Deals with Goblins and Tricksters

Aunt Petunia had thoroughly tongue-lashed young Harry Potter.

While walking in the Alley, picking up bags of school supplies and haggling with the local vendors, she had stalled when a sudden feeling of hollow pain had her clutching her chest.


Without a doubt, she knew that her nephew was in danger; he needed her!

Racing down the cobbled road, bags swinging wildly, she sprinted quickly back to the Leaky. Not minding the stares of interest at her urgency, she climbed up the stairs to the second floor: the guest level above the bar.

Bursting through the door, she encountered the Weasley twins, both third years nearly dropping Harry in surprise; they had been moving his unconscious form to the bed when the door slammed open.

"Do you reckon--"

"That she's--"

"The Aunt that we've--"

"--Been hearing about?"

Both boys blinked and shrugged, continuing their hauling of an unconscious Harry to the full sized four poster.

"Mind his head--" Petunia had quickly instructed them, closing and locking the door behind her. "--and please, tell me who you are and what in the world has happened?"

Over the course of the next twenty minutes, the twins swindled, fibbed, and lied sweetly. They explained that they had met Harry as children-- and admitted awkwardly to knowing Harry further through his teleportation visits. This also explained why they were comfortable with his unusual appearance, seeing as it was the normal if you knew Harry.

"Did he... mention me?" Petunia had asked carefully, avoiding the twins knowing looks as she brushed the hair from his forehead. There were several prominent scars on Harry's face from the tiger incident, and she softly traced each one, tenderly and kindly.

"Of course!"

"All the time!"

"How else do you expect--"

"--That we would know who you are?"

"You're the lovely,"




"And amazing--"

"Aunt Petunia Dursley!"

The last three words were said in sync.

Petunia held her forehead, feeling like she was watching a particular rough and vigorous tennis match, with the way the two spoke.

"Alright, thank you boys," she sighed. "You should head straight back to your mother, and I am sure Harry will see you again."

Both quickly bolted for the door, laughing, redheaded demons being unleashed.

"Don't dawdle, now, straight home!" Petunia called after them with a stern voice. She then glanced at her unconscious nephew and deflated with exhaustion.

It was not long after that Harry had awoken and received an earful.

"I do not envy their poor mother," Petunia had later confided in him, after he had explained a bit of his situation without actually saying much.

"There's seven Weasley children, actually," Harry had informed her, shoveling ice cream into his mouth, quickly. Sugar made him feel calmer, and it soothed the ache in his head. "Those are just the twins. In order, there's: Bill, Charlie, Percy, the twins, Ron, and Ginny altogether. Bill and Charlie are already out of the home; Bill is a curse breaker working for Gringotts, and Charlie works with Dragons in Romania. But she's still got five of them at home."

"Seven!" Petunia held her chest and reeled in shock with the news. "Heaven's above, that poor woman. I should send her a fruit basket..."

Harry was due back at the bank soon, but Petunia was decidedly less inclined to further 'stress' her nephew.

"I'll be more stressed if I don't finish this now. Afterwards, we can grab the robes, wand; we can probably catalogue order anything else we need later as long as we set up an account. Please, Aunt Tunia?" Harry opened his eyes wide and looked up at her from beneath his eyelashes.

Petunia, under the full weight of those cute eyes, so very like her departed sister's, caved. "Fine, but if you feel faint tell me. We'll finish the rest another day."

Harry had nodded immediately, and though Petunia doubted his sincerity, she caved.

With Harry fully hidden and disguised, Petunia's make-up fixed and her dress smoothed, the two made their way back to the marble steps.

Quickly dismissed and returning to the conference room, they met Griphook a second time.

"Your order is complete, Mister Potter, if you would like to inspect them now," The young Griphook sneered, teeth bulging threateningly in his mouth and stretching his lips.

Harry nodded, completely unphased, and Griphook gestured to the table in front of him.

"A one months course of tri-daily potions, polyjuice with the use of a paid muggle donor," The goblin explained as Harry poked and prodded several vials.

"The kit is shrinkable and expands with a touch to the rune symbol for size," he indicated a small center image on the tray, which made the full tray of potions collapse and become the size of a deck of cards. "The donor was to the specifications you required, and we have secured a contract with him for the foreseeable future, though we can re-access the nature of such a need, twice yearly. This will ensure you are not paying for a serviceyou no longer use. Additionalpotions have been provided to help diminish any side effects of the polyjuice; one is a daily course of vitamins, another is a stabilizing potion, and the last is a daily dose of nausea tonic as requested."

Harry nodded, picking up a miniature vial, uncorking it with his thumb, and tossing the contents back. Grimacing, he waited for the nausea tonic to kick in before he repeated the process with the prepared polyjuice potion.

"Gringotts has my thanks, and my business," Harry said, feeling his form begin to warp and twist immediately. After several minutes it was over, and Harry inspected the results.

Harry Potter was now entirely different. Green eyes and black hair, yes, but taller and more defined. His hair was less wild, wavy but framing his face; his teeth, skin, and eyes were all one hundred percent human, and for all intents and purposes he looked normal.

This was exactly what he had wanted. The muggle boy's hair used in the potion wasn't overly handsome, actually he was rather average in appearance, but this was intentional. They didn't want to make him stand out too much, after all.

"Perfect," Harry purred, startled by how this body's teeth felt. It seemed strange now, without fangs, and he couldn't help but slide his tongue over them. He hadn't looked remotely like this for seven years!

Nodding in relief, and straightening his baggy clothes, Harry looked up.

"And the charms?"

Griphook set a leather drawstring bag on the table, smiling thinly.

Harry reached for it and was shocked to notice another difference to this body.

"Five fingers," He whispered, flexing the extra digits with awe. "Look Aunt Tunia!"

He held up his hand, but Petunia was dabbing at the corners of her eyes and didn't say anything other than a small sniffle.

Turning back, he accepted the leather drawstring pouch, emptying the contents into his free hand. Several silver circlets dropped into his palm. Taking one, he slid it over the cartlige shell of his left ear. A second one followed the same steps, while a third went to the opposite ear.

The last two silver bands were much larger, and Harry slid one over each wrist, bracelets.

"And you're sure these work?" Harry asked Griphook, his gaze hard.

"Yes, in fact it's so effective your... guardian... is about to make her exit," smirked the goblin mockingly.

Harry gently caught her elbow as Petunia moved to open the door.

"Obviously I forgot the milk--" She was saying, stumbling at his touch.

"It's okay, Petunia. It's just the notice-me-not spell," he explained.

This was something he also required, seeing as his appearance was something that caught far too much attention. A strong notice-me-not would make it easier for him to melt into a crowd; only powerful wizards, or strong Occlumens could look past the initial urge to busy themselves elsewhere.

Harry kept his hand gently on his Aunt's elbow, his touch reassuring her.

"Any further business can be addressed via owl to Mister Aster Hart," he instructed, smiling so widely that he displayed all his new smooth, even white teeth. "Till then, Griphook!"

With that, the two left Gringotts Bank and made their way to do the rest of their shopping. For all the world, it looked like a charming family, and all was well. For now.