Chapter 43: An unexpected reunion...

Finally arriving at Rosemary Academy, we find Lucia Mayfield now standing outside on the grounds of the school as she indeed marveled at the spectacular sight of such a prestigious Academic Institution.

"Wow." Lucia's eyes twinkled in astonishment as she eyed at the various tall buildings that make up the place. "I always heard that Rosemary is now one of the leading institutions in terms of academics and to come here in person sure is a refreshing change of pace to be honest. Last time when I was here during my high school years, I could have sworn that it was a lot smaller and simpler compared to now. I got to leave it up to Tiger for keeping the alma mater even grander than it was before."

The school, Rosemary Academy is actually also where Lucia studied in her teenage years. As such, the blonde woman could not help but smile as she reminisces various precious memories that have to happen during her time here. Memories with her beloved classmates, the fun times that they spent together and everything that has transpired when she was all but an ordinary girl living the normal teenage life…

Such wonderful times indeed…

Before she was inducted into the Brotherhood that is…

Anyways, the blonde head of the Dawn Branch shook her head as she has more pressing matters to attend to.

'Let's see…' Lucia stroked her chin as she assumed a thinking pose. 'Perhaps the best thing to do first is to find Jonathan's office so that he can properly explain to me what is going on in regards to Ant here. Damn that brat, giving me a headache every now and then.'

As she continued her walk into the direction at what she familiarly knows to be the Academic building, where the headmaster's office also resides, a voice of a woman was suddenly heard as it greeted her.

"L-lucia? Is that you?"

The woman mentioned turned to the direction of the voice from her side and what greeted her is a certain black-haired homeroom instructor of class 1-D herself who was seemed to be at loss at seeing such familiar face after a very long time.

It is no other than…

"S-samantha?!" Lucia's eyes immediately widen at seeing one of her classmates again after so many years. "As in Samantha Stone?!"

"Right in the flesh Mayfield." Samantha grinned playfully as she crossed her arms, emphasizing her ample pair of mounds. "Well would you look at that now. It's been like what 14 years?"

"Yeah, it has been a pretty long time hehehe." Lucia chuckled sheepishly while scratching her head. Then her attention shifted as she eyed the I.D. that Samantha has been wearing. "So a teacher now I see. Huh who would have thought that the cold beauty of our class has actually chosen a profession that involved kids."

"This is my calling Mayfield…" Samantha smiled. "And I'm happily content at how I am right now. The brats may be a bother from time to time but I have managed to come on top as I strictly discipline them into prim proper young ladies worthy of the Rosemary name."

"Haha yup, still the old you alright." Lucia grinned

"Enough about me Mayfield…" Samantha said. "What about you? Last time we heard, you were sent abroad in the U.S. to study. How goes your life there?"

"Well…" Lucia said, remembering that particular excuse the Brotherhood came up for her when they recruited her to the Agency. Being a full-time Agent, Lucia was forced to leave her old life behind as she started her career in the Brotherhood and perform numerous assignments undercover. Although she did perform various Brotherhood operations in the U.S. and because of this, she also manages to complete her college education in the same country where she majored in Plant Science thanks to her... profound connections.

Hence, her alter-ego as a Florist in Dawn City.

But actually, her position is in fact more than that…

And we'll get to that later.

"It was alright. America is a refreshing change of scenery during that past couple of years. Life has been good to me and having a degree in Plant Science certainly made my dream as a Florist come true."

"Ah yes." Samantha nodded. "I recalled that you always wanted to be one, you joining the Gardening Club and being rather fond of plants. Yes, I'm glad things work out for you."

"Hehe thanks." Lucia grinned in appreciation. "It seems you too are doing well."

"I suppose…" Samantha sighed and smirked. "Say speaking of the brats that I have mentioned earlier, wouldn't you be related to a certain blue-haired student of mine named Rina Mayfield."

"Rina…" Lucia said. "Ah you mean my cousin. Yep, and she is the reason why I'm visiting here. It seems that the headmaster which is also a good friend of mine called earlier to inform me that she is in some sort of trouble. Oh and you are her student? What a pleasure coincidence!!"

"Hmm yes." Samantha shook her head. "Young Mayfield what I can say is rather… eccentric if you ask me. The girl for the past few days has made quite a reputation in this academy but nothing too bad I guess."

"Yeah…" Lucia twitched her head annoyingly at how her Agent, a master of stealth and shadow has been in the spotlight instead of blending in like a normal student as what every other Agent should do during their mission. "I've been informed of it and my cousin can be outgoing if she felt like it."

Samantha let out a rare chuckle of her own in response. "If you are looking for your brat, then you may find her at the Headmaster's Office. The P.A. system announced it just about an hour ago."

"Heh really now? That Rin…" Lucia immediately corrected herself. "Rina. That brat is going to be the death of me someday. Anyways, thanks for the information Samantha. I better go and saved the useless hide of that cousin of mine. See you around Samantha and we are so going to catch up when my schedule permits."

"Anytime Mayfield." Samantha smirked. "It was nice seeing you and I hope you stick around for quite some time."

Now waving her hand, Lucia bid her farewell to her old classmate and finally went off to the direction of the Academic building where one Rina Mayfield, her supposed to be cousin awaits.