Chapter 11: Remembering

Rin Grayson was fucking pissed...

Scratch that, he was furious, seething with pure rage at seeing Kana and the rest of 1-D being treated like trash.

It felt as if something triggered deep within him, a demon that has risen at seeing his classmates being abused like that.

"What have you done?"

The bullies eyed him with fear, showing to be trembling at the sight of this blue-haired boy-girl who just came out of nowhere by surprise.


The orange-haired girl flinched at the powerful tone that Rin used to call her.

"Bring Kana to the infirmary now."

Meiko nodded in response, gladly taking up the order as she brought Kana up for support and head to the infirmary.

"Anyone else injured?" Rin asked the rest of 1-D in concern as the latter simply shook their head off, a slight blush forming on their faces at seeing such heroism.

Their leader, to her credit, seemed to hold her ground firmly. Although still showing signs of terror as evident by her sweating, she still managed to spoke up with forced arrogance.

"Wh-what's this?! a shortie here trying to play hero?! Who are you to dare go against us?! Against me!?" The leader even though stuttering a bit was showing to be very conceited, eyeing Rin like an inferior being.

One of the members of 1-C in the group widens her eyes in realization as she recognizes Rin. Panic started to overwhelm and she whispered to the leader.

"M-mistress she is the rumored transfer student. The one who Senior Hanabi Nakamura holds very high esteem with. I'm not sure we should be offending her." The girl said with a shaky tone.

The leader merely cut the girl off like an insignificant being, the former seemingly not believing the latter. "Her? Don't make me laugh. Those are just rumors. She is the foolish one for offending me."

Then the leader eyed Rin, her cocky grin forming on her face. "Tell me fool, do you know who you are dealing with?"

"Don't know, don't care." Rin yawned in boredom, highly unamused.

At the boy's response, the leader laughed in a boastful manner, her eyes gleaming as she looks at Rin like a bug to be squashed.

"Pathetic. Very well, allow me to introduce myself... my name is-"

Before the leader could even finish her statement, a dodgeball was sent flying at an intense speed, so fast like a speeding bullet as it grazes on the girl's face, intentionally missing only a few millimeters away. The ball then caused an impact on the wall, a small but clear crack forming on its outside layer and even the ball was seen to be damaged slightly.

All occupants stared in awe and horror at the sight of a dodgeball that can potentially kill as evident by the damage on the wall behind the group of 1-C.

The leader this time truly trembled in utter fear, like witnessing her life flashing right into her now teary eyes as she involuntarily stumbled and almost wet herself.

"Didn't I tell you? I said I don't care."

Her legs could not stop shaking at this and the blue-haired girl, the monster who has done this has shown to be apathetic by her state.

"You act all mighty and tough, but the moment you get to experience a taste of your own medicine, you sunk on the floor just like the worm you are." Rin then approached the group of 1-C as the latter backed off in reflex, too afraid to do any act that might offend the former.

"Now I'm sure you girls want to forget that this all ever happen right?"

No response from 1-C, fear already overwhelmed them.

"If I ever hear or see that you worms are bullying others ever again, then a dodgeball might be the least of your concern. Do I make myself clear?"

And once again, not even a single response from the scared group.

"I said... DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR??!!"

The group of 1-C whimpered in fear as they all nodded with a yes.

"Now get the fuck out of my sight." Rin told them as he pointed at the entrance.

1-C immediately complied, leaving the gym in panic and never wanting to do anything with the blue-haired boy-girl ever again.

Looking at their retreating forms being gone, Rin took a deep breath as he suppressed his rage now that the fiasco is now over.

"That... that was amazing!!!!!"

The girls of 1-D, his classmates all gathered on to him, revering the boy as they expressed their sincere gratitude.

"You're awesome Rina!!!!"

"Very nice Mayfield!!!!"

"You showed them that class 1-D is a class not to be trifled with!!!!"

Rin smiled sheepishly in embarrassment, unused at such praises and compliments coming from many girls.

Kena grinned as she held him at her shoulders.

"Way to go Rina. That was the most badass thing ever!!! Now, this is exactly the news I'm looking for the newspaper club!!!!"

Keana then gestured the girls to lift Rin as they throw the boy into the air excitedly and repeatedly chanted and cheered his name numerous times.


Rin in this rare moment lit up a bright smile, finding life to be at its finest.

On the top bleachers, they failed to notice a silver-haired petite girl being seen with a smirk as she witnesses the whole scenario. She is the one who Rin has bumped into a few moments before the P.E. period. Her red eyes eyed the blue-haired boy with fascination and her devious smile grew even wider.

"What an intersting person. It seems I want you Rina Mayfield." The girl said as she licked her lips in anticipation.


Going back to present time inside his room, Rin smiled at the memory of his classmates cheering for him.

After the events in the gymnasium, Rin together with the whole class immediately visited Kana in the infirmary.

Their worries immediately subsided at seeing the heiress on the bed with a sweet smile and seemingly in a good condition, her though head wrapped with a bandage as Meiko was seen sitting beside her.

The class, well mostly Keana told Kana and Meiko the whole story and once again, they were astonished by the feats committed by their blue-haired classmate, Kana most especially.

The Erendal heiress was touched by Rin's gesture for avenging her and she eyed the boy with the loveliest smile that he has ever seen.

Rin blushed brightly at that particular memory.

Turns out that the reason why the P.E. instructor was absent during the incident was that a student from 1-C distracted her as the former asked for the instructor's help in finding a bucket for the balls to be put inside the Gym's storeroom.

The wind blows in his feminine face as he continued to stare the view of the Academy from his window, this time a frown forming as another memory resurfaced in his mind.


Memory 3:

Rin decided to stay with Kana who is now sleeping soundly inside the Infirmary after the whole class left.

Looking at the peaceful expression of the heiress, Rin could not help but marvel at such beauty, finding his hands caressing her pretty face in reflex.


Turning his back, Rin found Jonathan Erendal clearing his throat to get the boy's attention.

"Oh, Headmaster Erendal hehehe what brings you here?" The boy got startled by the sudden appearance of the Headmaster behind him.

Jonathan raised an eyebrow with intrigue and smiled "Brushing my daughter's cheeks huh? Should I list your name as one of her potential suitors perhaps?"

"Sh-shut up Erendal." Rin's face heats up and quickly tried to change the topic. "You still did not answer my question."

"I'm visiting my injured daughter of course. By the way, I have to thank you for defending her." Jonathan said in gratitude.

Rin nodded and smirked "Well, protect Kana from all dangers. It is my mission after all."

The headmaster smiled in agreement. Changing the topic, his smile shifted to one of interest. "I've been hearing rumors that you are getting quite famous Ms. Mayfield."

Rin flinched in response "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Jonathan snickered "Its quite intriguing. Getting acknowledged by our school's Kendo National Champion and now stopping a bullying incident at the gymnasium. Lucia will be coughing blood when she hears about how you stood out so much and it is still your first week of the job."

Rin stuttered a bit as he replied "H-hey in my defense, the first one is an accident and the second, well what you have me do? Leave those bitches abusing my friends?"

Jonathan then answered seriously "Normally yes. An agent would carry out everything at his disposal to not stand out a bit. He should act like an average person, hiding in plain sight within the bowels of society. But-"

"Bullshit. Even if I'm an agent, I won't abandon my conviction and principles. As you said, Friendship lasts a lifetime if treasured and I fucking treasured every single member of 1-D for as long as I'm here." Rin told the Headmaster, the tone in his voice powerful to shatter any argument going against him as he remembered how happy they are for defending them from the bullies a few moments earlier in the gym.

Jonathan nodded and sighed "I see and please allow me to finish what I'm about to say, Ms. Mayfield."

Rin uttered an "oh" and allowed Jonathan to continue.

"But that belief long has been gone. The cliche' of an agent being disguised as an average civilian is already well known. In fact, our enemies won't hesitate to draw a background check on anyone without any prejudice. Every individual is a suspect until proven otherwise. So it is of no issue whether you are standing out or not as long as you do your job with remarkable efficiency."

"But would it not be easier to do my job if I'm not standing out?"

"Yes, but the same can also be said for the opposite." Jonathan giggled at Rin's confused look.

"For example, being a famous actor puts you in the spotlight, everywhere you go, cameras follow and one can't deny how hard that is for an agent to slip in for a mission. But at the same time, people would only look at the thing they want to look at, a famous actor that they revere and love. The personality of the actor shines so brightly that it dims the suspicion of him being a spy as he gains the good reputation and trust of the masses. Similar to your situation in fact. Which would a person trust more? A person who has built a good reputation as time passes or an individual who tries so hard not to stand out? Standing out and gaining the goodwill of the students is also a way of covering up as they will put their faith in you, thus no one would suspect you of any shady intentions."

The words seemed to ring true inside Rin's mind as the headmaster seemed to have a decent point.

"And by the way Ms. Mayfield, I am not even disagreeing of you standing up for your friends. As a matter of fact, I uphold such behavior and I hope you'll do so in the future. Of course within reason without risking your identity." Jonathan added and Rin grin at him.

"That we can agree oh great Headmaster Erendal."

"Heh cheeky brat. Anyways let's continue our conversation outside." Jonathan gestured Rin to go outside with him which the latter did so.

Outside of the infirmary, Jonathan crossed his arms "I forgot to mention one important detail of your job. During weekends, the school is practically empty. This means that students get to go out of the Academy for a break. My daughter during this time goes home with me at the family mansion so she'll be safe as long as she's with me. As such your services are not required at weekends. Consider this as your break from your job and do some things that whatever you teenagers do."

"I see. With all the fucking incidents that have transpired for the past few days, especially the ones involving you Erendal." Rin glared the Headmaster at that particular event that has happened on his first night of school and the latter merely chuckled in response. "Yeah, I really need a break from time to time if I'm going to experience those on a daily basis which hopefully won't be the case."

"Relax Ms. Mayfield. Best case scenario, you get a normal education that most Agents of your age have been desiring in their entire life." Jonathan replied.

"and the Worst case?" Rin asked in a serious tone.

"Hmm, maybe you getting discovered as a boy and branded as a criminal pervert or perhaps dying in an attempt to save my daughter from my enemies." The Headmaster responded to the boy's question.

"Yeah fuck that. I'd prefer the latter choice at any time of the day thank you very much. Dying is so much of a mercy compared to being declared a public perv by the entire female population." The boy answered.

"Hahaha. Oh, and in case you are wondering, the bullies will, of course, be appropriately punished in accordance with the school rules. It seems that the leader of the bullies that you have made an enemy is the daughter of a powerful businessman with many connections. Hence the reason why she acts so arrogantly, even to my daughter. Her name is Erica Von'laden" Jonathan added and Rin nodded gratefully at this information.

"A spoiled girl hiding in her father's name? How cute." Rin said with annoyance.

"Oh dear, would you look at the time." Jonathan said as he looked at his wristwatch. "I believe this is where I part ways. Once again, thank you for defending my daughter and this rather quaint conversation.

Both merely nodded with each other in acknowledgement as Jonathan left Rin to his own devices.


That was indeed a memorable conversation as we finally go back to the present events.

'Since I'm on a weekend, Erendal did say that I could do somethings what teenagers of my age usually do? Shopping? Playing video games? hmmm...'

While he was lost on his thoughts, a knock on the door was heard.

Opening the door, Rin finds a grinning Keana and Meiko in casual attires.

"You, me, and her... Shopping at 3 pm sharp!!!" Keana voiced out in excitement as she pointed respectively at Rin, herself and Meiko.

Rin grinned in response, his eyes lighting up in anticipation at finally able to take part in activities of a normal teenage girl.

Even though he is not one technically.

But hey, who cares? Shopping with two pretty girls could be fun.

The boy-girl beamed in exhilaration as he said-

"Five minutes and I'm ready."