An Unexpected Encounter

''Hum~ Humm~ Hummm~'' Ashley was happily humming, it would be an adorable sight if you exclude the bleeding arm in her hand and blood on her body.

Of course the bleeding man on the ground who had his arm ripped off is also included.

''I thought I would need to go to the military headquarters, but to think you are still in this temporary base... Well, anyhow it makes things much easier for me.'' Ashley continued talking without care for the bleeding man.

''You should already gave up on your first assassination attempt and the result is this when you hired a new one, on the ground, bleeding slowly to your death'' The man on the ground didn't speak. Every second his face became paler.

''Let's give you a swift death shall we?'' Ashley raised her hands, but before she snapped her fingers the man, no, Erick Burmens started to talk weakly.

''W-wait, I'll give you t-the crystals'' Of course Ashley smiled insider her mind. She pretended that her interest is piqued.

''Oh, how much are you willing to give?'' Asked Ashley.

''E-everything, 450 crystals'' Said Erick with all his strength.

''Deal'' After she said that, Erick began to point towards his desk where a case was inside, the case was quite big where inside was numerous white tinted crystals, the crystals were the size of a small candy making it easy to fit hundreds of crystals inside a big case.

Ashley closed the case and snapped her fingers.

Weird black energy started to appear and moved towards Erick who began to feel better once the black energy swirled inside him.

Ashley then began to fly away.

If you think she spared him then you are solely mistaken, she gave him a merciful death, the method was quite easy as it was only to manipulate apocalypse energy that literally everyone could control once they know how to.

The energy is weak, very weak, compared to everything else it could be said the weakest.

But, once an enemy is terribly weak, it can invade the body and heal the body.

But once it disappears, the apocalypse energy will return the body to it's original state when it entered the body, not only will it return the body to it's original state, it also disables any natural regeneration and healing energies or arts.

So, no matter what, the ghost watcher will die eventually.

He only gave him some time to say farewell to his son.

Not saying farewell to your family is quite sad, it's the only reason he gave him some time.

But it's a rare moment for her to do this type of thing, she only did it because she knew that the ghost watcher did everything for his son even if he knew he might die.


''Lily, listen to what papa says'' A kind looking middle aged man tightly grabbed his daughter.

''Run away once I say you need to alright? You just need to run away in one direction and avoid those ugly things okay?'' The middle aged man tried his best not to cry.

His wife died at the first day of the apocalypse and he tried his best to survive and come up with food to feed his daughter.

He isn't strong and not couragerous, that is also why nobody accepts him and he couldn't get any food, the food he got was all given to his 6-year old daughter.

He didn't how long he tried survive but he knew the apocalypse only began a short while ago, but it felt like a year.

To be honest, if he didn't have a child, he would already suicide.

Lily who was grabbed by her father just nodded and cried at the same time. She was always an obedient child and did everything what her parents say, but everything changed when the apocalypse happened.

Her mother suddenly disappeared and her father just grabbed her hand and ranaway.

On the way, she saw many weird things, her father was also suddenly weird, he was stronger than he always was and faster. She just admired her father because of that, but she also asked where mother is and he said that she had some business with her friends.

She didn't believe him but she just nodded at that time.

More weird ugly things began to appear and nobody helped her father, days passed by and the injuries kept increasing on her father's body.

She cried and didn't say anything, but she thought why the world suddenly changed.

A week ago everything was perfectly fine and she as usual had fun everyday.

And now at this moment she cried the most she had in her life. Her father body was very bloody and his face was full of exhaustion.

His body was slowly breaking down.

''Lily my dear, run, please, run the other way, don't look back, papa will be back very soon''

The lie couldn't be more obvious, even to a six year old.

Bangs could be heard at the door, horrifying roars.

''Lily, climb out the window and run, Lily... Run while you still can'' Her father voice became each second weaker.

Her father released his grip on her and slowly stood up facing the door where the sounds came from.

Lily also slowly stopped crying and walked away to the completely broken window, once she jumped over the window she turned around to his father trying to beat the ugly things, the color red and her father's tears was everything she could see.

Then she ran and cried very soflty, she still listened to her father's words and ran.


While flying Ashley saw something interesting.

A little girl, white long hair, skinny, tears, a common view in the early stages of the apocalypse, but what it interesting is that the little girl hadn't done the turtorial of destiny.

There is only one person he knew that didn't go through the turtorial of destiny and that was the frozen tear witch.

The turtorial deemed the frozen tear witch as someone powerful who didn't need to fo through the turtorial.

She was someone at the peak, above the dragons, above rulers and a superior being.

Everyone would have a hint of apocalypse energy within them, the original apocalypse energy, the ones in the surroundings is a mutation.

But the little girl that was crying and running away didn't have that particular energy, meaning that there is a high possibility that she is the frozen tear witch who was able to freeze dragons to death, kill an entire army of 100.000 great with a single wave of her hand.

Someone who was kind yet cruel at the same time.

'They also said she was a great cook' Some people might be thinking it will be a bad idea to change history, but who cares about some ancient piece of news? It's the current what counts!

History can go to the garbage.

She decides to help the frozen tear witch and develop her early on, making her much stronger than she was in her past.

With that in mind, she quickly descended on the ground and the very first thing that happened was that the younger version of the great almight witch was crying for help, the kid wasn't even looking if the person in front of her was strong or not, she cried and begged for help.

''Miss, please help my father! Please!'' Nobody would help her, but Ashley's eyes lit up.

''Sure, where is your father?''

The frozen tear witch pointed behind her where a building was full of the stench of blood.

''Little girl, these ugly things will protect you, wait here for me, okay?''

Ashley let out all of her devils to protect the frozen tear witch as she quickly sped up to the building.

A man currently being at the edge of death was still hangin' on to defeat the monsters to let his daughter escape.

She could see that the man's bones were crushing each other, his muscles being torn, his face full of pain and tears, his will to let his daughter escape and his own determination.

'Father's love huh....' Ashley let out her natural pressure, the monsters immediately fell down on the ground without able to move an inch, the pressure increased every second as the monsters slowly got their body crushed by the sheer pressure.

The man who looked confused and turned around to see a weird girl, but he knew she saved him and smiled, after a second he fell down with a smile on his face.

''It's not a good way to die so soon mister'' Was the last thing the man could remember.