Chapter 54: Criminal Mayhem!!!

The world seems to slow down for one Kayle Faragus as his eyes widen at the bullet suddenly piercing right at the other group's leader right in front of them.

"What the?" Kayle in a blink of an eye was stupefied in all of this, at the gunfire being shot out of nowhere courtesy of Mania who was seen to be grinning in ecstasy at the death that she had caused.

Kayle immediately turns his head at the red-haired girl responsible for the surprising action but Mania simply gave him a reassuring but playful grin, gesturing that she will explain all of this as of this very moment, there are now even more pressing matters to attend to…

The matter of multiple angry armed men pointing their respective guns directly right at them that is…

And just like that, the entirety of the Warehouse was bathed in warfare as the Revolution group of Kayle, Mania, Mors, Anira and a small handful of other guard allies wasted no precious time in continuing their assault on the other group as they respectively dash for cover while expertly shooting down their adversaries.

The two policewomen, Henders and Hannie could only blink in utter confusion at what is currently happening due to the mayhem that Anira's group had just instigated.

But seeing this as some sort of advantage for the both of them seeing as Mors was now preoccupied in taking down their adversaries and is now ignoring them, the duo finally escapes from the red-haired assassin's death grasp, making their way into behind of one of the crates that surround the Warehouse's interiors.

"Wow, that escalated quickly…" Hannie seemed rather calm despite the chaos that is currently ongoing nearby. Of course, being an Agent of the Brotherhood, this situation is not exactly new for the likes of the pink-haired girl as she experienced worse maybe, multiple times during missions.

Henders without a moment to spare contacted their police allies that are on standby outside. "Charlie, do you copy?"

And a second has passed and the reply was heard.

"Thank God ma'am!!" Charlie on the other line of the call breathes a sigh of relief. "So It seems that you girls are now safe from being captured."

Charlie actually knows about the two female police's situation because Henders did not turn off her communication earpiece prior to being taken hostage by the red-haired criminal. Meaning, he was able to hear the conversations going on and how the armed men talk dirty at the policewomen much to his utter anger and worry. So you would not believe how relieve he is in finding out that they are now safe.

For now at least…

Charlie and the others could have charged in right there and now but the unknown factors inside the warehouse have prevented them from doing so. That and such brash course of actions might just endanger the two women's lives, thus doing even more harm than good.

"What's our next course of action ma'am?" Charlie inquired about his superior.

"Yes…" Henders nodded as she turns her communication to her other squadmate. Being an open communication channel, every member of the police squad can hear what they are saying with each other. "Oliver."

"Yes ma'am, the moment when you two were caught, I already requested for backup. As we speak, help is already on the way and are almost here E.T.A. 12 minutes." The police in attention responded immediately, knowing what to answer in a calm and professional manner.

"Good." Henders answered in satisfaction as she can now breathe more room. "For now, the recruit and I are going to try and survive this maddening skirmish. I could only assume that the group led by the woman planned to betray the other group right from the very beginning as evident by their triumphant smiles."

Meanwhile, the Revolution are managing themselves very well in the gunfire exchange as the group of criminals proved to be superior in terms of combat and warfare.

The Death Sisters, Mania and Mors Crimstar exhibit deadly prowess in the field of battle as they seemingly danced around and murder their adversaries from left to right.

One might think that the red parasol that they are respectively holding is just a normal umbrella but in this situation, it's not the case. Concealed within the harmless object is in fact a Dai-Katana with a slight reddish blade and a pure crimson red guard. The armed men were not even given the privilege to react as the sisters unsheathed their katanas and sliced their enemies like paper with quick lightning reflexes filled with acrobatic grace as they flawlessly work together in a brutal fashion.

"More, more!!!"

Mania especially was intoxicated in the thrill of her very own bloodlust, savoring every moment of murder as blood splutter violently in her wake.

Mors as usual as ever was the emotionless killing machine, her expression, apathetic like a doll every single time she sinks her blade into the enemy's fragile bodies and carved their skulls with her bullets like her true and only purpose in this world is to kill.

The sisters also prove to be experts in the art of gun fare, utilizing their customized crimson-red handguns, the Browning Hi-Power Classic 9mm.

"Hehehe, I guess I can go all out huh… You really done it, you sick garbages..."

Kayle normally is a chill guy, a happy go lucky drunkard who spends most of his time in the Drunken Maiden wallowing himself in liquor.

But in a rare moment, he ultimately let loose of all his rage that was piling up a while back when the armed men eyed the two female police in a sick and perverted manner.

Most especially when Hannie was involved!!!

Not even bothering to hide the unadulterated look of fury present on his face, the Black Wyvern finally unleashed his wings, spreading terror on every enemy that graced in his very vicinity as they were met with the brutal end of bullets.

"T-the Black Wyvern…" One of the men mumbled in pure feat before succumbing to a bullet on his chest.

The armed men could only stare in utter horror at how these… monsters, both black and red in the form of human beings alarmingly reduce their numbers at a rather fast rate.

Of course, the other members of the Revolution are also effective in finishing off their adversaries like the trusty henchmen that they are, with minimal casualties...

Indeed, it was one-sided, brutal and frightening as Henders and Hannie witness the monstrosity and could do nothing but to stay in the sidelines and wait for help…

And help did they come as the door without warning burst right forth.

"Twilight Police!!!"

The police force made themselves known in the scene as they shoot everyone present inside the Warehouse who are armed and dangerous.

"Fufufu, I guess we are done here. After all, we have what we wanted." Despite the unexpected presence of even more police, Anira was smirking playfully as she merely gestured the Revolution to cease their actions and retreat from the scene.

Kayle gritted his teeth, wanting these bastards to suffer even more, but seeing as how Mania and Mors being… oddly compliant with the woman, he too opted to follow Anira's orders.

And just like that, the Revolution were gone, leaving the other group to the mercy of the Police force.