what will you do if i die?

when she returned to the si residence, old master si had been sitting there for a long time.

recently, si linghan had been causing more and more trouble, and he was getting more and more uncontrollable. old master si had never been able to control him since he was young, but he only realized now that he had been holding back in the past.

old master si was helpless. his heart ached as he watched si linghan walk in, covered in blood.

but a man of iron and blood would never show these emotions on his face.

he lowered his eyes, stood up, and scolded with his walking stick, angrily shouting, " "you little rascal, where did you run off to? How could he remove the strap when his arm was so seriously injured? Are you planning to cripple your own hand?"

Si linghan raised his eyes, but his gaze was gentle.