Chapter 35: Let's clap some booty!!


"P-please stop!!!"


"Aw!!! T-that hurt!!!"


"I swear plebeian if you don't cease this mindless slapping of yours at this very moment!!"

"Or what?~"


The crowd of students, now forming of almost everyone from different classroom instructions have all gathered here to witness such comical scenes right in their very eyes. All of them having an assortment of different reactions within the group.

Some felt uncertain on how to feel, a noble being humiliated by a commoner is something that you don't get to experience that very often.

Others felt slight pity for the black-haired girl being… abused, if that's the exact proper term. The evident look on the tears that started to form on her pretty face at every slap that the boy has been giving to her nonstop.

But most could not help but be entertained by the scenery, finding themselves laughing out loud at the hilarity that is ensuring at this very moment right in front of them.

Erica Von'laden, a true noble-born lady who came from an esteemed lineage of a family that has been on the top of the social hierarchy within the kingdom of Twilight.

The black-haired girl could just not believe at the horror and humiliation that she has been subjected upon right at this very moment courtesy of a certain blue-haired beauty who she may or may not have regret in going against at.



Erica Von'laden, first daughter of the esteemed Von'laden family… being reduced to this…

Her plump buttocks, revealing a rather sexy black laced panties for all to witness is turned into a clapping mayhem as her skirt is lifted up for exposure.

Erica was seen with tears on her eyes, feeling a sharp pain as she was placed awkwardly on Rin's lap in a lying down manner with her back showing, as her ass was positioned directly for the latter to spank that sexy ass much to the boy's content.

Despite the girl's backside assets being exposed to the young boy in a somewhat lewd manner, Rin was shown to be unfazed, seeing her as a spoiled brat that should be disciplined no matter what the cost.


"You have caused me a lot of trouble for the past few days Pest." Rin said with a sly, mischievous grin as his head was twitching in annoyance and continued to clap the girl's buttocks very hard. "The first time, sure I'll let it slide. You are lucky that I was able to unlock the bathroom door after all."


"The second, how you try to sabotage the exams a few days ago but failed remarkably as I attained a perfect score in every subject… Well except math that is but its fucking math and we all know it."


"Third, being a dirty player that you are by hiring a bunch of goons to harass me while I was alone walking on the way to the dormitory. By the way, you should hire better men as they did not put much of a fight that well and fell down just like that."


"The rest, well, just some minor inconvenience that I merely not pay a heed of attention at as it's not worth a speck of my precious time."


"But the last incident though..."

Rin's expression immediately turns dark, his face assuming a sinister scowl as Erica could not help but tremble in utmost fear at seeing the blue-haired boy's expression.




"AAAAWWW!!!!" Erica shriek in pain, her buttocks now swollen with intense agony like her whole world immediately fell down upon her utmost core.

"Even if it was perhaps not intentional, but your actions have involved innocent ones in your rather childish tussle that you call revenge. You know, I would not have come here and maybe just allowed your pathetic plays to continue for a while longer but it seems that it is no longer the case though. The audacity to not think before you partake at such foolishness has almost cause Meiko's safety here!!"

In the sidelines, Meiko, Keana, and Kana could only cringe at how their friend Rina handles the situation in a quite… creative and very unladylike, barbaric manner if they say so themselves.

"Damn." Keana muttered as she smiled sheepishly. "Rina sure spares no expense on being a bad-ass. Now I'm not sure whether to laugh or pity at Von'laden over there."

"Oh my..." Kana gasped as she covered her mouth in shock. "I never would have expected to see this aggressive side of Rina. Maybe that would explain how she escaped from the terrorist that almost violated her during the mall incident."

"Even so..." Meiko held her hands together as her eyes twinkle in admiration at the blue-haired girl "Isn't she, you know… dreamy!!!"

Keana looked at the orange-girl in bafflement. "Say what now?"

Meiko smiled as she faced Keana. "She's only doing this because others got involved which in this case, me. I believe that we now know the extent of how far Rina is willing to go through just for us."

"S-sure. We can't deny that after all hehehe." Keana chuckled in response as she turned her head once more to the scene and shouted. "Go Rina!!! Slap some more of that Von'laden booty!!!"

"As the daughter of the headmaster, I'm not sure how I exactly feel about this." Kana said. "But… Justice can be served in many ways and I believe that this will be a valuable lesson for Ms. Von'laden here for being shamed instead of the shamer.

Back to the blue-haired boy as Rin was about to do another slap to that fine ass, his eyes then instantly soften as he witnesses the now crying Erica, her expression pleading to the boy to just stop this shaming.

'C-crap.' Rin thought, feeling a little bit of guilt. 'I know she's an asshole but did I go too far? I did humiliate her in front of many people in here and I might have just caused some trauma on the poor girl. I guess she had enough.'

"Oops." Rin said as he stops his actions that have caused Erica a whole new level of public shaming. "I believe that this is very harsh, even for you. I believe that you have learned your lesson and we'll call it a day."

As Rin was about to release her from his grasp, he then heard Erica grumbled something as he could not exactly hear due to how soft her voice is.


Rin tilted his head in confusion, unsure at what the Erica just said. "What was that?"

Erica turned to face her perpetrator, a euphoric look on her beautiful face as we could only see some hearts starting to form on her very eyes.


Rin together with the crowd could only widen their eyes in utter shock and disbelief as their mouths turn agape like you can stuff at least 4 eggs inside of it.

'Oh God.' Rin thought while sweating with a slight feeling of worry.

'Did I just break her?'