Chapter 30: The Newspaper Club!!

"Hi chief I'm back!!"

We find the violet-haired voluptuous beauty, Keana Blakes barging inside a room. The place that she entered is set up with numerous desktop computers each separated by cubicles to accommodate each user's privacy in performing their designated task.

At the very front, situated at the end of the room is an office desk with a laptop being placed on it. Said desk is occupied by another student, a pretty girl with dark green hair styled in a short manner only reaching up to her shoulders. She also wears a pair of eyeglasses as the girl was seen to be smirking widely at the violet haired girl as Keana greets and makes her way into the girl's spot.

"If it isn't Keana Blakes!!" The girl grinned in a welcoming manner as she stood up and temporarily left her work on the laptop.

"Yep, the one and only. Good to see you Chief Shaye!!" Keana cheerfully responded as she bumps her chest enthusiastically.

"Hehehe, what brings my favorite news reporter in our lovely adobe of a club room?" The girl now known as Shaye asked.

Keana took a sit on a nearby chair facing the girl's desk. "Just here to fulfill my daily duties as a member of the Newspaper club chief. That and I got another headline about our favorite blue-haired enigma here!!"

One of the green-haired girl's eyebrows rise in intrigue, her smirk turning wider as her eyeglasses gleamed in anticipation at a potential scoop. "Really now? Your new friend here seems to be garnering a whole lot of attention for herself and fascinatingly in just a week nonetheless!!"

Keana smiled sheepishly as she rubs the back of her head. "Yeah. Rina sure is getting a whole lot famous. Rumors have it that a new fan club dedicating to her is being established at this very moment. That and I also heard that Stellar News wishes to interview her for this week's The Everyday Hero's segment."

"Really now?" Shaye could not help but be even more excited. "This Mayfield character sure is interesting. In just a week, she has managed to perform feats of greatness never thought would be expected in an average 15-year-old girl. Defeating Nakamura in her own game, defending her own class against a rather influential girl, Erica Von'laden and her group of bullies during P.E. and perhaps her greatest achievement yet and outside of school no less, sacrificing herself to save your dignity from a Terrorist."

"Yep." Keana said with utmost greatness. "And for that, I'm eternally and forever ever indebted to her. Rina sure is a trusty buddy that you can count on!!"

Shaye nodded in satisfaction and blink as she almost forgot what Keana was here for in the club room. "Oh right, you were saying that you have another headline for our blue-haired heroine?"

Keana smirk enthusiastically. "You got that right chief!!"

Scrambling inside her pocket, Keana brought out her trusty digital camera, the latest of the most cutting edge in the photography market and begun showing the editor-in-chief a clear photo of Hanabi Nakamura, her head down facing the floor as she was seen bowing down in a Japanese seiza position to a rather flabbergasted Rina Mayfield standing as the blue-haired beauty eyed the Japanese girl below.

The girl with a dark shade of green hair could not believe at the sight of the photo being presented to her, the socket on her eyes threatening to burst right out at this very moment as she in an instant grabbed the camera away from Keana and begun to verify the contents of the picture once more if she is not hallucinating things like an addict being doused in smoke of weed.

"" Shaye could not believe her eyes behind the eyeglasses as she adjusted it.

"I know right?" Keana grinned in response. "I also said the same thing."

"Remarkable, Fascinating, simply… exceptional!!!" Shaye could not help but shout in a giddy manner, the whole club stopping their work for a moment on their respective computer stations as they eyed their club leader in curiosity.

"Carry on folks, we'll tell you later!!!" Keana merely said to her fellow club members as the latter turned in response to continuing their news reports and journalism.

"This..." The glasses-wearing girl pointed out the photo. "A third-year student bowing with the utmost of respect towards a freshman, specifically a freshman who just recently transferred to our school!!!"

"You got that right chief!!" Keana nodded in agreement. "Apparently, Ms. Nakamura here was so amazed by Rina's heroic act in the mall that she just came all the way to the First-year section just to give her greetings to Rina who have just returned from her hospitalization."

Shaye nodded in response as she returned to her sit on the desk and assume a leaning position and stroked her chin. "This indeed will be a fine scoop Keana. See to it that this story will be published, front page in the newspaper by tomorrow!! I want the masses to know even more of our brand new protege who goes by the name Rina Mayfield and expose her greatness to the entire Academy!!"

"It would be my pleasure chief!!!" Keana saluted as she stood up from her chair and made her way to her very own computer station.

Shaye could only stare at the figure of the blue-haired beauty in the camera, her eyes filled with amazement as her thoughts drifted with numerous possibilities, potential scoops and gold mines that surround this girl who goes by the name of Rina Mayfield.

"Fufufu." Shaye laughed sinister as her eyeglasses gleamed.

'You are indeed an interesting one Rina Mayfield. I'll make sure to find out all that is to know about you. What tickles your berries? Your secrets, your desires, your everything!! What you like, what are your hobbies, what is the motivation that drives you to do such actions… I'll make sure none is left unscathed...'

'Whether you like it or not.'