Si linghan in the dream

The heavy rain patted her body coldly. She was desperate and helpless, crazy and afraid.

she could not understand why he did not hide.

sometimes, she couldn't understand why she was so afraid to be by his side.

However, this dream did not allow her to escape.

everything was clear in her mind, and she could clearly recall those things that she had never dared to recall.

Then, she realized that Yingluo

in fact, she had hoped that he would treat her well from the beginning.

but she felt inferior.

What kind of family was the SI family? With generations of confidence, everyone looked up to him and did not dare to act rashly.

and si linghan was the only son of this generation.

He had been entrusted with countless expectations. The SI family must have been very dissatisfied with him choosing a daughter from a small family with no special characteristics. They didn't look too happy at the wedding.