It might be si linghan

hearing this, the doctor naturally sneered and replied casually, " " of course it's to cheer. after all, there's one less death and devil. "

si linghan was in a daze for a second, then his expression turned ugly.

He glanced at the doctor coldly, his eyes cold and murderous. I think you're tired of living.

"yingluo, hahaha, well, i'll go and prepare your medicine first." the doctor quickly tucked his tail between his legs and slipped away. si linghan's cold aura was too strong.

Sigh, a single divorced man is really scary.

si linghan, who was in the room, took out the video from before and watched it over and over. in the end, he fixed the image on xia duo's face and couldn't move his eyes away for a long time.


At the same time, Xia duo was already absent-minded as she followed an Xiaowan and left through the back door of the banquet hall.