Then have another one

youzi seemed to have felt their gazes. as she picked up a book, she looked in an xiaowan's direction.

his big black eyes glowed, and his long eyelashes fluttered gently. a very cheerful and lively smile appeared on his small face, as warm as the first rays of the sun.

he was especially cute.

old mister hua was slightly stunned. he thought for a while before he said, " "Could it be that youzi went to the Huo family's library in private to find her favorite books and read them?"

huo shen raised his eyebrows and thought that it was possible.

but if youzi was going to dibei city's library to look for books, she should have told them, right?

Old Mr. Hua saw that his parents were starting to hesitate and get nervous, so he immediately laughed heartily. you don't have to worry too much. Although youzi is a young genius, she is still very sensible. thus, it's best to let him develop freely."

an xiaowan hesitated for two seconds and nodded slightly.