Harry Potter is the Master of Death. Unable to pass on after death, he is instead reincarnated eight hundred and ninety-one times. It turns out, dying is the easier part. Living? That's the hard bit.
I generally get out a chapter every weekend, though occasionally sooner. Sometimes I already have a draft started the next day, adding to it throughout the week.
This will have weekly chapters!
I do not own Harry Potter. This is a work of fanbased fiction, and is not intended to be of anything but amusement with zero monetary value.
Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers and co.
Nice story. Please update more. Nice story. Please update more. Nice story. Please update more. Nice story. Please update more. Nice story. Please update more. Nice story. Please update more.
Really good chapter. I hope you update more. Really good chapter. I hope you update more. Really good chapter. I hope you update more. Really good chapter. I hope you update more.
🌹💎 Please let us know if you make it back with any updates. 🎆
hmmm he's still useless he lives and die for how many times and yet he's still useless, he can do magic when he's still young but he didn't do anything also this is too much canon rehash so what's the used of all deaths if he only follows the canon so useless
More please. 🌹💎
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Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact avarohm_review@outlook.com. A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.
I lost interest in your story after his disfiguration... I tryed to read until the diagon alley part, but the dtory make less and less sense... The had a great potential , but it's all wasted be your plot and execution :( I honestly can't find positive point to your story(the first couples of chapters maybe)
🌹💎 I like this story so far please tell me it's not dropped.
Very good chapter. I voted a power stone. Please keep it coming. Very good chapter. I voted a power stone. Please keep it coming. Very good chapter. I voted a power stone. Please keep it coming.
Really good story. I hope you update more. Really good story. I hope you update more. Really good story. I hope you update more. Really good story. I hope you update more.
Really good story. Please update more. Really good story. Please update more. Really good story. Please update more. Really good story. Please update more. Really good story. Please update more.
A historia esta ficando incrivel, muito bem escrita e bem interesante, o desenvolvimento e a visao que ele mostra da historia original e muito legal e por mais que eu ja tenha lido varias outras fan fics de harry potter essa com certeza e uma das melhores, leio e recomendo!