Should I be honest?

i'm sorry, wanwan.

- If you go back, you must tell your father Yingluo and your Mother Love him very much.


An Xiaowan felt a suffocating feeling in her chest, and some chaotic images suddenly appeared in front of her. Then, she suddenly screamed and woke up.

The world in front of him was pitch black.

The next second, it suddenly lit up.

"Xiao Wan, I'm here, don't be afraid." his deep and magnetic voice was like a stabilizing needle, immediately calming an xiaowan down.

She let out a breath of air and buried her face in his arms.

His entire body was extremely weak and feeble, but the feeling of fatigue was much less.

"how long has my yueyue been sleeping?"

"24 hours." Huo Shen's voice was a little hoarse, and he had two big dark circles under his eyes. He looked even more tired than she was.

" ahoho! " an xiaowan was a little stunned. " i slept for so long? " What about you?"