Assissination (1)

Two days passed and Ashley had collected several hundreds of tier 1 crystals and two hundred tier 2 crystals, at this point she made ten tier 1 devils and three tier 2 devils in total, all in the peak grade, having lower grades are worthless, especially in this time of period.

She looked around her and what she saw are destroyed streets, collapsed buildings, corpses everywhere and a small group of insects trying to runaway.

''Go'' With her command one tier 2 devil and five tier 1 devils sprinted towards the group of insects and slaughtered them one by one until nothing is left and returned with a handful of crystals.

'Although devils aren't demons, they still are a strong species made for battle and war' Her devils were outnumbered by 4 to 5 times and yet there weren't any casualties, only some minor injuries.

She stored the devils with her and the others that went somewhere else to hunt back into the devil dimension, she flapped her wings and flew straight to the military camp for some food.


''Currently at Vigna city, around the north-east part, it's now about 5 pm'' A group of people that all changed their species were escorting a young lady with long black hair that had some black scales on her elbows, knees and several other parts of the body.

Their main mission is to escort the young lady of the 'Raven Family' to the headquarters and their secondary mission is to find some recruits that will strengthenen the Raven Family if possible.

But the group were very tense as for the next two days they hadn't come contact with any strong monsters. It's something worth celebrating but, with some easy deductions you could guess something much stronger killed most of the monsters.

They were cautious and constant looking around them while the young lady wasn't even a bit tense, she even had a small smile on her face.

After they turned around the corner they stopped walking and stood still, petrified.

Corpses, a lot of corpses. Be it goblins, ants, bees or any other mutated animals, they were all dead and had their head smashed.

That wasn't the most terrifying part, the streets and buildings were in ruins, everything was covered in yellow and red blood.

The young lady scanned the destroyed site and frowned, something on this scale could only be caused by her father, the head of the Raven Family, but only if he went all out.

''Let's go'' Commanded the young lady, it isn't worth worrying about it, at least there won't be any dangers soon, though she needed to report this.


Unbeknownst to them, they weren't alone.

''This is crazy....''

''No kidding, I don't even think ghost watcher Burmens could do this.....''

A group of people were talking to each other on top of an intact building where they used binoculars.

''Should we abandon the mission?'' Said a guy with a bit of hesistation.

''Are you sure that the little girl caused this?'' Asked a woman not answering the other guy's question.

''There is a 99% of possibility and the other 1% is for an unknown monster that destroyed all those buildings, streets and monsters. And the fact that the monster collected all those crystals in the head of the monsters'' Said a middle aged man with a scar on his chin.

''So, you're basically saying that the little girl did this?'' Asked the woman irritated.

''Yes'' Answered the middle aged man.

''Why can she fly, if not we could spectate how she did that, now we lost her the second she flapped her wings'' Muttered the woman annoyed.

''Let's cancel the assassina-'' The woman stopped speaking and trembled.

Her comrades looked confused at their leader why she suddenly stopped speaking and had a frightened expression on their face.

''B-behind'' Said the woman stuttering.

Everyone looked behind them and immediately everyone held their breaths.

What they saw are three black monsters with purple tints. Each of them were different but the most common thing about them are that they had the same body color, black horns, very sharp claws and tattered wings.

Before they could react the black monsters pounced on them, some tried to escape but their legs were immediately sliced off and killed later, some tried to fight but were overpowered by the difference in strength and some jumped down the building with some hope trying find something to balance on, but ultimately didn't find anything and fell to their deaths.

''Hmph, just some middle and high grade tier 1s trying to assissinate me?'' Ashley took the crystals out of their head and sneered ''To think that ghost watcher really had the time to take me down'' She then took off and flew to the military base again, she only went back because she sensed something wrong, but to think it was only a small group of tier 1s.

'Mm, but to think the fear effect the devils unconsciously let out is this potent, it won't effect those of higher rank or ones specialised in mental strength.' She thought while flying.


'Why is it taking so long to inform me about the situation?' Erick who was walking back and forth in his own private room thinking about why the assassins he hired took such a long time to contact him.

'Possibility that they failed, although they were top notch assassins, it's now the apocalypse, they probably died' Erick gave up on waiting and dialed with his phone an another group, though this group doesn't do business in assassination, if you pay a hefty price they most likely will do it.

''Yes?'' A hoarse old voice was heard.

''Assassination'' Said Erick.

''We aren't doing that'' Said the hoarse old voice with an irritated tone.

''300 crystals'' Said Erick decisively, he knew that money is useless so he will pay with the new currency that wasn't made public in the military, the group he called must also knew the value of the crystals found in the monster heads.

''500'' Said the hoarse old voice again.

''350'' Said Erick a bit annoyed, 300 crystals is a high amount even for him.

''450'' Tapping noise could be heard.

''400'' Said Erick as his last bet, if they don't accept this he will make deals with less reputable organisations.

''Who's the target'' Erick sighed out of relief in his mind, looks like the other party knew that he will go away if they didn't accept this.

''A little girl, black spiral horns, black eyes, red spiral tatoos and six wings with four being black and the other two white, temporarily staying at the base of the militairy in Vigna city, condition is that you guys eliminate her in the wilderness, you cannot kill her somewhere near the military!'' Erick especially emphasised the last sentence.

''Ok'' The other party hung up.


At the other side the man with the old hoarse voice dialed a number.

''A mission'' He explained all the details, the price, conditions and price.

''400 crystals! Haha, that's a good amount!'' Laughter could be heard.

''Don't screw it up'' Said the man.

''Of course, don't kill her near the military, alright, got it'' The young man hung up while the man with the old hoarse voice placed the phone down and leaned on his chair taking a small nap.