Chapter 21: Aftermath!!

"Twilight Police!!!"

As the terror of the Mad Jester, Reginald Cruz finally reached its conclusion, the police force inside the mall, led by one Lt. Henders Alexia now accompanied by numerous police was seen entering the Administration Office.

Expecting to confront the leader of the Phantom Coffin himself, they did not expect even at the slightest at the bloody scene that greeted them in their very eyes.

Furthermore, they saw the crown princess alone in the Office waving at them cheerfully as she smiled in a frisky manner as befitting of royalty while sitting on a sofa with her legs are crossed.

"Hello esteemed police." The princess greets them.

The police force was dumbfounded to say the least. All of their enemies, now a pile of corpses on their feet. Inspecting even further, their surprise has snowball at the greatest level upon seeing the dead body of the Crime lord himself.

"Is that?" Henders could not help wonder, her flabbergasted expression eyeing at the familiar figure of the Mad Jester, now deceased right in front of her.

"Reginald Cruz, the Mad Jester, Crime Lord and Head of the Phantom Coffin. Yes, you are not hallucinating officer. He is indeed as good as dead." The princess answered with a giggle at the funny looks that the police have been giving to the dead body.

"O-of course your highness." Henders stuttered but immediately regain her composure as befitted for an officer. "May I ask what exactly happens here your highness? It is unbelievable that one of the Major Crime Lords of the Underworld has met his demise in this rather unique situation."

"Hmm." The princess stroked her chin. "Let's just say I have friends in the shadows creeping around willing to protect my very being at all cost. I'm here safe and sound. That's all that matters right Lieutenant?"

The blonde officer merely nodded with the utmost respect as the princess indeed speaks the truth. She is finally away from the danger that has transpired just a few moments ago and priority dictates that the princess should be transferred away in case the aftermath of the attack might occur.

"Yes princess." Henders replied and turned her attention to her men. "Alright men!! I want you to patrol around should any of those goons are remaining. I will personally accompany her highness away going outside."

"Yes ma'am!!" The police saluted as they proceeded to do their assigned task.

"And did someone already get some medical attention for Sergeant Oliver already?"

"Affirmative ma'am." One police answered. "He's already on his way to the hospital as we speak."

"Good" Henders nodded in satisfaction, breathing a sigh of relief that her direct subordinate is in safe hands.

'Still.' She could not help but think. 'Where did that recruit go. I hope she was not among the casualties. She may be clumsy but I feel that she shows extreme promise.'

Afterward, Henders respectfully gestured for the Princess to hold her hands which the latter simply did so.

As she was walking alongside the Blonde Police Lieutenant, her thoughts wander at the pair of Agents, an intriguing smile forming on her cute face.


"Breaking news!!!" the same female news reporter, Lavender Blossoms is now seen on the camera delivering the news of the aftermath of the hostile takeover of the shopping mall. "This is Stellar News reporting live as we are once again here at the New Moon District of Twilight City. The police have accomplished their task of rescuing the crown princess from the clutches of the Mad Jester, Reginald Cruz who have paid the price with his death. Furthermore, they also manage to retrieve the hostages inside and are finally safe from the terrorist menace. We are now going to get the final statement from the T.P.D. head, Police Colonel William Rogers to brief and clarify us about the current situation."

Once more, the mic was positioned at William's mouth. "Thank you Ms. Blossoms. Indeed the peril that Reginald Cruz has inflicted upon the good citizens of Twilight is finally over. He was indeed shot in the head, a fitting execution for a criminal who has committed multiple atrocities in this good country of ours. Of course, it was not our intention to do so as he was supposed to be captured and sentenced to trial as per the law but his death was unavoidable, a price that must be paid for the safety of her royal highness, the princess herself."

"I see. So where is our beloved majesty at this very moment?" Lavender asked.

"She is being escorted back to the royal palace and will not face any of the media for she needs a rest from the incident that has transpired upon her." William responded.

"Very well." Lavender nodded and faced the camera. "There you have it folks. The official statement from the Police head himself. Now we are going to interview some of the hostages that-"

The television was turned off as the scene was shifted in an unknown location.

Three mysterious figures, their faces, and features clad in shadows as their expression assumed a frown upon hearing the news.

"So, that fool Reginald finally gets what he deserved. I have expected that his recklessness and arrogance will be his undoing." A man's voice was heard, his tone filled with power that could shake the weakest of wills.

"Oh cheer up you dog. With his death, the rest of the Phantom Coffin is currently in turmoil. With their leader down, an open opportunity is presented as they fight with one another on who will succeed the Phantom Coffin. We can use this chance to finally bring those pathetic jesters down like the pigs they are." Another one, also the voice of a man replied.

"Perhaps." The previous man answered and both of them eyed at the third person, the one who has not spoken yet. "What's your input on this, sir?"

The third man in question pondered, stroking his chin as he thought analytically like a true strategist. "The Phantom Coffin. I admit that their organization is impressive, having an arsenal of contacts and connections that brought them to the top. But the real reason why it was feared as one of the top three powers of the Underworld is because of how Reginald handled the organization. His calculative mind and cunning tricks rose them to heights unimaginable. With him out of the picture, the Phantom Coffin is nothing more than a gang of mindless brutes. So yes, we will strike the body while the head is gone."

Both men nodded at the third man's decision, a villainous smile forming on their shadowed faces.


Somewhere outside in a secluded area, Rin and Chameleon were seen together in an alleyway near the shopping mall, the former still being carried bridal style by the latter.

"Damn it Chameleon put me down!!" Rin comically scolded the pink-haired agent.

"But you are injured Ant. Can't have you dying on me right?" Chameleon teased her blue-haired fellow spy. Then her tone shifted to concern as she added. "Besides we still have to treat those injuries and you're still bleeding."

Rin indeed was still sporting the gunshot wound he received from the now deceased Reginald. Although currently bandaged, the excruciating pain gave him the unneeded discomfort as he grit his teeth.

"I, I'm fine really." Rin answered softly. "But I need to come back to them."

"Hmm?" Chameleon eyed Rin confusingly.

"Meiko and Keana." Rin told his new friends' names. "They're my new friends from school and they must be worried about me after the stunt I pulled out in the café to protect Keana. I must go to them."

"You self-serving idiot!!" Chameleon was now seen frowning, not liking a bit at what Rin was saying. "Are you even listening to yourself!? Before worrying about others, worry about yourself first!! That gunshot in your shoulder is no joke and you are not yet off the hook from the bleeding and not to mention the exhaustion that you must be experiencing from fighting off multiple terrorists at once!!!"

Rin's eyes widen a bit, feeling a bit guilty at now seeing Chameleon's eyes filled with sincere and genuine tears of concern.

But still, he must not falter, in an act of kind gesture, Rin without warning gave Chameleon a hug much to the girl's surprise.

"Thank you Chameleon." Rin smiled at the pink-haired girl. "No… Thank you, Hannie, No one has shown much genuine concern for me as much as you do."

Chameleon… Hannie felt a warm fuzzy feeling growing on her chest like she wants this experience to last forever without end as she finds herself wrapping her arms unconsciously around the boy's body.

"But those two just like you are dear precious friends that I made memories with despite the very short time that we know each other. I care about them just as much as I care about you. Please try and understand Hannie." Rin pleaded his pink-haired friend to see reason.

Hannie's face turned bright tomato at seeing the look of determination and the truth filled in the crimson red eyes of the blue-haired agent.

The girl could only sigh, smiling as this indeed is the Rin that she has known ever since they were kids. "Fine you idiot. Go to them. And in the future, introduce them to me will you?"

Rin grins brightly in response, his energy suddenly just renewed as he patted Hannie's head with affection just how someone pets a cat. "Sure, if the situation and time permits!!"

After releasing themselves of the hug, Rin walked to the direction of the shopping mall as he gave Hannie a hand wave.

"Idiot Rin." Chameleon, known by few as Hannie could only smile with a blush on her face.


"Phew thank God that's over."

"If it was not for the Twilight Police then we would have been goners!!"

"Serves Reginald right for making us experience something that traumatic!!"

"Haha I guess this something to tell the grandkids on the campfire in the future!!"

Those were the lines that can be heard from the hostages as they were interviewed.

Some felt only relief that the terror is finally over.

Some still felt the after-effects of such tragedy, a possible case of Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD in their hands.

Some praised with joy that they were able to survive and live another day.

And some just feel… terrible, sorrow, anguish.

Meiko and Keana were seen at the corner, their expressions with the mixture of the ones mentioned earlier for their friend who has still gone missing.

"Where…where's Rina?" Keana could only look in horror, not even finding even a single trace of the signature blue hair on the crowd.

"I, I'm not sure anymore." Even Meiko is now feeling extremely down the ropes, her initial faith of their blue-haired friend plummeting down to the drain.

They tried asking around the crowd for her but all their efforts are in vain as they all received the same answer of no.

"No, it can't be…" Keana fell on her knees as tears started to fall from her amber-colored eyes.

"Keana…" Meiko uttered.

"I failed her!!! I failed Rina!!! I should have been the one who was taken away but I pussied out!!!" Keana was punching the ground in frustration.


"I'm such a pathetic wimp!!! I don't deserve to be here!!! It should be Rina who should be standing and safe instead of me!!!"


"Damn it!!!! Am I feeling so much in hell that I'm hallucinating her in front of me right at this very moment!!!?"


"I must atone, in memory of Rina I-"

"KEANA!!!!!" Meiko had enough as she screamed her lungs out for the violet-haired to snap in reality and pointed fingers. "She's right over here!!! See!!! Right in the flesh!!!"

"Uh… is this the wrong time?" Rin in his girlish glory tilted his head in confusion and slight amusement at seeing their baffled expressions.

Without any moment wasted, Both girls immediately dashed straight at the blue-haired beauty, locking him in a tight hug like they don't ever want to let go.

"RINA!!!!" The girls shouted with extreme joy at seeing their friend safe and sound.

"Sheesh." Rin smiled sheepishly. "Did I worry you girls too much? I'm fine really."

"W-what happen? I thought that you were… you know." Meiko curiously questioned him.

"Hahaha it was nothing. I kick him in the nuts and run away from him by using another exit. Then I just hide in the bathroom until the commotion was over." Rin replied.

"I, I'm so sorry Rina!!! I should have been the one, I should have-" Keana was not given the chance to finish what she was about to say as Rin covered her mouth.

"I did not regret my actions earlier Keana." Rin gave a comforting smile. "It was my very own decision so don't antagonize yourself."

"Rina…" Keana's eyes twinkled in admiration, looking at him in a new light.

"Ahhh that was a freaking long day right girls!?" Rin grinned cheerfully but then his vision suddenly turn blurry, the sight of the world slowly turning against him. "Sorry girls, but let me just… have a nice long rest."

And just like that, Rin fainted on the spot due to the blood loss and pain that he has been tolerating until now.

"RINA!!!" The girls shouted at their unconscious friend in concern as they called for help and medics immediately came to the rescue.

From a considerable distance, Chameleon could only look at the scene with a warm smile, touched at what she witnessed.

'So Rin's got dear new friends. Good for him' The pink-haired girl thought.

"Ah now that's what you call heartwarming!!! All's well that ends well!!!" Hannie grinned as she stretched her arms.

"Not exactly." A familiar, menacing voice was heard from behind as Hannie was now sweating profusely as she turns her back.

"H-hello Lt. Henders ma'am!!! F-fancy meeting you here." Hannie grinned nervously as she stuttered on her speech.

Henders' response was only a solid look of utter displease, twitching in annoyance as she pulled the pink-haired girl's ear and drag her to the police car. "It seems that you need more discipline recruit!! You may show promise but you lack control!! Oh I'll certainly make a true police out of you!!!"

"NOOO!!!" Hannie cried comically and the people who witnessed could only sweatdrop at the scene, only shaking their heads with pity.