chapter 2146-correct clue

In that case, the thing that appeared out of nowhere in the table lamp might not be the Kasaya that was placed in the room.

it could also be at another time or place!

after all, this lamp had not always been in their master bedroom. it had even been moved away! Then, any place along the way, the storeroom, or the person who handled it, could be a suspect!

an xiaowan's previous investigation was only limited to the bedroom.

she had investigated everyone who had entered the bedroom in the past ten days, but there was no answer.

No matter how perfect an expert was, it was impossible for him to not leave behind any traces. This in itself was an unbelievable problem.

An Xiaowan took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa in the house, waiting with calm eyes.

about ten minutes later, the servant and the butler came to an xiaowan together.

"young madam, i've brought the notebook." The servant hurriedly handed the book over, her hands trembling from nervousness.