Chapter 12: Shopping or Hell?

Twilight City, the city basked in the glory of moonlight.

It is the royal capital of the Kingdom of Twilight, a city that boasts modern state of the art facilities, towering buildings that rival the likes of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Shanghai Tower in China, excellent accommodations, and breath-taking historical landmarks that have marked the passage of time in the Kingdom's hardest times.

The city is divided into districts and each district has its own purpose of accommodating the people as per their needs.

First is the Half Moon District. It is the place where all residents of most social standing live together inside their houses, ranging from simple villas to extravagant mansions, the latter if they can afford it.

The Gibbous District is the next. This district is the center of religious activities. All religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Shinto, and many more are being practiced here in harmony. The religious sects tend to mind their own business most of the time so a holy outbreak won't be a problem anytime soon. The place houses establishments related to religious worships like churches and temples. Aside from that, it is also a district that caters to the welfare of the needy. It includes orphanages, evacuation centers, community centers, charities and any establishments of similar nature.

Third on the list and unarguably the grandest of all districts is the Full Moon District. It is also known as the Royal District. This is the place where the home of the Royal family, the Lunar Palace is located. Furthermore, this district shares the same function with its Half Moon counterpart but the difference is that only the very rich and privileged, the nobles are allowed to live here. Thus, the district prides its numerous castle-like manors and halls. This is also where the Royal Family handles the state of government affairs, exercising their rights as leaders of the nation. As such, Government establishments and departments are located here close inside so that it can be monitored easily by the Royal family.

The fourth and last district is the New Moon District. Widely known as the Commercial District, this is the center of commerce, trade, entertainment, and technology. This place includes shopping malls, restaurants, gaming hubs, hotels, and many more entertainment establishments to accommodate each citizen's purposes. The area also boasts the most activity as people of every background come here to enjoy the privileges being offered. Academic Institutions are also part of this district but located in a somewhat isolated manner to cause less distraction to the students in their studies.

And here in the New Moon District is where we find our familiar trio of Rosemary students enjoying the sights that are drawn to them.

The three girls... well two girls and a boy in drag are now seen in their respective casual attire.

Keana is shown to be wearing a loose short-sleeved white blouse that compliments well with her well-endowed figure and a blue chino shorts that emphasize her pair of shapely legs. Her footwear includes a pair of light-blue platform sandals.

Meiko in her petite glory is clad in a blue pinafore dress, a collarless, strapless dress with medium-sized straps on the shoulder. Underneath it is a pink long-sleeved shirt. Her footwear consists of a pair of caramel-colored thong sandals. Overall, the whole outfit definitely accentuates her cuteness.

And Rin... the Agent is definitely unamused by what he is wearing right now.

'Fucking Chameleon, I swear to God that the clothes that she has prepared for me are too... girlish for my liking. Why the heck she didn't pick anything that is unisex damn it!!' Rin screamed in frustration mentally.

Meanwhile in the Brotherhood, a certain Chameleon suddenly sneezed while doing her make-up disguising sessions to one of the female agents, causing snot at a good portion of the latter's hair. The female agent was displeased by this as evident by her intense glare and Chameleon frantically apologized as she hurriedly washed off the affected part covered with disgusting nasal mucus.

Going back to Rin, the blue-haired boy-girl merely shook his head off in annoyance as he is shown to be wearing a black denim jacket with its sleeves folded neatly. Covering it is a sleeveless short blue blouse exposing her slim belly. She also wears a blue flared type jeans with a pair of blue-white sneakers.

'Well, this outfit is the most reasonable one that is packed. The jacket covers most of my figure and the long jeans expose no skin in the bottom.' Rin thought with a sigh as the three was seen walking around the streets of the district.

Eyes ogling his two companions, Rin could not help but grin perversely as Chibi Angel Rin and Chibi Devil Rin, mental manifestations of his started appearing, both of them in each side of his shoulders respectively.

'Well, would you look at that!! Two hot babes at our very reach. One a voluptuous honey with a curvaceous figure!!! Oh, I'm loving every second of it!!!' Devil Rin cackled as his chibi devil wings flutter in perverted excitement.

'Yes and not to mention a very big and bright 'future' bestowed on such a gifted girl. God the Father is truly benevolent on us all for such a glorious sight.' Angel Rin said with a soothing voice, his hands joined together as he nodded alongside his Devil partner.

Rin sweatdrop at his Angel's antics.

A perverted Angel indeed.

'Hehehe AMEN to that brother... AW!!!!" Devil Rin at that moment forgot that he is a devil as he clutches his head in pain at saying the holy word.

Angel Rin chuckled at his brother's predicament and his attention turned to the other girl, Meiko. "Now this girl, her form truly befits like the singing Angels of Heaven praising God the Father. Such beauty with so much potential. She may not possess the glorious.... 'personality' as compared to the other girl but it does not make her any less unattractive at all. Meiko possesses the adorable trait which considerably augments the moe factor in her."

Devil Rin grinned madly in response, his eyes now also glued at the Orange-haired beauty. "Yes, brother. Big boobs are spectacular indeed but none can also argue the subtle attractiveness found in a cute girl lacking the chest."

Both manifestations and the host himself nodded in perfect synchronization as they giggled like school girls. The two girls beside Rin could only tilted their heads in confusion at seeing his goofy antics.


Rin in all his years as a Master Agent, the Perfect Killer, the Spy with a 99.8% success rate in all his missions, he has found a worthy adversary.

An enemy so powerful that even Rin himself is not sure if he could last even a minute against such ruthless antagonist.

A being with immense capacity, so cruel that it has tested every fiber of his patience to the limits.

And that being is-

"Hey, Rina why don't you try this one next?" Keana grinned playfully as she presented another one out of the many outfits to be tried to the blue-haired boy-girl as the trio now found themselves inside a boutique in one of the shopping malls they entered.

'Fucking Shopping, if you were human, I would screw you in million ways imaginable before inevitably stabbing you in the ass for putting me in such torment!!!' Rin cried mentally as he begged the violet-haired girl to stop but the latter insisted until they find the perfect dress for a blue-haired beauty such as her.

"Can't rush perfection, my dear Rina. All of the clothes that you have tried on seemed to be lacking a certain element that I'm not sure I can point out." Keana stroked her chin like a hermit full of wisdom, eyeing every dress with a calculative gaze in her vicinity.

'Maybe its because I'm a genuine male of the human species, the element that you can't point out!!!!' The blue-haired boy thought in irritation.

Rin twitches in annoyance, his attire now consisted of a blue sleeved A-line dress that seemed to heighten his feminine features, looking rather lovely on the boy.

But still, Keana was not yet contented, a frown still forming on her face.

"Damn it Keana, this is like what... the 18th dress that I have already tried!!! Give me a break." Rin groaned in annoyance.

Meiko who was on the sidelines chuckled on her two friends' quite comedic interaction.

Keana then looked at the Rin, the latter's eyes with desperation as it pleads to get off from this hellish torture.

With a sigh, Keana said "Sheesh fine, fine. I guess there's no such thing as perfection and perhaps got a little bit too overboard at my obsession with clothes tehee~"

As Rin breath a sigh of relief, the fiasco finally over, Meiko simply smiled and she wandered off a bit not too far from them, also looking for an attire that might get her attention.

Meiko's eyes were suddenly glued on a beautiful red sheath dress and her jaw drop in reflex at such wonderful design.

Although, her hopes of buying such eye-catching attire were immediately shot down to the ground as she saw the price tag beside it, her expression turning lifeless in an instant.

"Excuse me, are you going to take that?" a girl smiling brightly suddenly appeared beside Meiko as she asked in a bubbly, cheerful manner and pointed the outfit that Meiko has been eyeing at.

"Oh sure. Don't let me stop you." Meiko gave way to the lively girl as the latter happily took the clothes off the rack and left while skipping forth merrily.

'Wow, she is very pretty and must be loaded too. How I envy her.'

Eyes merely stared at the retreating form of a pony-tailed redhead, chirping happily as she went to the cashier for payment.


In the Full Moon District, a glorious, massive mansion was witnessed for all to marvel. In fact, this mansion towers most of the other rich folk's houses in the district, with the exception of the Lunar Palace of course.

Said five-story building is surrounded by an aesthetic garden, flowers of every color and sizes bloom in its evergreen grass.

A large black gate served as its entrance, connected by huge walls that effectively borders the mansion from outside forces.

Inside the mansion, on the very 5th floor, Kana Erendal wearing her pajamas was seen at the balcony of her room, eyeing the horizon deep within as she was lost on her thoughts with a stoic look on her pretty face.

'That man, the one who saved me a few nights back. I still wonder who he is?'

Kana sighed under her breath, the wind blowing as it flew right on her long flowing hair.

'I tried asking father but he told me that he knows nothing about it'

The girl's face turns grim, her expression on a state of distress and... resentment.

Resentment to her status as the heiress of Erendal Incorporated, people only eyeing her as a tool to further their grand schemes to power.

Resentment to the fools who only see her as nothing but the Erendal name, people bathing in their fake personality as they throw flowery words and half-hearted compliments as an effort to gain her favor.

Resentment to power-hungry snakes, to arrogant fools, their pathetic endeavors to rise up their social standing.

Resentment to liars.

Resentment to her father...

'My father... why did he lie to me? And in fact...'

The brown-haired girl sighed as she leaned her face against the handrail, her eyes turning cold like the bitter frost.

Memories of that night invaded her thoughts, the scene... it was all too clear, too lucid as she remembered everything all too well.

From the boy's black catsuit as he murdered her perpetrators in cold justice to the boy's encounter with another man...

A man clad in a black suit with a black cloak, and a black fedora hat.

A man she knows too well...

Her father.

Turns out, Kana Erendal is quite a shrewd girl, actually recovering only a few minutes prior to her actual fainting but decided not to reveal herself being conscious during the incident.

As such, she was able to witness the whole scene, how the boy shows mastery with the katana and her father casually turning the tables to his favor as the latter disarmed the former and used the weapon against the boy.

In that very incident, she was only able to discern one thing out of it as she faced the sky, an expression with a bit of intrigue as a smile involuntarily crept on her lovely face.

'Who are you... Rin Grayson?'