youzi reveals her true colors

he bumped into it?

it was impossible no matter how he thought about it!

This was the back of his head, and there were fragments on the ground. He had been attacked!

"sixth master! When are you going to stop protecting her!"

The subordinate was shocked.

"Are my words of no use now?" ye jingyan, on the other hand, shot a cold glance at her.

ye qingqing was stunned, and so was everyone else.

Then, they all shut up angrily.

Even though it was obvious to anyone with eyes that it was ye Qingqing who had injured ye Jingyan. But there was no other way. Who asked sixth master to be so protective of her? Naturally, none of them dared to say a word, and they could only hold it in.

ye qingqing got up in a panic and in the quiet environment, she trembled and walked out of the room with difficulty.

then, like a ghost, he took a taxi home.