i don't remember, yingluo

When she heard this question, she was stunned.

after a long time, it was as if they were half-stiff and had no reaction.

lan fang was badly frightened and was deeply afraid that he had provoked the master doctor. he almost cried out, and his heart was filled with regret.

i shouldn't have asked!

how could he pry into the privacy of the head doctor as he pleased?

just as the blue team wanted to escape, they saw their master, who had not reacted for a long time, actually move his lips.

then, she spoke in a hoarse voice.

"i don't remember, yingluo."

The four words were spoken very slowly. Unlike her usual style of being direct and decisive, she seemed a little hesitant and confused.

the blue team was stunned, not knowing how to react for a moment.

Then, the master doctor seemed to come back to her senses and returned to her usual calm expression. She said casually, " "you should go back and rest."