*ting!* "Congratulations on earning a new background!"
Sage. Spent 10,000 hours studying and practicing arcana and history.
Researcher. Well versed in academia, you know where to check for Arcane and Historic lore.
You are now skilled in Arcana, History, and two additional languages.
You gain: A bottle of black ink and a quill, a small knife, a set of common clothes, a letter from a colleague, and a belt pouch containing 10 GP.
A heavy rucksack falls at my feet. I'm thrilled, believe me. The only problem with the sudden appearance of a dozen pounds of supplies flopping onto the ground in front of me is the general annoyance of the quiet congregation members a few pews over. I'm in the chapel, pretending to pray while actually studying my books in a pew alone (as usual). To the annoyed glances of the churchgoers, I cough lamely. As soon as they look away, I quickly touch the bag and will it into my inventory. I look around again, but I'm not really sure why. This next part I can literally do with my eyes closed. So, I do.
In a silent imitation of those around me, I bow my head and close my eyes. But I'm not praying in my head, I'm checking the system. I still have the acolyte rewards up in front of me, and I read the next line after the list of equipment.
Learn additional language now?
Well, why not? After all, don't I still have a language that I can learn for being an "Acolyte"? I'm not surprised that I get one for being a "Sage". But what language should I learn… Elvish is beautiful and romantic. There was once a storyteller who came to town and sang songs to the people of the inn, and he even performed for the church. Most of his songs were in Common, but some were in Elvish, and it seemed so exotic and refined.
But the book about somatic components is in my lap. I recently saw a book in the library with strange markings in the bindings. One of the librarians said that those markings were Draconic, and that the language of dragons was also the true language of magic. It sounded pontificating and elitist at the time, but now, with my fresh ability to see a little deeper into the library's few books about magic, I knew I wanted to get that book again – and I knew exactly where I'd find it in the library. Eyes still closed; I address the words of the system.
Learn additional language now?
"Yes", I say in my thoughts. "Learn draconic".
As soon as seemed normal, I went back to the library and exchanged the few books I had for a few others – including one with little notes in Draconic. It was just a dry treatise on words spoken to enact certain spells – some of which, as one might imagine, were Draconic words. Reading the work of a long dead Cleric, I understood why not only knowing the word was important, but also knowing its meaning. I also couldn't help but feel a reminder of what was waiting for me when I met a cleric – Priestess Tyrna. I've met her loads of times before, of course. She was the one who brought me to the church. The next time we met, however, it would be the day I asked her to accept me as her disciple. With the system, I was certain that I could be the greatest pupil and cleric-in-training that anyone could ask for. I wouldn't have to wait long, either. Priestess Tyrna had a long absence recently – completely normal for her – but she'd be back soon for the season change festival.
As Spring officially changes into Summer, a festival is held. The Midsummer festival always has singing and dancing, and a blessing by the priestess herself. I'd go to her and explain the system. I'd show her that I could store useful things like my holy symbol and books and rations – I'd already experimented with this. I could keep jerky and dried foods in my 'inventory', and the best part was that it didn't leave the smell of smoked meat on my clothes. I currently had what was probably a few days' worth of food in my inventory now. I still woke up in the night sometimes and snuck down for a snack. Now, though, I could take more than I needed for the moment and have it whenever I did need it.
I asked around about when Tyrna might return to us and was happy when I found out that it was only a few days! I passed them like normal, save the fact that I was a little too excited to read for too long. I took on extra chores to get in the good graces of the Matron, who had caught me reading a few times here or there. I was sure that Priestess Tyrna would say yes to training me, but it couldn't hurt to have the Matron put in a good word.
Finally, the day came when the Priestess had arrived. In the morning, at breakfast, one of the clergymen who I had asked every day for the last few days about her arrival gave me the news before I could even ask – probably just to stop me from asking even one more time. I felt sure that I'd need my strength, so I ate quickly before heading to the room of the head priestess. Priestess Tyrna eats alone in her room during meals, so I knew just where to find her. On the way up, I'm thinking of what to tell her. What do I say? Should I even tell her about the system? How else do I convince her to train me? I could recite hymns word for word to prove my piety! Prayer and worship hadn't meant much to me lately, but I can remember anything that I've read in the last month – and there are histories of the church and other knowledge that seems Cleric-y that I have memorized, anyway. My heart is pounding as I near her open door, and see her facing away, head bowed in silent prayer.
*ting!* "New class available! Quest Update!"
I quickly duck back out into the hall, a little stunned. I expected at least to have to speak to Priestess Tyrna, so that she could teach me the ways of being a cleric … but if all I had to do was see her – even better. I was still certain that I wanted to speak with her. I could tell her that I, too, was now a cleric. I'm sure that there would be some way to show her. Then I'd explain that I needed a mentor. I opened the system interface before me, to see what the 'quest update' said about me being a cleric.
But that's not what it said. What it did say shook me, though – but it's like the words aren't even there. I can't even think for a moment.
The hall is silent, and I'm the only one around. Today everything changes.
I look back into the system and read the words a few times, to make sense of them.
*ting!* "Quest complete."
"Learning your roots: Find the monster that killed your parents"
REWARDS; 1 Attribute point.
I can hear the blood thundering through my ears as I slowly look back into the room. It's like I'm seeing myself move forward from far away. I can feel the confused look on my face. Is this really happening?
*ting!* "Quest update."
"Learning your roots: Destroy the monster that killed your parents"
I walk in, in a daze, not really meaning to be quiet, not really trying, but silent as the grave all the same as I move forward in slow motion. Tyrna is facing away from me, in silent prayer before her meal. Her eyes are closed, but my eyes are wide open. I see her now, truly, for the first time. I see her hands clasped in front of her, away from me. I see the nape of her open neck. And I see the red word above her head. The same one that was above that beast in the woods.
"Now I get it", I say under my breath. "You're the monster. And you killed my parents."
The axe appears in my hands, surprisingly light. I don't really know how to use it very well… but I don't really need to. I swing it hard a few times, feeling it bite into the neck of the fallen woman. It's not the axe of a lumberjack, or a woodsman, but it's a well-built axe, all the same. Catching my breath, I soundlessly return the axe to my inventory, and I start moving.