Quick Detour

Olivia could feel her ears ring in the silence of the hotel room. Konstantin left just a minute ago and Maxen went to the loo for a much-needed bathroom break. "I have to go back to the conference, Max. Mind if I take a rain check on that lunch date?" Olivia asked as soon as Maxen emerged from the bathroom. She lazily propped her arm on the couch's rest, putting her weight against the cushion.

Bobbing his head whilst making his way to Olivia, Maxen asked, "And I won't be seeing you for dinner too?"

"Yes, dinner too. I'll be with the gal pals." Olivia scrunched her nose. She swatted at Maxen's hand when it reached for her nose in an attempt to pinch it. "Ouch!"

"Ouch? Ouch really? But I haven't even touched you yet!" Maxen exasperated. His mouth fell agape in disbelief over his wife's best acting to date. When Olivia stuck her tongue out, he made sure to really pinch her nose this time.