Chapter 22: What the hell Doc?!

"This sucks..."

In a huge glamorous hallway, a grand dining hall was witnessed, a place only fitting for rich nobility as they partake in the privileges of life's greatest impulse.

A luxurious dining table filled with delicious dishes prepared by the finest chefs in all of the land was laid, ready to be feasted only by the most prosperous of individuals.

Although in this rather peculiar setting, only one person is seen at the table, twirling his soup as he laid his hands on his chin with an unamused expression.

Here we witness a very young child with messy silver hair brooding as he eyed his meal, a sour look on his baby face like the world has abandoned him without care.

"What an uneventful day." The child muttered under his breath. "Wil is such a killjoy for finding me in the fields and bringing me back to the house. Now I have to spend the whole day here, lock in this prison that commoners call a palace."

The child gave an unmotivated yawn, he then left the premises, having had enough of the sumptuous selection of the food being presented before him at the table.

"Mother." The child's voice was filled with a little mixture of hurt and resentment. "She always doesn't have the time for us, spending hours on that accursed office of hers and attending meetings and stuff."

As the child was walking around the grand hallway, both hands inside his pockets, an old man was seen wearing a black tuxedo coat with tails, a white shirt with a panel front and a black bow tie, black pants and a pair of black dress shoes. Said man upon seeing the young boy bow down with utmost respect and grace.

"Ah young master how goes the meal?" The old man, a butler asked the child with a genuine tone of concern for his liege.

"It shall… suffice Wil." The young child replied with a forced nod as he assumed a sour look.

"You sound dissatisfied young master. "The butler raised his eyebrow with interest.

"Stupid chefs." The child pouted childishly. "I find the logic of cooking and preparing a lavish 4-course meal rather revolting. Why can't they just prepare something simple? Like Cheeseburgers or maybe a Bacon sandwich just like what those commoners fill themselves in their bellies."

"Oh goodness gracious young master!!" The butler sounded a bit horrified. "Such meals are not suited as befitting of someone like yourself with such an esteemed status. I'm sure the kitchen staff only upholds their service to the best of their abilities and only wants what is truly deserving for you."

"Tsk. Whatever." The child clicked his tongue with annoyance. Then his expression softens a bit as he asked. "Where's my little sister?"

"Ah. The young lady." The butler nodded. "I believe that she's right over-"

"Big Brother!!!"

On cue, a young female child, 3 years of age, was seen running at the two males' direction. She has short silver hair like her brother that only reached in her shoulders. Her eyes, crimson red like the rest of the family and she is wearing a white mini gown with a pair of flip-flop sandals of the same color.

The girl bounces merrily as she jumps and tackled her brother with a loving embrace.

"Woah slow down pipsqueak!!" The boy managed to catch his younger sister as he returns the heartwarming gesture.

The butler eyed the touching scene with a smile as he looked at his two young wards.

The girl glared her brother but the latter finding it only cute just chuckled in response.

"I'm not a pipshkwik!! I'm still growing!!" The girl released herself from her brother's grasp and stomp her foot in indignation.

"Hahaha!!" The boy laughed at the young girl's mispronunciation as he patted his sister's hair with affection. "Yep, a pipsqueak indeed. So what do you want to play today?"

The sister's expression immediately brightens, now eager to spend quality time with her loving brother. "How about a tea party at my room Big Brother!!! I have invited Mr. Twinkles and Ms. Gumberry and they are very thrilled to have one with us!!!"

"Alright Little sis." The boy grinned as he playfully lifted the young girl to carry her. "To the room then!!"

"Yay!!! You're the best big brother!!!" The sister shouted with undeniable happiness as the young boy now run going to her room.


"Ugh my fucking head..."

The first thing that Rin Grayson witness upon opening his crimson red eyes is the white ceiling as he laid down upon a comfortable bed.

Wearing a hospital gown and with his wig on, the boy in his Rina disguise noticed that his arm is strapped by an IV meaning that he is indeed confined inside a hospital room.

"Good you are finally awake." A man's voice was heard from Rin's side.

Shifting his head in the said direction, It was Jonathan Erendal, the Headmaster who greeted the Agent with a smile as he was seen sitting on a chair.

"Erendal?" Rin's eyes widen in confusion. "What are you doing here and how long was I out?"

"To visit one of my cute students obviously and two days." Jonathan grinned playfully.

"Right..." Rin replied with a sweat drop, a look of disbelief on his face. "Really, what are you doing here? And two days? Man that incident sure took a toll on me."

Jonathan chuckled. "Relax Rin. As the Headmaster and a former agent, I'm indeed concerned about your well-being. That and an agent here in this hospital called Lion in which, she called me."

"An agent in the hospital." Rin assumed a serious look.

"Of course. We have agents scattered in every organization throughout the globe. The Hospital, the police, the military… you are very lucky that your pink-haired friend, Chameleon immediately called one of the agents assigned here so that the agent, also a certified doctor can personally administer your recovery without risking your identity." Jonathan answered as he stood up from his seat. "Oh look, she's here."

Indeed, a woman wearing a lab coat was shown to be arriving at the scene. Beneath her lab coat is a pink collared button-down shirt that generously reveals her ample cleavage with a black skirt that greatly emphasizes her shapely legs that are covered with black stockings. She has long flowing radiant white hair fitting for a beautiful goddess such as herself. Her voluptuous body coupled with a pair of magnificent breasts would force every man in the vicinity to glue their hormonal eyes on her. How she walks can only be mistaken as a seductive sway, her hips shaking like how a fashion model walks in the stage, ready to take on as the audience feasts on the fiber of her every beauty.

'What the hell?!' Rin thought as his face reddens with a deep blush. 'If I did not know any better, then I thought that she is a gravure model, not a doctor!!! What's with these beautiful women that I'm meeting these days!?"

"So the patient is finally awake." The Doctor purred with anticipation, her voice sounding husky that seemingly sends a chill on the boy's system. "And a cute one too. I thought that you are really a woman at first glance."

'Damn she's freaking hot!!!' Rin was seen to be sweating nervously at the Doctor's rather sensual actions.

The Doctor noticed the boy's flustered expression and could not help but chuckle at his expression. "Liking what you see Agent?"

"W-well, you are indeed beautiful Doc." Rin could only say as he stuttered like the virgin he is.

"Why thank you Agent. Not many are bold enough to compliment straight at my face." The Doctor giggled cutely and then she introduced herself. "By the way, my name is Doctor Serana Rosa, Code name: Rabbit of the Dusk Branch. You may call me Serana or Doc if you wish."

"Rin Grayson, Code name: Ant of the Dawn Branch. My pleasure Doctor Serana." The boy acknowledges the introduction with the same gesture as he nodded.

Serana then looked at the boy's medical files on her hand. "Hmm, it says here that you are going to be absolutely fine but you need at least a week of rest before making a full recovery."

"A week?" Rin frowned at the prospect of being occupied in the hospital bed for a significant amount of time. "I'm feeling alright Doc!! Isn't two days is already enough? In fact, I'm so much in good shape that I can-"

"Are you questioning the Doctor's orders Agent?" The Doctor smiled, a smile that can scare the shit even the strongest of men as a demonic entity seemed to appear from behind, ready to kill anyone that even dare to disobey her.

"N-no ma'am." Rin whimpered in his bed, not wanting to question the scary hot lady doctor in front of him.

"Good." The Doctor was back on her usual giddy smile.

The Headmaster from the side chuckled at the funny scene being played in front of him.

"Still..." Rin could not help but consult with Jonathan. "If I'm to be gone for a week, then what about my mission with your daughter?"

"Oh don't put yourself in a worry Rin." Jonathan smiled. "I'm not that heartless in forcing you in a mission after you have just recently woke up from. I'll handle things from here for now and double my vigilance in protecting her while contributing workload as the Headmaster of Rosemary."

"Alright, if you say so." Rin nodded.

"Seems that you are fine and all, I guess I'll be taking my leave." The Headmaster said as he approached the door. Jonathan then opens it and before he proceeds his exit, he turns around to face Rin with a smirk. "By the way, Rina it seems that you have some lovely young girls here to visit you."


On cue, two familiar girls of Rosemary now wearing the school uniform dashed forth, suddenly appearing at Rin's side with a look of extreme relief at the blue-haired beauty now being conscious.

"Meiko, Keana..." Rin smiled at the welcome presence of his two friends.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!!!" Meiko almost cried as she hugged the patient. "You had us very worried when you fainted off just like that."

"What Meiko said." Keana scratched her cheeks sheepishly. "Still, we're very glad that you are okay Rina."

"Yeah, me too." Rin said as he mentally breathes a sigh of relief at Keana who seemed to be now in high spirits and have gotten over with her self-blame.

"Well, well." Serana commented with a sly smirk coming from her red luscious lips. "I did not know that you are a playgirl, Rina Mayfield."

"Give me a break Doc." Rin looks at her with a deadpan.

As this commotion was ongoing, they were not able to notice another one entering the room. The new visitor cleared her throat to make herself known.

"Kana." Rin and the others eyed the brown-haired heiress, the latter also wearing the school uniform and was seen carrying a basket full of assortments of fruits.

"Hi Rina." Kana smiled as she approached Rin. "I heard from Father and the girls about the incident. I hope that you get well soon."

"I appreciate the concern. Thanks." Rin grinned as Kana put the fruit basket beside him on a desk.

"So when are you going back to school?" Kana asked her classmate.

"One week." Rin responded.

"That seemed awfully long." Keana commented from the sidelines.

"It is necessary though." Serana answered as the girls' attention shifted directly to the beautiful doctor as Serana spoke with a professional tone like the doctor that she truly is. "Aside from the physical aspects as we are seeing her injuries in this instance, the poor girl must have also suffered from the emotional trauma that has happened in the hostage incident"

"Emotional??? Huh?" Rin tilted his head in great confusion.

Rin cried mentally at what the Doctor is telling them.

'What the heck doc?! I'm a freaking Agent, A true born killer of the shadows who feels no goddamn emotions when shedding blood and murder, and you are telling them that I'm emotionally traumatized just because of some annoying terrorists which I disregarded like the worms they are?!'

Still, he had no choice but to go with this story, a rather convincing cover as evident by his friends nodding with understanding.

"Yes." Serana cried comically as she hugged Rin on his head, letting him feel those glorious mounds of flesh much to his delight. "The poor girl must also undergo therapy sessions to cope up with the incident and to determine her mental state. This here is for her own good after all.

Rin tried his utmost best not to cough blood at the bullshit that the Doctor is feeding them.

"Of, of course." Keana's face was filled with sadness. "After that man tried to…. make his way with you then I suppose you need all the therapy that you can get."

"Oh Rina!!" Meiko said with anguish. "If there's anything we can do to ease your pain, then don't hesitate to tell us alright?"

"S-sure." Rin sweatdrop. "I appreciate the gesture."

"A rapist huh." They all saw Kana brooding as her expression dark and gloomy. "I heard it from the girls. Did… did someone save you from the attempt?"

"No." Rin answered. "Just like I said to them, I kick the guy's nuts and made my escape. Then I hid inside the bathroom until the incident is finally over."

"I see..." Kana sounded… disappointed? And the expression was not gone unnoticed by Rin who seemed to wonder what was that all about.

The Doctor clapped loudly "Alright ladies!! I'm sure you want to catch up and talk to Rina and all but visiting hours are officially over."

The girls could only groan with discontentment.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a week!! I promise!!!" Rin grinned.

"Fine." Meiko answered. "See you in a week Rina!!!"

"Bye Rina. We are so going to have another slumber party when you get back!!" Keana waved her hands at the blue-haired beauty.

"Get well soon!!" Kana smiled sweetly as they finally left the room.

Afterward, Rin could only look at the Doctor with an unamused look.

"Really Doc? Emotional?"

"Ehehehe, An Agent has got to do what an Agent has got to do right?"

"Tsk." Rin could only click his tongue in annoyance, his thoughts turning to the future ahead.

In one week, Rina Mayfield is back, that's a promise of a lifetime!!!


"Big Brother..."

A certain girl looks at the window, her expression filled with sadness as she eyed the bright moon that basks in its glorious twilight.

"I will find you, even if it means defying her..."

VOLUME 1 END: Rina Mayfield!!!