Chapter 36: What is...

The crowd could only bear now in solemn witness as they kept eyeing on the somewhat kinky yet hilarious scene being played right in front of them.


The looks on their faces immediately turn in tremendous astonishment as Rin and the others must have thought that they have sincerely misheard Erica Von'laden saying out loud as she… moaned in deep ecstasy at being spanked numerous times on that succulent butt cheeks of hers.

"The hell?" Rin blinked his crimson red eyes in utmost bafflement as he could not believe what he has been hearing right now. The boy thought that he has been imagining things, seeing the orgasmic look of the infamous Erica Von'laden eyeing at him like a canine drooling out of control as it begs for more of its owner's attention.

Now feeling a bit off guard at what the black-haired girl just uttered without a shred of decency, Rin could not help but feel a little bit of worry and concern for her. "Ah Pest, are you alright? Have I broken you so much that you now can't determine the significant difference between pain and pleasure?"

Meiko and Keana from the sidelines turn to look at each other as the latter immediately brighten up at such potential scoop that this story has so much to offer.

"Oh…my…Glob…" Keana uttered with the most baffled of expression on her pretty face as she took out her camera and proceeded to take photo shots in every angle and direction like a true professional photographer. "This here is an absolute gold mine!!! Chief Shaye is going to moist in complete orgasm when I get to deliver this pictures right in her very face in the clubroom. This week is so going to be full of sensational headlines to be made known throughout the whole academy and its all thanks again to our good new buddy here Rina again!!"

"Oh right." Meiko merely chuckled sheepishly in response to the violet-haired girl's silly antics. "I forgot that you are in the Newspaper Club."

While this was going on, Rin's entire perception of the bully who made his life somewhat bothersome for the past few days has undeniably turned into a full 360, now completely unsure of how to deal with the weird bimbo that he has been holding onto his lap.

'Hehehe.' A dark mental laugh was heard inside his mind as again, Chibi Devil Rin suddenly appeared as his perverted mental manifestation and made himself comfortable on his host's right shoulder. 'Interesting, to think that this pest has an unruly side of her. To think that the bully, Erica Von'Insect, the girl that we thought an S is in fact, actually an M!!! This my friend is truly a plot twist of the decade, one worth taking note at!!!"

The Angel counterpart, Chibi Angel Rin also manifested himself at Rin's left shoulder, opposite to where Chibi Devil Rin is residing. The Angel could only sigh at this shocking revelation being brought upon them. 'I indeed was not expecting this. Make no mistake, I abhor the strong abusing their power as they belittle the weak and innocent in order to further their vile self-interest. But this, I'm not exactly sure on how to react at such unbefitting behavior for a young lady such as herself no matter how beautiful the one she is.'

'Oh don't be a spoilsport brother.' Chibi Devil Rin grinned playfully. 'The Pest seemed to be enjoying the spanking treatment that she has been receiving from Rin here. If I were the boy, I would grab a whip and continuously assault that fine sexy ass of hers while delightfully hearing her screams of sick pleasure and moaning, savoring every bit of the precious sound inside my eardrums!!'

Chibi Angel Rin merely shook his head with a sad smile. "Brother, sometimes I truly worry about the current state of Rin's mental health with you residing and feeding him with dangerously lewd imaginations.

'Heh, then brother.' Chibi Devil Rin spoke with an evil and out of this world demonic voice. 'Would you prefer the OTHER dangerous thoughts?'

Chibi Angel Rin could only frown seriously in retaliation, opting to not speak and discuss any further in regards to a rather uncomfortable topic that remains to be seen.

Back at Rin Grayson, the disbelieving look on his face is still present as he still held the girl firmly on his grasp.

The boy, not wanting this situation to turn bat shit out of hand shook her body off in order to snap herself out from her state of euphoria.

"Hey, hey snap out of it pest!!"

The girl remains unfazed by Rin's act, still looking at him with her pleading, heart-filled eyes to clap her butt even more.

"Damn it… Erica!!!"

Upon hearing the loud shouting of her name, the black-haired girl in an instant return to her normal senses as she was backed to reality, as she looks at Rin's face with a look of confusion.

Then in a short moment, Erica Von'laden immediately realizes the shameless things that she has said and reacted, now sporting a very massive blush on her beautiful face for performing such immodest actions unfitting for an esteemed lady noble of the Von'laden family. She then released herself at this very moment from a now stunned Rin Grayson, the latter not even finding the strength to resist her escape as he was still in a total shocker at what had just transpired.

"I uhhm…" Erica stuttered uncontrollably, the shaking of her hands seen by plenty as she pointed fingers at Rin, her face now turning bright red with a comical glower. "I, I'll never forget this humiliation, the suffering that you have done upon me Rina Mayfield!!! M-mark my words, Rina Mayfield, I'll get you for this!!! I swear upon the good name of Von'laden!!!"

With that, she hurriedly left as Velvet lagged behind her a bit and told her mistress to wait for her as they run outside of the classroom.

The crowd merely stared at Erica's retreating form, trying to process at what the serious fuck did just happened today?!!

And boy, Rin could palm his forehead, finding all this too troublesome as he shook his head with a sigh.

"Damn!!!" Keana was seen together with Meiko and Kana approaching the blue-haired boy with a sheepish grin. "You sure uh… show her some serious business Rina!! You freaking rock girl!!"

Meiko chuckled as she joined in the conversation. "Not exactly how I had in mind but what you did have probably traumatized the girl there and won't perhaps bother you for quite some time."

"I hope so Meiko." Kana said and giggled. "Let's just pray that Von'laden won't come up with any more funny ideas anytime soon after the stunt you have pulled off. I have to admit, it sure is hilarious at seeing her backside being played at like that."

"Indeed!!!" Keana grinned widely as she held Rina's shoulders playfully. " Very kinky, kind of reminds me of the hentai that I watch 2 nights ago hahahahaha."

"Ugh Keana…" Meiko spoke with disgust. "Have at least some form of decency mind you!! Watching weird animated smut with a fuck up plot is not exactly what most people would perceive on a 15-year-old girl like you…"

"Oh shut it you uncultured swine!!!" Keana struck out her tongue teasingly in retaliation.

"Hmm…"Kana stroked her chin. "Well, we can definitely say that this morning ended rather interesting. Let's return to our classroom or we might be late for the next period."

"Yeah." Keana answered. "Ms. Stone is probably going to nag us again if we don't arrive on time."

As the four girls of 1-D are about to leave the classroom of 1-C, Rin called out the attention of his friends.

"Say a question girls." Rin stated with the most genuine look of curiosity ever witness to all, a question that caused the whole world of the three girls to crumble, like a glass that has suddenly shattered into the background.

"What is hentai?"