Ghost Watcher, Erick Burmens

The very next day, whenever she passed by someone, they will always shrink back in fear or will act natural as much as possible to not let her see that they are scared of her, but the sweat they let out by doing that is even obvious to a normal person.

The arrogant young master hasn't appeared in front of her with some lackeys or anything similar, her day was actually quite nice.

The breakfast was a godsent compared to her previous day to day life. She was getting sick of the meat of monsters, or actually, she was getting sick of her own cooking.

Some people just can't cook.

If you exlude her demonic looking eyes, six majestic wings, black spiral horns and her weirdd red spiral tatoos then you could see a normal adorable girl smiling.

There is one thing she could clearly remember before everything happened.

''No matter how tough your life is, no matter how much life will depress you, no matter how people will look down on you, no matter how much you want your revenge, do know, you can't achieve all that without a smile.''

''Be it a smile of murder, slaughtering people, working, love or craziness, as long you smile, your day will be bright later on after all your worries will be over.'' It's something her father always said when she was young or old.

At first she doubted if it's a good way to educate your children like that, but she just nodded and remembered what her father teached her.

Her worries aren't gone, her goal isn't reached, but the day is indeed brighter after the hard experiences, who knows, maybe she indeed will reach her goal? No, she will reach it.

But her smile slowly disappeared and her usual poker face showed up as she turned around seeing a red haired girl storming to her.

Vanessa had several thick purple veins on her forehead, clenched fists where blood was slowly dropping from and the flame angel running behind her.

''Miss Ashley, do you know what we discussed?'' Vanessa had a forced smile on her face, trying to not burst into rage.

''I didn't kill him'' Said Ashley without any emotion, is that arrogant young master really that big of a deal? She doubted if a high ranking person in the military will come to somewhere urban to see his own son, he isn't even dead yet.

''No, but you sliced off his hand from his arm'' Said Vanessa still trying to hold her rage in. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it's any other day, but the father of that arrogant piece of sh*t happened to be free, meaning the father could visit his son and see if everything is okay.

By now the father, Erick Burmens should already gotten the information about the situation of his son and should be now rushing towards this base. And where will all the responibility go to? HER!

''He should be happy that he's alive now'' Ashley turned around and walked away ''But if this situation could be resolved by killing the father of that arrogant young master then you could always say it to me'' With that reminder, Ashley disappeared from Vanessa's sight when she walked around a corner.

'That certainly will resolve the issue but the aftermath will be a much bigger issue though' Vanessa could only sigh and wait for her to be demoted.

''Calm down captain, look at the bright sight, if miss Ashley really killed Erick Burmens then that young master won't have any backup anymore and your work will be much easier without his interference. You could slowly get promoted again and with much more speed than before'' Said Drake to reassure that it isn't going to be only bad news.

''You're right, but still, if he dies then the aftermath will a pain in the ass, I rather want a six months of salary deduction then listening to those old farts. Actually, with this apocalypse ongoing, will we even get our salary?'' Questioned Vanessa to herself and Drake.

''Probably not'' Drake was pretty sure they won't. The headquarters is probably still in chaos and money won't have much value in the apocalypse judging how people are reacting and the novels he read.

Until they find a new currency, money will be totally useless to collect now.

'Maybe those crystals inside those monsters's head will be a main currency later in the future' Drake was quite curious on those crystals that were found in every monster they killed. 'Maybe miss Ashley will know what they are' Drake decided to ask Ashley if he had a chance later on.


After a few hours an armoured jeep parked inside the base, the man who alighted the car was about two meter tall with a very bulky physique, he had hairy cheeks and hands, the killing intent in the air was obvious as a watermelon beside oranges.

Vanessa and Drake quickly came to greet the man. ''Greetings to ghost watcher Burmens!'' Vanessa truly didn't know what will happen, but she has a bad feeling.

''Ah yes, specialist watcher Coltens and top watcher Blakes, do you know where my son is?'' Erick greeted back in an impolite tone, but neither of them cared about that.

''Yes, your son is currently in the treatment area'' Vanessa quickly led Erick to the treatment building where his son is lying on a comfortable bed with first-class treatment, even though they wanted to give them the worst treatment possible or better, nothing, but all of them still wanted to live so they gave him the first-class treatment that was just was made up in the heat of the moment to calm down the young master even by a little bit.

Vanessa closed the door and waited outside talking with Drake.


''Adam!'' Erick quickly came to the ward where his son was lying on a bed, although he was throughly disappointed in his son, it's still his son.

''Dad!'' Adam teared up when he saw his dad as he complained about everything up until now. From the treatment he got on the first day until now and about the accident that happened yesterday.

Erick listened to his son without disturbing him, he of course saw through all the intentions what his son wanted to achieve. His complaints about the treatment he first got here was perfectly normal, maybe he even got somewhat better, so he won't act up too much up a fuss about it.

But his complaints about a weird little girl slicing off his arm was genuine. In his report about the base where his son was staying in also had information about that weird little girl that the specialist watcher Coltens brought back with her to the base.

It didn't really say much about it, except her physical features that oustanded him a bit and that they barely saw how she sliced off his son's hand.

As a soldier, he shouldn't act on the girl as his son started it to the point he even would punch the little girl, in a sense you could say his son deserved it.

The report and his intuition already says that it's a bad idea to mess with that little girl, but as a father he really can't stand this.

The best way is to silence the little girl without any involvement of the military and should be done personal.

The worst thing is that the little girl temporarily stays in the camp where he really can't do much about it, if she died in the camp, it would be very obvious who did it and his enemies would have a valid reason to bring him a lot of trouble.

But if it happened outside the camp where monsters roam around, no matter how much they say he did it, as long they don't have evidence, they can't do anything to him.

Erick reassured his son that he would avenge him and with a bit of coaxing his son finally calmed down and he left to do some preparations.


Meanwhile Ashley was casually killing tier 1 monsters while her tier 1 and 2 devils were also fighting at different areas.

''Fallen Judgement'' A dark circle appeared underneath a large group of tier 1 goblins mixed with tier 2 goblins.

The startled goblins quickly were pierced by dark spears that came out of the circle all the way to the sky.

She had two tier 1 devils beside her to help her to collect the crystals while she searched for a new group of monsters she could kill for the crystals that can expand her army even further.

'Hmm? Isn't that a meat pig? Ashley's eyes lit up when she saw a giant pig with a very long straight tail instead a normal spiral pig tail.

The giant pig is only named meat pig because this particular monster is edible and they are the most delicious in the tier 2 monster catogory.

''Unholy cut'' A dark blue arc appeared beside Ashley as she pointed her finger towards the meat pig, the arc flew towards the meat pig slicing the head off perfectly.

Ashley took the tier 2 crystal and stuffed the meat pig's body inside her devil dimension and later on she would ask the chef to make her a dish.

'Hmm, later on I really to find someone who can cook for me' Ashley began to think about the future where she would save someone who then would be grateful to her and she will take him/her under her for him/her to cook for her, in return she would gurantee him/her safety.

A very good deal in her opinion.