grandpa, help!

however, she was surprisingly quiet.

he didn't go out and run around, didn't meet anyone, and didn't show any abnormal behavior. he was so comfortable that it was ridiculous.

it was as if he was really recuperating.

It was to the extent that an Xiaowan felt that she was abnormal.

The matter had temporarily come to an end, so the next day, elder Jing came to dibei city and invited them to a meal. Then, he prepared to take Jing Huan away.

Jing Huan followed them happily. She did not talk back to anyone along the way, nor did she approach Huo Shen. She did not even look at him. It was as if everything was normal.

Even elder Jing couldn't help but frown.

"Huan 'er, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?" Elder Jing asked hesitantly.

"no," jing huan blinked and shook his head.

"Then why aren't you saying anything, Yueyue?"