Benefit of the Doubt

Konstantin scoffed. "Humor me, please, Olivia," he said. The absurdity of the couple's request exponentially grew the longer he stayed in the same sphere as the two. He couldn't wait to leave and pop a bottle of aged whiskey.

If not for Chanel Greene's insistence to meet Olivia that morning, he would be snoring in his pad that very second.

It's not a joke running an underground bank. There would be nights he had to be up to watch the operations, especially last night, when some delegates of the conference got invited to the underground poker game. 

Olivia saw it as her chance to demand something else on top of the list which Maxen was asking for. Scrunching her nose, she wiggled and peeled away from Maxen's caging side embrace. "And I want Natalia. You will deliver her to me tomorrow night in this same room."