i'll protect her even at the cost of my life

si linghan's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, and his entire being sank into a crazed darkness.

His most precious little duo er, ah, Yingluo.

How could he suffer like this?

He hated himself to death.

why didn't he continue to let people follow and protect her? why didn't he keep an eye on her? why did he feel at ease to leave her to someone else?

No, it wouldn't work.

He had to protect his little duo er. This was probably his life's mission.

Si linghan also couldn't explain why he loved Xia duo so much. It was as if he suddenly wanted to marry her for no reason and couldn't wait a day.

After that, it suddenly accumulated over time and became deeper and deeper.

he didn't know how to describe that wonderful feeling.

it was as if she had been carved into his soul, as if she had been born a part of him.

it was difficult to say and difficult to give up.