Chapter 2846-past life and present life?

xia duo was stunned.

the voice was childish and the pronunciation was incorrect. it was very vague.

But Xia duo understood and heard it clearly.

looking for her?

"how can i find you?" Xia duo's eyes turned red and she quickly walked towards her.

however, the little girl seemed to not hear her. she tilted her head, blinked, and then sat on the edge of the mountain.

it looked especially dangerous.

Xia duo desperately wanted to walk over, but she couldn't get to her side.

At this moment, si linghan's voice came from behind.

My little duo er, are you not coming back? "

His voice was as cold and arrogant as ever, but there was a hidden gentleness and affection in his tone.

xia duo was completely stunned.

She stopped in her tracks and only turned around hesitantly after a long while.

"si linghan?" her lips moved.

immediately after, she felt him take a step forward and suddenly pull her into his arms.

he was hugging her so tightly.