ran

The woman in the painting is an Xiaowan?

huo shen was a little surprised. his deep, dark eyes stared at the painting, unable to look away.

no, it shouldn't be xiao wan.

Xiao Wan's eyes were not like this.

Even in the stills of her acting, she didn't have such a look in her eyes.

in fact, he couldn't tell what exactly was different, but huo shen felt that the person in the painting was not an xiaowan.

The woman in the painting was carrying a small child.

however, the child's face was only a little side-profile, so she could not see his face clearly.

the background of the painting was hazy.

huo shen recognized it at a glance. it was fergora's palace.

This woman looked too similar to an Xiaowan. He guessed that she was the follower of the palace Master fergora. As Wilbur had said, she looked very similar.

if he remembered correctly, wilbur had said that this woman was the medical genius who had come to the island back then.