The Military

Drake was currently driving the vehicle with cold sweat all over his back while the captain who sat beside him had an impassive look on her face.

'How did this happen...?' The conversation between the captain and the mysterious little girl happened too fast and the result was that she would be going with them.

The real question is why the little girl is coming with them, he didn't really follow the conversation really well as what he heard was only the end as the little girl will board their car and will come temporarily to their base.

'Maybe the little girl is curious... Let's just go with that' Drake decided to not think about it anymore and let the captain do the rest, if there's something gonna happen then his captain will handle it.

Ash who Drake was thinking about was indeed curious about the military, in her previous life she basically hid so she didn't really knew anything about the outerworld in the beginning, only when she reached tier 4 did she venture outside, but when she reached tier 4, the apocalypse was already 10 years in.

She did get basic information through kind people and neutral formed cities where she sat in bars listening to other people's complaints and conversations.

The information about the military was pretty limited because it said that the military was still a powerhouse even after 10 years, they controlled large parts in the vincinity and there was barely any information leaks of them.

One of the most basic information of the military that was even made public was that they changed their ranking and their badges.

It goes from; recruit watcher, senior watcher, top watcher, specialist watcher, special watcher, ghost watcher and true watcher.

Nobody understood why they changed but for them it was more convenient as it wasn't confusing as before for example private, general, sergeant ect. But they also became more viligant when they see their badges.

A recruit watcher's badge has only one white dot on their black badge.

A senior watcher's badge has a white dot on their badge with two white wings on both sides.

The top watcher's badge has a sword going through the white dot from up to down where the handle faces up and the sword pointing downwards.

The specialist watcher has two extra wings added.

The special watcher's badge doesn't have a dot anymore but two swords crossing each other.

ghost watcher's badge has the outline of the badge with white and again two wings added making it six.

Then the true watcher's badge has eight wings and the white colour is changed to orange.

As normal, the higher the rank, the more important the person is but it also means how strong that person is.

When you join the military, if you're trustworthy and strong, you can easily promote to higher ranks. But the military wasn't upright and righteous anymore as everyone could predict. They became corrupted or should you say more normal?

Ash saw on the flame angel's uniform a badge with a sword going through the dot and two wings while Vanessa the girl with red hair had the same badge but with two wings added meaning that the flame angel is a top watcher while Vanessa a specialist watcher.

'They already changed their rankings huh..' She really didn't know what she missed at the beginning but it couldn't be much.

Before she knew, they already arrived at the temporarily base of the local military.

Ash already saw many excavators and trucks riding around working on the base, the base is still in construction but based on the speed what she saw, it should be complete in several days.

'Sigh, the military used excavators while the normal people needed to use their own creativity and hands to make a shelter, the starting point is really unfair' Ash lamented on how difficult it was in her previous life compared to the military.

Soon a group of soldiers came greeting Vanessa in a polite and respectful manner leading them to a building where they could rest.

Vanessa sat on a chair after making two cup of coffees offering one to Ash who didn't refuse.

''I'm going to be straightforward miss Ashley, as per our conversation, you can sightsee our base as long you bring at least two of our people with you and with this badge you have permission to go around the whole base without much disturbance'' Said Vanessa as she handed a bagde over where the word 'VVIP' was imprinted on it.

Ash took the badge without any reservation and quickly left the building.

Vanessa on the other hand had her closed her eyes and sat in a different sitting position ''Of course if you joined the military you could even visit the main headquarters that is probably more amazing than this temporarily base and you could enjoy many benefits, the only thing you need to do is some special missions given out by th-'' Before she could finish her sentence, Drake who stood behind her whispered in her ear.

''Captain, miss Ashley already left'' Drake had a really awkward expression on his face as he was speechless that the little girl that called herself Ashley just left after taking the badge.

Veins popped out of Vanessa's forehead as she opened her eyes and saw that the little girl that was here a second ago really was gone.

She clenched her fists in frustration 'That damn brat!' But even if she wanted to curse the little girl she couldn't, otherwise she can just sign the death contract already as she didn't dare to provoke someone who could crush the head of something that could annihilate their whole squad in a matter of time.

As for the reason why Ash called herself Ashley was very simple, now that she had a body of girl, calling herself as 'Ash' could be very contradicting and confusing, but on the other hand she didn't want to abandon her original name that her parents gave her so she only added some letters to it making it feminine.

She was on her way to the canteen to grab some food, even if she's strong, she still needed to eat, there isn't anything in the apocalypse that let you live without any food, you could live longer without it but you need to eat if you want to continue to live for a longer period of time.

The reason why she goes to the canteen is because she can't cook her own food that will taste delicious and she didn't have any food, she forget to take some food of stores and now she was too lazy to search for it so she can just go to the military canteen where they distribute free food that most likely taste way better than what she will make.

As she made her way into the canteen, countless eyes fell upon her, gazing her from head to toe.

Though they were surprised that the little girl had six wings, they quickly adapted as some people even could release electricity from their hands, some had 15 times their endurance and some even could crush a rock into dust.

Whispering sounds could be heard but she ignored it as she made her way to the food, but as how cliché it sounds, she was blocked by someone who was very arrogant.

''What is a little girl doing here? Skipping the line at that, go back to your mommy otherwise something really bad will happen to you, hahaha!'' Laughed the young man who had very short brown hair.

Although r*pe wasn't uncommon in the apocalypse, people talking about raping little girls are still very rare in the apocalypse, even after 200 years.

Just for a simple reason, reputation. It's the same as saying that you as a healthy adult man won against a toddler and being proud of it, how do you think people will think about you after you bragged about it?

And even she didn't r*pe women in her previous life, she just didn't like it, though she did torture many people from breaking their bones one by one to something much worse than you can imagine.

The disgusted expression on her face can be clearly seen by many, some held their breaths in and some just straightup ignored it. Although most people still watched the show to see what is going to happen next.

Ashley ignored the arrogant young man and grabbed what she liked to eat, killing the arrogant young man will be easy, but she was true to her word when it didn't involve her life or something very precious.

She promised Vanessa not to kill anyone even if they provoked her, although if they attacked first, she could realitate but she had to say that those people are really blind if they can't see the VVIP badge on her chest.

Purple veins appeared on the arrogant young man ''Do you know who I am, little girl? I am the son of the ghost watcher Erick Burmens, Adam Burmens!'' Said Adam very proudly as he patted his chest.

''Pathetic'' Said Ashley, she didn't say it very loud but loud enough for everyone to hear it. Because of the silence you could hear many people holding back their laughter. As Adam said, he was the son of a ghost watcher and they couldn't withstand the wrath of such a high figure so they tried their best to hold back their laughter as much they could.

Ashley didn't expect the example she had in her head basically happened right in front of her, a young man born with a golden spoon before and in the apocalypse bragged about his status to a little girl.

They didn't know her actual age so this guy really bragged about his 'high' status in front of a little girl.

''What did you! Say it again!'' Pointed Adam with a mad expression.

''I said you're pathetic, a sad young master bragging his oh-high status, go fuck a cow and brag about it that you fucked a cow to everyone because how special you are then'' Retorted Ashley.





Laughter could be heard everywhere after Ashley's retort.

The face of Adam became red as he screamed and a blazing flame surrounded his fist as he punched towards her.

But before it hit her a 'thud' sound could be heard and the fist of Adam didn't reach her.

In fact, everyone was attracted to the sound and saw a hand lying on the ground surrounded by a small blood puddle.

''A-aaaaaah! My hand!'' Blood spurted out of Adam's arm after his hand was seperated from his arm.

Ashley stored her food in her devil dimension and turned around to leave, she decided to eat somewhere else where it is less noisy.