Chapter 42: The Devil in paper form!!

< A few hours earlier…>

Lucia Mayfield, code name: Lion of the B.S.S. and Head of the Dawn Branch could only twitch in utter annoyance, her angelic face, unblemished and devoid whatsoever of any signs of wrinkles despite being in her middle ages was seen to be scowling as she faced her number one bane of existence that she has the privilege of facing at this very moment.

Although, the state of her pretty face won't remain that way if she keeps up at what she is currently doing right now as shown by her stressful expression.

Her patience, no matter how high it is, is vigorously put to the test as she was seen inside her office eyeing at the one thing she sincerely detests the most even though if it's a crucial part of her job.

And such thing is-

"Damn paperwork." Lucia muttered under her breath in sheer irritation as she stared at the massive pile of papers and documents laying on her office desk. "If I had known beforehand that this shit came on the job, then I fucking should have not accepted Old man Shadow's offer and insisted that I let that damn Kayle took this job instead. I somewhat envy him, having to experience the thrill of every action that comes with the assignment instead of being secluded here inside this godforsaken of an office doing management work. Crap, I definitely need some fresh air to breathe or I might get insane with all the papers that I have been signing and reviewing all day."

Lucia then stretches her arms as she tries to ease herself from the stress that is included in her workload. As she was about to continue in dealing with the paperwork, an incoming video call was then shown on her computer screen, forcing to halt her work much to her pleasure.

Looking at the caller's name, Lucia was surprised as it was none other than a Certain retired Tiger named Jonathan Erendal.

Her curiosity piqued at what the headmaster of a prestigious Academy would want with her this time, Lucia pressed the Confirm button to make contact with her old friend.

"Hello bestie!!!" A grinning Jonathan was immediately shown on the screen as he waved his hands playfully at the blonde woman.

"Tiger." Lucia merely shook her head at the brown-haired man's silly antics. "This is definitely a surprise for you to call me again. What do you want at this time."

"Oh nothing too complicated my dear Lion." Jonathan smiled as he wiggled his finger teasingly. "Just something about a somewhat troublesome situation regarding our mutual friend here, a particular Ant to be precise."

"Ant?" Lucia frowned in concern. "You mean Rin? What happened to him? Is he involved again in something problematic? I swear that boy will someday be the end of me. The last time, he was unintentionally involved in the mall incident without my knowledge and thankfully, Chameleon was there to bail him out. What did he do this time?"

Jonathan chuckled at seeing Lucia's look of both annoyance and concern for her Agent. "Huh, it seems that you care for the young lad."

"Well." Lucia answered. "I've known him ever since he was brought here in the Brotherhood from the orphanage and was inducted in the Children's Initiative. Thankfully, that particular operation was disbanded shortly after as it was considered to be inhumane even for our standards. He's like a little brother of a brat to me. Anyways, our topic is being diverted at hand, so if you would kindly answer my previous question Tiger."

"Yes, yes of course." Jonathan nodded with a satisfied smile at her answer about Rin. "You see, our little Mayfield here has been in a crossfire lately between a daughter of a rather esteemed noble, the father by the way is a member of my father-in-law's board of executives. And you know what that means…"

Lucia sighed deeply in response. "Yes, being on a quarrel with a noble can yield some bothersome results. It seems that the girl's father is one powerful man and may use her connections to make Rin's life at school a bit harder is that what you are saying?"

"Bingo, that's my dear Lion for you, always the perceptive one." Jonathan grinned. "Being the Headmaster, I could not help but be concerned for our cute little Mayfield here hehehe. So I was suggesting you come over and make use of that alter-ego of yours and save lovely Rina from her nuisance of a predicament over here, what do you say?"

Lucia palmed her head, contemplating what Jonathan was suggesting.

But in the end, she would have to refuse to see that she was almost finished with her paperwork and might as well complete it before the day's end and she could finally give herself the relaxation that she oh so deserved!!

"As much as I would love to help Ant over there, I'm still busy with my duties as the Head of the Dawn Branch. I'm sure the brat can manage by himself alone as I believe that he can use that silver tongue of his to get away with any situation unscathed."

Before Jonathan can give his answer, a knock on the door was sounded, and Lucia instructed whoever it is to enter, revealing to be a woman carrying loads of additional paperwork to be done much to Lucia's astonishment.

"Excuse me Lion, ma'am." The woman said respectfully. "These are the documents that need to be signed before tomorrow at 9 am sharp. Main HQ was adamant that you comply with all of this before the said deadline."

The socket on Lucia's eyes threatens to pop out at this very moment as she stared at what seemed to be hundreds… maybe thousands of papers compiled in a massive pile as shown by the woman who had difficulty alone in carrying the papers!!

Yup, she definitely needed a fresh breath of air right now.

Without any hesitation, Lucia instantly changed her mind, eyeing Jonathan on the computer screen once more as she said.

"I'll be there in about an hour, you better not fucking hold your breath Tiger.."

And with that, she speedily exits the office, the girl carrying the papers left to be wondering where her boss is heading right now at this time of the day.

Yeah, she was not in any way shirking her duties as her being the head of the Branch and is merely opting for a change of atmosphere as a nice break.

Paperwork be damn!! That massive pile that is her arch-nemesis can absolutely wait.

After all, her beloved subordinate Rin Grayson is in trouble and technically, it's also her duty to ensure that every agent under her command is in good hands…


If Rin finds out about her comedic reason in leaving her office to 'help' him, then he would not have any second thoughts of puking blood and strangling her in comical rage at the pettiness of that is one Lucia Mayfield.