Find Xia duo!

xia duo could no longer feel anything.

with the huge rock above her head, there was only a small space left, which temporarily allowed her to struggle on whilst at death's door.

life seemed to be able to be annihilated at any moment.

If he were to die silently among the broken rocks in the deep mountains, how long would it take for someone to discover him?

At that time, he would probably be a skeleton.

sigh, it's been so many days, and i haven't seen anyone on this mountain. it's even more impossible to find this place.

Xia duo took a deep breath. After she calmed down, she moved her hand.

his hand was pressed under a rock.

He felt a little numb, and then pain.

He was probably extremely scared just now, so he didn't feel it.

xia duo tried her best to pull her hand out, but it was to no avail.

the rock was heavy, as heavy as mount tai. it was impossible to move it.