The table lamp is changed regularly?

Youzi's face was full of curiosity, and she immediately looked away to study the panel in front of her.

The train continued on its way.

an xiaowan and huo shen, who were in dibei city, had no idea that youzi was so bold at such a young age that she dared to break into the strange and mysterious forbidden area alone.

if an xiaowan knew about this, she would probably not be able to sleep at night for the next few days.

in dibei city.

An Xiaowan was sitting in the house, browsing through the recent news.

On the page, there was only one name, and it was Yan Qing, or Yan Cheng, who appeared several times.

some of the news about her was obviously hype, while some were the latest hot topics and her movements. obviously, her hype was very successful, to the point that she was so famous that almost everyone knew her.

Moreover, after that live interview, Yan Qing's name and an Xiaowan's appearance made her even more popular.

this bundle sale was done pretty well.