Assassination (2)

Ashely saw as usual that everyone ignored or avoided her, it's been a daily sight for her.

As the days passed she also noticed that the quality of the food became lower and lower. The only reason she stayed is because of the free food and her curiousity, now the food became bad and that there wasn't much to explore anymore, she decided to leave the military.

Of course it would be very impolite to leave without any notice thus she wrote a short message about her leave from her camp.

Then she flapped her six wings and flew away.

Everytime she flew, she would always think about something random, be it her past or her future.

'Once you get stronger, you will slowly feel responsibility for the weak, you will slowly understand it Ash.' Someone righteous said it to her when he saved her, though she is strong, very strong in fact, she didn't feel any responsibility towards the weak nor any sympathy.

She just thought it would be good if she protects the ones she loves or anything that interests her, the rest can just be discarded, 98% of the people in the apocalypse will only think for themself, she herself is no exception.

'Hahahaha! Do you feel the pain? Do you taste your own blood? Haha! Feel more pain, scream!' She just remembered something unnessecary, luckily she didn't experience the wrath of that crazy woman. A woman with red long hair, she loved to torture people and taste their blood.

She isn't a good person but also not a bad person what you expect from her crazy personality.

She only tortures people who she deemed to be evil, the fact that the people who tortures other people gets tortured by her makes the crazy woman even more excited and sometimes aroused for absolutely no reason...

But despite all that, she was a good friend.

After flying for 10 minutes Ashley heard several loud bangs. 1 second later she felt objects coming towards her.

She wrapped her wings around her and deflected whatever came towards her.

After her wings slowly unwrapped her, she saw underneath her several bullets that were glowing falling down.

'Snipers?' Ashely frowned, the fact that an another assassination group came to her is quite irritating and that also means that the ghost watcher didn't give up.

Although her sensing range is quite high, it didn't pass the 500 meter mark.

The bullets they used were made out of organic materials and enchanted by an enchanter.

Then something unbelievable happened, several dimensional rifts appeared behind her where more bullets came out from, this time it wasn't large as a sniper bullet, but multiple smaller ones that came in with fast speed.

'Tsk, they have a rifter?' Rifters were people who can open dimensional rifts. no living being can go through, but that doesn't make it useless, her situation is an example.

From the speed and the inaccuracy, they most likely fired a machine gun at her with enchanted bullets.

But the bullets couldn't even scratch her, much less even injuring her.

There is also that she can't fire anything back because it's an one way entrance.

Only higher tiered rifters can make it a two way entrance, that also makes them a very great transporters.

She took her devils out her her dimension 'Find them!' the devils quickly spread out with great speed and quickly disappeared.

The assassination group most likely saw it, but she didn't care, as long they can't remove their scent, she will find them.

Very quickly several more bullets came to her, this time she didn't care to defend it as they were quickly pressed together once the bullets tried to pierce her skin.

But the fact that the bullets this time came from an another direction made it even more diffcult to trace them.

Because when she flew to the destination where they sniped her from she only saw an abandoned sniper rifle.

'Tsk, fu*kers, he actually hired such capable assassins? They even left their precious sniper rifles!' But she quickly took the sniper rifle and place it inside her devil dimension, free stuff is always appreciated.

Then more rifts appeared beside her, this time fireballs passed through it, the power is around mid grade tier 2, something that weak also can't hurt her.

It just went through her without doing any damage.

Ashley got constantly attacked by sudden sniper shots or through the rifts, even after 10 minutes her devils didn't find the assassins.

She couldn't do anything, but the assassins also couldn't injure her one bit.

There were countless broken and compressed bullets on the ground and burn marks on the buildings.

'How much did he pay them? 400 tier 3 crystals or something!?' Even in the later years in the apocalypse, tier 3 crystals were still valuable source of energy once people researched more ways to use tier 3 crystals.

But right now, tier 3 crystals are an essential cultivation item. Not for her though, it will benefit her, but it won't be much, it will be better for her to create tier 3 devils.

Then a massive circle appeared above her head. The structure was totally different of her 'fallen judgement' ability, instead being purple dark, this circle appeared to be blue with a lightning symbol in the middle.

The circle began to brighten up every second.

But instead being scared like most people would, she smiled.

Massive AOE (Area of Effect) attacks are nice, very good for war, amazing power, but there is a huge disadvantage to it.

And that is that most people can track you by the magical residue left by the attack.

Although the residue will fade away after some hours, if it's used in an assassination then it's basically useless, especially if the enemy is ten times stronger than you are.

A massive thunder bolt strike down upon Ashley, multiple lightning bolts came down too, it kept going, the ground underneath her began to get destroyed, many holes were created in the ground.

After the magical AOE attack, smoke began to rise and Ashley was completely fine, her clothes she wore was a little burnt but could be easily repaired.

'Found you...' She began to smile.


''Impossible'' A young man with black hair stared blankly with his binoculars.

''That isn't possible! How can she survive that!?'' He began to shout like a madman. But everyone would have the same reaction.

A little girl, although abnormal but still a little girl survived multiple lightning bolts and one massive thunder bolt.

All were direct hits and yet, yet she survived with no injuries at all!

'Taking no damage from enchanted sniper bullets, reflecting a full clip size of a machine gun that was also enchanted is fine, but taking a massive thunder bolt without taking any injuries is surely impossible right? Also taking account that the thunder bolt and lightning bolts were stronger than natural lightning and thunder by 2 and 3 times.' The young man lamented.

'Who had known that the mission is this difficult. It is nessecary to use my trumpcard?' The young man hesistated. Using his trumpcard wouldn't be worth it, although the reward they get is a great amount, the trumpcard will cost about 2/3 of the reward.

''Based on your shouting and expression, the little girl isn't dead right?'' Asked a skinny man with glassess.

''Yeah, she isn't dead, but also not injured'' Said the young man with an annoyed expression. Avoiding the black monsters that the little girl released was already annoying enough, now that they had enough time to use one of their strongest attacks and yet it didn't do anything makes everything even more annoying!

But he also got a bad feeling, through the smoke he could see the little girl faintly smiling.

''Then are we going to engage her in close combat?'' Asked a bulky brown man with a bald head.

''Are you fu*king kidding me!? Fighting that monster? Hell no! Although being scared of a little girl is humiliating, dying is even worse! We're abandoning the mission right fu*king now while we can!'' Shouted the young man.

He isn't going to fight that little girl, he knows how to judge the strength of people, especially if it's obvious as a truck coming at you ready to trample over you.

''Sure'' A young lady suddenly appeared.

''Get us out of here'' Said the young man to the young lady.

''Ok'' Everyone touched her and the young lady chanted something that no one could understand. A blue light enveloped them, but nothing happened after that.

''What is happening?'' Asked the young man impatient.

''I-I don't know, this never happened when I got my powers'' The young lady tried again, every time it failed she got more anxious, on the other hand the young man his bad feeling grew by the second bigger.

A sudden eerie voice came out of nowhere.

''Where are you guys going?'' A little girl appeared before them, the little girl who withstood the massive attack of theirs, the little girl who couldn't get injured by constant shooting of their snipers and guns that were enchanted.

''Not speaking?'' The little girl asked them.

But they gritted their teeth 'not speaking their ass!'.

They couldn't speak. A natural pressure descended upon them once the little girl appeared. The pressure was hundred times heavier and scarier than of their boss.

Compared to this pressure, their boss pressure is like a little kitten while the pressure the little girl excuded was like a majestic dragon.

''I'm very merciful, if I may say so myself''

''If you tell me who your boss is and who sent you to assissinate me then I would let you guys live'' The girl said, but even though no one believed her, they still told her once she released the pressure.


'The Raven Family? If I'm not wrong then the Raven Family they talk about should be the gigantic Raven Family in the future, even in the past they expanded very quickly.'

'And of course the ghost watcher hired them, but 400 tier 2 crystals and some tier 3s. It's the military alright.'

''Alright, thank you for the information'' Ashley smiled that gave the assassins hope but the very next second they despaired.

''Burning hell'' She snapped her fingers and below the assassins began to turn purple as a dark red fire burned them, slowly but very painful.

Even if they trained for years and endured constant training, the fire from hell will burn the outer part of your body and eat the inner part very slowly, it's as if millions of ants nibble at your organs.

After a few minutes the assassins died with pain worse than death.

''Alright, ghost watcher, you're next!'' Ashley began smiling again.