master si, miss xia is on tv

At this time, an Xiaowan had already done her hair in a slightly old-fashioned style. She was wearing the gorgeous, eye-catching, and imposing bright yellow dress.

Her long back was draping on the ground, and there were embellishments on her shoulders. The beautiful dragon and phoenix embroidery made her look like a queen. She had an outstanding aura, was beautiful, and was full of charm.

high-class beauty.

the moment she appeared, she attracted the attention of everyone around her.

Not far away from the entrance, the reporters who were isolated suddenly burst into a crazy flash. Some people even reached out and handed their microphones in, shouting and asking questions for an Xiaowan to respond.

"what are your thoughts on coming here?"

"Didn't Mr. Huo come with you today?"

"who's your partner today? and who's mr. huo's partner?"

"Have you seen Yan Qingqing? did she come too?"