Chapter 29: Resurface!!

Kana Erendal could only look at her classmate Rina Mayfield with a confused expression as she witnessed the latter caressing his right cheek with a mesmerized, out of place look.

The boy finally exited the Student Council Office and accompanying him on the way out is none other than the personal butler of the crown princess, Wilfred Heimstern, the old man was seen in high spirits as evident by his happy face.

"Welcome back Rina." Kana smiled, wondering what has happened inside the office that caused Rin to have a fish out of the water look. "Are you going to indulge me on the happenings concerning your first meeting with the president? Rina, heeellloooo..."

Rin looked at Kana who was waving her hand closed on his feminine face, the boy finally snapping out of his trance at the action as he shook his head off and chuckled sheepishly. "Hehehe, Oh sorry. It's just that, I'm kind of in a shock at meeting the crown princess herself personally, who is also the Student Council President."

Kana nodded in understanding and giggled at the boy's funny expression. "Your reaction is unsurprising, considering that not many don't have the privilege of witnessing the figure of Princess Riana and less so in speaking with her in person. It is rather an honor after all just to bask at her highness's presence and us students of Rosemary are very lucky to have such privilege."

"Yeah, I suppose." Rin grin in response.

Wilfred cleared his throat to gain the attention of the young teens in front of him. "Allow me to escort you two out of this building's premises, young ladies."

"That's very kind of you Wilfred, thank you." Kana smiled as the three of them proceeded to make their way out of the clock tower, going inside an elevator to descend down to the ground floor.

"So, Wilfred…" Rin eyed the old butler with a curious look. "You are her personal butler and all, tell me about Princess Riana."

The butler turned his head at Rin as the former assumed a proud smile. "It would be my pleasure."

"Princess Riana Constantine Lunaria is the crowned princess of the Twilight Kingdom as you may know. She is the only child of our beloved Queen, the Matriarch of the Lunar Throne, Queen Rena Constantine Lunaria, thus leaving her as the sole heir to the throne of Twilight. Of course, being at a young age, many would question her capabilities in terms of her duties to the Kingdom but such irrelevant numbers never held milady back. At a very young age, she was trained by her mother and the finest royal instructors employed in every aspect of life. Politics, Religion, Health, Governing an entire country and even Academics. Many bare witnesses at one of her most glorious achievement as she rises up to the Education system, skipping grades due to her vast intellectual aptitude, and currently being at 13 years of age as a senior high school student and ultimately, the Student Council President of this prestigious Academy."

Rin's mouth was agape at how awesome Riana is, his crimson red eyes widening in pure awe. "Wow and she's younger than us? Man what have we been doing with our life?"

Kana giggled cutely at Rin's statement. "Well that's life Rina. Each one of us are capable of things that others are not and the same applies in reverse. Let this not discourage us from focusing on ourselves to achieve our own great things. After all, as the infamous saying from a line in the poem Desiderata goes, 'If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.'"

"Ms. Erendal here is right." Wilfred nodded in agreement. "Everyone is his or her own person. Even though there are plenty who adore and revere milady as the Princess she is and also for her prodigious talents, the same also applies to the number of people who envy and hope to bring her down. Despite having a significant and royal standing, milady also had her share of difficulties with the jealous masses and as her butler and caretaker, I sincerely hope that you two treat her not only as a princess but also as simply just a the young girl that milady is. It appears people tend to forget that milady Riana is just another 13 year old girl who just want to enjoy life to the fullest like any normal young girl of her age."

Rin crossed his arms, smirking. "Of course Wil. As her new friend, you can count on me!!"

Wilfred's eyes suddenly widen in astonishment, the expression not gone unnoticed by the blue-haired boy who only looked at him with uncertainty.

"What's wrong Wil?" Rin could not help but ask in concern. "Was it something I said?"

The butler shook his head, a tranquil sad smile suddenly forming in his aged, veteran face. "Ah its nothing Ms. Mayfield. Just remembered someone special calling me by something similar as what you address me."

"Oh s-sorry." Rin said apologetically. "It's just that its short for Wilfred and I just came it up on the spot so I thought it would be a cool nickname or something. Uh if it bothers you that much, then maybe I'll stop."

"It's fine Ms. Mayfield." The old butler regained his composure as he waved his right hand in a dismissing manner. "You may call me whatever you wish. Hearing that name certainly brought me inside memory lane hahaha. Oh what I'm saying, rambling like an old man in front of two youngsters!!"

Rin in turn also laughed with him, grinning in a friendly manner with the old butler as if…

It's just all too natural for him.

"Me too." Kana replied happily as she joined in the conversation and the two male eyed at her. "I've been acquainted with Princess Riana herself in the past because of my status in the Erendal Inc. but I would be very much thrilled to know Princess Riana in a more personal level. Hopefully she would allow me in such endeavors."

"You brought an old man joy." Wilfred smiled with a slight tear. "Oh look we're here."

Indeed, the trio were so caught up in their high-spirited discussions that they almost did not notice that they have finally arrived at the exit of the Clock tower as they are now in front of the huge door.

"This was a fine conversation that we indeed have young ladies." Wilfred said as he made his final talk to the two teens. "If there is anything that you need Ms. Mayfield, then don't hesitate to call my assistance whenever you desire. It seems that milady is rather particularly fond of you but I won't question how her motives seeing as I see no harm in it. I will take my leave then."

The old butler bowed down with utmost respect as he finally left them alone and entered the Clock tower.

"Huh, what a cool old man." Rin grinned cheerfully as he held his hips.

"Hmm." Kana smiled as she stroke her chin. "I believe a story is in order Rina. Tell me what really happened inside. I can't believe that you gain the favor of her highness herself!!"

"Y-yeah." Rin smiled sheepishly in response as he scratch his head. "It's nothing really. The princess just said her thanks and we chatted a bit. I guess she like how the conversation ended and now considered me a friend?"

"Wow, you sure are amazing Rina." Kana's eyes twinkle in admiration.

As they continue their conversation, the boy's thoughts were still on the kiss that the princess has implanted on his right cheek, as he once more involuntarily caress the part, a slight feeling of worry, as if something felt missing, a piece of a puzzle suddenly resurfacing inside his mind.

The kiss felt nice for sure no doubt, a warm feeling being introduced inside the boy's heart as he remembered the sweet scene that has just happened earlier and his face redden only a bit but nevertheless as calm as a monk.

<"Hehehe, I love you Big Brother!!>

A single tear was shed in his left crimson red eye unconsciously as a hazy vision of a very young girl, about 3 years of age kissed another young boy…

Also in the right cheek.

"Rina are you alright?"

Kana Erendal could only look at Rin Grayson in concern, the latter spacing out as the boy stared in an empty space.