i want to see her

the camera didn't care about xia duo, so it only flashed past.

However, si linghan snatched the remote control away and played it over and over again.

His eyes would always light up when he saw Xia duo's little face. Even the cold, murderous look on his face would gradually melt.

The Secretary stood beside him and couldn't help but feel a little sad.

These days, si linghan seemed to have really gone crazy. Everyone in the circle said that no matter what you did, you should never meet si linghan. He was like the symbol of death, the synonym of a lunatic.

it was to the extent that when everyone saw his symbol, they would retreat without a fight.

However, he still wanted to chase the other party to the end of the road. He was a complete demon, not listening to anyone's advice.

Every time he came back with serious injuries, his expression would always be better than usual. He even refused to let anyone treat him and hid in the house by himself.