Chapter 28: The Princess and the Crane!!

Rin Grayson could only stare in awe and astonishment at the crown princess herself right before his very eyes once more.

Sure after the incident, the agent with blue hair realized that this was the same silver-haired girl that he first met in the past week during the time where he was so much in a hurry for P.E. period that he disregarded the presence of her very highness herself as if he treated her like a common civilian just like anyone else.

Oh boy, he sure hopes that he was by no means in trouble for taking no notice of the princess's significant royal status.

Although the feeling of guilt inside his system was of no matter at this very moment as his eyes then widens at the mere fact that the princess herself is inside the Student Council Room.

"So..." Rin could not help but ask. "You are the Student Council President of this Academy."

The princess smiled in response, nodding with satisfaction. "How perceptive of you Rin Grayson. The look on your face when you act all shock and bewildered by my presence is definitely worth the see."

"How disrespectful!!!"

All of the office's occupants turned their attention to the Agent on the ground as the female struggled to get up on her feet but still managed to look at Rin with a venomous expression.

"How dare address her highness with such a familiar tone!! You did not even refer her title in your last statement!! Such a deviant act must not be tolerated!!"


"Aw!!!" The Agent cried comically in pain as the princess chop the Agent's head with an unamused look on her pretty face.

"That's quite alright Crane." The princess then smiled as she revealed the Agent's code name to Rin. "To be pretty honest, I'm not exactly fond of all the formalities and stuff. I only save it when it is for official royal business purposes and this here is merely a form of welcoming gesture for our new student here."

The princess then eyed Rin, her smile not diminishing one bit as she bowed down curtsy just like a true princess of the Kingdom.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly Rin Grayson." The silver-haired girl held her skirt proudly as her demeanor holds of high dignity in every aspect as what a true royalty would show to her beloved subjects. "My name is Riana Constantine Lunaria, Crowned princess and next in line to the throne of the Kingdom of Twilight, and also your beloved Student Council Princess."

Rin was definitely amazed by how the princess act with grace and elegance right in his very eyes, standing as he admires her every action.

"R-right." Rin snapped out of his thoughts about the princess as he returns the gesture with the same act of respect. "My name is Rin Grayson, Code name: Ant of the B.S.S. Dawn Branch. I'm currently on undercover as a female student of Rosemary Academy who goes by the name of Rina Mayfield as I'm assigned by the Dawn Branch to protect a student who goes by the name of Kana Erendal, the daughter of the Headmaster himself. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance your highness."


Rin looked at the silver-haired girl in confusion as she giggled in response.

"Call me Riana." The Princess said much to the shock of the blue-haired beauty. "As I said earlier, I'm not one for formalities except in the line of business. I believe that we can be great friends outside on the field of our expertise… Rin."

Rin could only smile sheepishly at how the Princess who seemed to be acting very friendly towards him.

But seeing no harm as it is technically an order from her highness herself so Rin did so.

"Of course Prin-… Riana." Rin grinned, now acting all familiar with the princess.

The Agent, Crane could only stare in shock, mouth agape at the interaction between a perverted crossdresser as what she perceived to the blue-haired boy and her gracious liege, the one she has sworn fealty to her death.

Meanwhile the old butler, Wilfred made his presence known for the princess to see as the latter acknowledge him with a smile.

"Very well, Riana." Rin continued the conversation, his tone a bit unnerving but nothing scary as to not offend the princess in any sort of way. "What was that all about? And who is this Agent trying to murder me the moment I step foot inside of this office?"

"Oh right my bad." Riana acknowledged her faults as she shook her head in response. "Forgive me Rin, but I could not help but to test how you fare against my personal Agent, Agent Crane of the Twilight Branch herself. That and she seemed to have a bone to pick with you~"

Rin's head then faced against Crane, his face gesturing for the latter to give her very own explanation.

"Fine." Crane gritted her teeth. "It all started one week ago during the day of the hostage incident when her highness herself suddenly left her quarters without me knowing."

"Yep~" Riana grinned from the sidelines.

"I see..." Rin could only stare deadpan.

"I thought that she was just sleeping inside her bedroom, the bed seemed occupied but it was actually a hotdog pillow in which her highness wrapped with a blanket to fool me."

"Huh, nice." Rin commented as the Princess giggled.

"Anyways." Crane continued her story. "I was devastated when I heard that the princess was kidnaped on television. So I hurriedly made my action in order to save the princess but the Shadow stop me."

"Shadow huh." Rin frowned a bit at saying the title of the overall head of the entire Brotherhood.

"Apparently as punishment for my incompetence and inattentiveness to guard her highness at all times, an Agent from the Dawn Branch was sent instead of me." Crane said as she now eyed Rin with resentment.

"Uh, you do know that I'm not the one who was officially assigned at that mission right? It was another agent who technically saved her highness."

"Yes." Crane nodded. "But it does not change the fact that you are still involved in her highness's rescue. Agent Chameleon may be the one who was officially sent but it was also through the efforts of Agent Ant and an Assassin from the Underworld that led to her highness's safety. Look, don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for saving her but..."

Crane was suddenly on tears, her voice hanging on the edge of despair.

"That mission reminded me of my incompetence, my failure as an Agent." Crane said as she was on self-pity and was on her knees. "I, I should perhaps apologize Agent Ant. I guess I'm not fitted as an Agent of the Brotherhood after all."

Rin could only shake his head as he approached Crane and offered her a hand.

"Idiot." Rin gave a reassuring smile. "We all fail Agent. Tiger, Lion, Chameleon, Shadow, heck even me. The only way we can atone for our failures is by learning from it and covering them with layers of success in the future. I'm not exactly good with words but I can feel that your intentions as her highness's protector are legit and pure, bordering friendship perhaps. Even Riana feels the same way, right?"

Rin turned to look at the Princess, the latter smiling with a nod.

"Of course Crane." Riana smiled in an assuring manner. "Why do you even think that you are still here beside me in the first place. I had every chance of firing you the moment I came back from the incident but I didn't. It was also a fault in my part for being an excited child just because a rare anime figurine just got released in that particular mall. For that, I sincerely apologize."

"Princess..." Crane looked at her liege like she is some sort of a merciful Goddess.

"I told you many times before Crane." Riana twitch in utter annoyance. "Just like what Rin here refers me, you may also call me Riana."

"But, that sounds very disrespectful your highness!!" Crane gasped in horror.

"And you are being very disrespectful by not following my very specific instructions." Riana retorted with a sly smirk. "Or perhaps you want another night in the dungeons now are we?~"

"Yes Riana!!!" Crane said as she shivered in terror at the mention of the last sentence.

Rin could only smile warmly at the scene in front of him. A Princess and her bodyguard being friends? Huh, What a nice world that we are living in today.

"I'm very sorry for the drama that we displayed Rin Grayson." Riana smiled at the blue-haired boy. "If there is nothing else, then you may take your leave. If you have any inquiries for me or the Student Council, you may call good old Wilfred here so that we can cater to your needs."

The Butler nodded in acknowledgment with a smile.

"Uh… Thanks I guess." Rin nodded as he smiled awkwardly, and wait is that really all as to why he was called here?

"Oh I almost forgot Rin Grayson." Riana smiled as she kissed the boy right on his right cheek, the latter now sporting a small blush on his feminine face.

"I officially welcome you to Rosemary Academy, Rina Mayfield~"