
Ash could finally understand the mindset of the strong, if you're too strong that nobody can bring out your full power or not even a quarter of your full strength then it would become boring really fast.

It had been a week since she killed the tier 3 vulture and she went to collect tier 1 and 2 crystals, but after searching a few cities she couldn't even find one tier 3 or higher.

At this moment she sat on a lamppost counting her crystals inside her devil dimension.

Devil dimension is one of her powers being a literally a dimensional bag for stuff to store. But she could grow devils in it, hence the name devil dimension.

She needed one hundred tier 1 crystals for a tier 1 devil at the low grade. 125 tier 1 crystals for a middle grade tier 1, 150 crysals for a high grade tier 1 and 200 crystals for a peak tier 1

The same amount of higher tier crystals for the higher tier devils. To be honest, it isn't worth it but the devils she grow are fully loyal to her. They won't betray you and the higher tiered devils could even speak or basically they would have intelligence.

At the moment she had 5 tier 1 devils and 2 tier 2 devils stored inside her devil dimension, a pity they aren't demons, otherwise the crystals for it would be totally worth it.


''Medic! Medic!'' Screamed a soldier helping an another soldier that was gravely wounded.


A polar bear roared further up fighting their comrades.

''When are the reinforcements coming?!'' Shouted the soldier with a grave expression.

''They said the reinforcement will arrive approximately in an hour'' Replied a medic who just arrived to treat the gravely injured soldier.

''An hour!? That is too long, we will die before they'll arrive!'' Said the soldier with no hope. The apocalypse just happened suddenly and now they fight with their life against a crazy strong polar bear that already killed a quarter of their group!

They had 100 people, even with rockets and rifles they can't do any damage against the polar bear except some small dents.

''Fire the rockets!'' Shouted a soldier behind a wall.

But, once again when they hit the polar bear with the rockets, the polar bear would only have some dust on it with a small amount of burnt fur.

''Haiz.... This isn't looking good'' Said a soldier with a sigh, he had so much to live for, he had a wife and two adorable children, but he just had to die here, in this damn apocalypse where his wife and children aren't safe.

Maybe they got something good from that weird white room, at this moment his ability he got wasn't particulary useful, he also get exhausted very quickly once he used it.

''We're all gonna die.....'' Said his friend next to him firing a gun from the building they are taking cover from.


''Drake, how long until we arrive at our next destination?'' Said a woman with short red hair and a scar on her eye to the man beside her driving the vechile who has short black spiky hair.

''About 50 minutes, they said they couldn't even hurt the polar bear with rockets, do you it really helps when we go there, captain Vanessa?'' Said Drake with a worried tone.

''I think we can hurt it, with our new acquired power from the strange white room'' Answered Vanessa while releasing some electricity from her hand.

''And if we can't?'' Asked Drake.

''You are a coward, did you know that Drake? I'm pretty sure you also have a quite strong power dont'cha?'' Replied Vanessa in an irritated tone.

''Ehhh? Do you really think that captain Vanessa?'' Said Drake in disbelief while looking up his head wondering if it's truly strong.

Above his head was 3 flickering balls of flame circling around his head.

[Flame Angel] Was the name of his species. He didn't know if it's good or bad, but from the battle peformance he did at the camp, it was one of the lowest within the camp.


''Hm? Did you heard that captain?'' Asked Drake.

''Hear what?'' Replied Vanessa confused.

''Nothing, maybe my imagination'' Said Drake shaking his head and focused on driving.

After about 50 minutes their squad arrived at the destination, what's over is nothing but corpses. The buildings that was nearby the destinations were in ruins and further up was a polar bear munching on corpses.

''T-this.... They had hundred people but...'' Drake looked dumbfounded and a bit scared when he saw all the corpses lying around, especially when he saw the corpses which were all eaten empty by the polar bear.

He endured the motion of puking the food he ate this morning.

''This is worse than what I imagined'' Said Vanessa, considering everyone went through the strange white room, they surely have gotten some weird power or even changed their species that were much stronger than humans, so a hundred people died at the hands of a polar bear that couldn't get moderately injured by heavy weapons nor the 'evolved humans'.

''C-captain, are we gonna retreat? They all died, so we can go right?'' Said Drake in a scared tone.

''No, we need to find survivors otherwise the higher-ups are gonna complain'' Vanessa shook her head and sighed ''All units prepare for combat!''

The soldiers behind her stood upright ''Yes ma'am!''


''Hmmm... Interesting to see a flame angel here'' Ash observed the battle of the militairy against the mutated polar bear.

Flame angels were the perfect scouts in the apocalypse, their sensing ability was even superior than 'echo bats' in the same tier.

They are only called flame angels because their flame balls circling around their head. 'wait no, they should be the perfect supporters' Flame angels are the most useful in scouting but they could also support certain battles by restricting the movements of monsters and enemies.

Though the flame angels's attacking power isn't that strong.

'Hmm.. That red haired girl is also interesting' Ash looked at the fierce looking girl, she didn't feel or see any special about her meaning that she would have a supernatural power.

But a hidden killing intent could be faintly perceived directing towards the mutated polar bear.

'Ah, the battle is beginning' The red haired girl sprinted towards the polar bear with electrical currents in her hands.

The soldiers behind her formed a formation with heavy shields and guns while the soldiers who changed their species had combat knives in their hand.

The polar bear who detected the killing intent towards it roared angrily and turned around to see an another one of the preys it killed coming towards it, but this prey was different, it felt a small threat.

It slashed with it's claws against the opponent coming to him to be only met with a electrical wave blocking his paw and electrocuting him.

'Ho~ Electrical Wave Arts' This world was full of surprises. Electrical wave arts was something very good for crowd control and an one on one battle.

Cladding your weapon or fists in electrical waves it will add an electric attribute to your attacks that has a chance to stun the enemy every touch, you could also use electrical waves to defend or attack the enemy with a high chance to stun the enemy.

The only downside to it is that it's very bad in the rain as you could hurt yourself and your teammates if you had any. Though the damage yourself will take is resisted by 90%.

The red haired girl kept punching and using the electrical currents to her advantage, she especially attacked the feet of the polar bear immobilizing the polar bear.

After she was exhausted she retreated behind the formation of her soldiers as they stalled time for their captain to recover.

The polar bear pounced on the heavy shield that took heavy damage and the shields could break any moment, the soldiers also fired their guns at it but it didn't seem to work.

The red haired girl bit her lips with an expression saying 'They really don't work'

She didn't order the elite soldiers of hers to fight the polar bear.

'They aren't going to win, against a middle grade tier 3 monster with only fifty people in their tier 1 and some in their tier 2 isn't going to cut it. Maybe if she ordered all their forces to attack with her as the main force, only then they would have a chance to defeat it, but I doubt she would do that because there is bound to be casualties.' Thought Ash as she continued observing the battle while thinking if she would help them or not.

To be honest, she is a bit disappointed in this battle, she thought the captain would be smart and would fully utilise what she has in her disposal but she didn't, although she understands that most people still has their 'humanity', but the red haired girl that she assumed to be the leader isn't a great observer.

With the fight against the polar bear she surely would have realised that she couldn't defeat it alone. Yet she hid behind her men and waited to recover before fighting it again, maybe with her elite soldiers next time or alone.

Either way is just suicide, she should use her armored soldiers as distraction, her elite soldiers to deal the damage, she would stun it and the flame angel who didn't do anything yet should restrict it's movements.

'If they win, that they surely won't, won't be good because I want the tier 3 crystal. Encountering a tier 3 monster isn't easy' Ash decided to be very kind today and help those soldiers.


''Drake run, we'll die here. Sorry, that I didn't listenened to your advice'' Said Vanessa in an apologestic tone.

''Captain what are you saying!? We aren't going to abandon you!'' Shouted Drake.

''No, you saw how strong that polar bear is, if we stay any longer then everyone would die. So, take care of my treasures back home'' Said Vanessa with a small smile.

''Captain....'' Drake knew they would die but there is no way he would abandom his captain even if he's scared. The captain saved his life twice already before the apocalypse, he won't abandon her because of his fear of losing his life.

''Everyone retreat slowly! Try to avoid being hit by the polar bear as much as possible!'' Everyone began to react on that order, they slowly retreated while blocking the heavy attacks of the polar bear.

But after 20 second the shields quickly broke down and the soldiers blocking the attacks died one by one, an elite soldier tried to rescue the soldiers in the front but ultimately met his end in the fangs of the polar bear.

''Mama!'' Drake quickly dragged the captain on his bag and tried to runaway for their life. ''Everyone run! Don't try to block the attacks anymore, drop your weapons and run!'' Shouted Drake.

But due Drake's shouting he unfortunetly drew the attention of the polar bear as he saw the polar bear slowly getting closer to him. ''Is this the end?'' He saw a massive paw coming to him but before it hit, a small figure crashed down upon the head of the polar bear completely crushing it.

''Ah, shit, did I break the crystal!?''

Drake stopped his in his track and he looked dumfounded at the little girl that was revealed once the smoke was gone.

No, it wasn't just a normal little girl, she had six wings, red tatoos over her body and two black spiral horns on her head.

''It's okay'' The little girl sighed in relief as she stuffed the crystal somewhere that looked like a dimensional storage bag.

''Drake, don't make any useless comments'' Whispered Vanessa in his ear as he just nodded. Even if he isn't reminded, he wouldn't make any sound.

The little girl easily crushed the polar bear that their squad and the previous squad couldn't even kill, the crisis when the girl attacks them is many times worse than the polar bear, the worst is that the little girl has intelligence not like the polar bear!