The echo of drops of water falling over a much larger body of water reached ZaiWin's ears even before he could see where he was. The light in there was very scarce, filtering through a small hole in the ceiling, cascading towards the subterranean lake and making the crystalline water look emerald-green. And everywhere around them there were only tall, dark-stone walls.
ZaiWin had found that natural cave and its underground lake more than ten years ago, when he'd searched the land for any sources of water the people might be able to use. The water there was amazingly pure and fresh, the likes he hadn't been able to find anywhere else in Nox. At least not until Snow had discovered the waterfall at End of the World. The problem was that the small lake was several feet below ground level, and the cave itself was buried amongst a ridge of sharp, high mountains. Just reaching it by normal means would represent days of travel and too many risks to be worth it. Not to mention that the small lake was fed by those small droops that slid through the cracks in the rock, which meant that it would dry out in no time, if people started filling barrels of it.
Taking a deep breath, ZaiWin couldn't help wincing, when the pain from his back returned with a vengeance. The cold water would also help with that, he hoped with a sigh.
Squatting down, ZaiWin set Snow down on a large slab of stone and, carefully holding the unconscious boy in his arms, he gently undressed him from his sweaty clothes. He had no way to light a fire to dry them, but, later on, he could always jump himself to Dryriver and get him something dry to wear.
With another sigh, ZaiWin undressed his own coat and tunic, now both completely shredded and bloody, hissing in pain when the wet fabric brushed against his slashed skin.
Taking off both their boots as well, ZaiWin slipped an arm beneath Snow's naked legs and picked him up again. The boy's skin felt too warm against his bare chest, almost as hot as he had felt inside that icy cave.
Rising to his feet, ZaiWin padded his way to the edge of the ledge that overlooked the still waters of the underground lake.
ZaiWin had to settle him down on the stone floor again, so he could jump into the lake. The cold water reached just beneath his arms and burned on his open wounds. And then he gently pulled Snow's body to him, slowly easing him down into the water as well.
The boy frowned and mumbled something. And ZaiWin chuckled, holding him against his chest.
"Yeah. Go ahead and complain all you want! This is what you get for doing whatever you want, and not listening to me at all!"
Gently leaning Snow's head back, ZaiWin poured the fresh water over his forehead, cooling his face with his hand.
Energetically speaking the kid was an impossible mix of contradictions. As far as ZaiWin knew, Celestial's markings were all warm, their normal body temperature above the average. It was something he had always innocently enjoyed as a child. The touch of those gentle, warm hands as they caressed his hair. But Snow had as many ice markings as he had Celestial ones. VinWei had told them that he was a Celestial with elemental markings. But he could as easily be a normal person with Celestial markings. The problem was that while ones had a warm nature, the others were ice-cold. Apparently his body was naturally more in tune with his ice markings than with any of the others daitai he carried on his back. Hence his normal low body temperature. Which meant he would inevitably resent the heat produced by overusing his Celestial markings. And that was not to mention the other ones, the destructive ones, that went against everything a Celestial was supposed to be.
Caressing Snow's face, ZaiWin slid his fingers through his hair, holding his lolling head in place.
Snow felt much cooler now, small droplets of water hanging onto his silver eyelashes, sliding down his face and neck. His wet hair looked even more unruly, his expression so peaceful and innocent that it made strange things to ZaiWin's stomach.
Sliding one arm around him, ZaiWin pressed his fingers against Snow's naked back. Closing his eyes for a moment, he focused his attention on more serious matters. He had to make sure that he was really okay, that his daitai hadn't been corrupted like the last time.
ZaiWin heard him mumble another complaint. He knew that, even though Snow had never said it out loud, having his daitai checked by such a dark energy like his could not be pleasant. Fortunately, everything seemed all right, ZaiWin sighed, holding him closer, allowing him to rest his head on his shoulder. At least holding him like this he didn't have to keep looking at that face. He was going to do something insane again, if he kept staring at him like that.
The light movement of soft skin against his left ZaiWin immediately very still. Without even raising his head, Snow moved closer to him and took a deep breath, nuzzling his neck. The sound of water shifting and dripping filled ZaiWin's ears, and then a cold hand touched ZaiWin's face as if to hold him in place, so that Snow could better bury his nose in his neck.
ZaiWin blinked and held that hand, pulling it away from his face so he could look at him. Was the damn brat awake? Snow's face was so close to his now that no matter what he did he just couldn't see it. And so ZaiWin released his hand to hold his chin instead, making him raise his head. He stared at him for a while, furrowing his brows in doubt. Snow's expression hadn't changed, but his eyes were half-open slits now, showing a sliver of his pale gaze.
ZaiWin brushed the wet hair from Snow's face, and Snow's head followed his movement as if it were too heavy for him to hold up. Instead of replying, however, Snow simply leaned forward and kissed him.
A rush of heat immediately flooded ZaiWin's entire body. The lips touching his were still warmer than normal, but they felt as soft as always. Reason told him that Snow was probably acting out of mere instinct, the link between them telling him that he must heal his wounds as soon as possible. But, unlike the first time that had happened, instead of a deafening desire to simply murder the damn brat, he couldn't help but want to feel more of him.
Locking a hand on the back of Snow's head, ZaiWin pressed against him, kissing him back. Snow didn't lose time parting his lips, slipping his tongue into ZaiWin's mouth, and ZaiWin couldn't help smile, gladly accepting that direct invasion and invading his mouth in return.
He felt so good, he tasted so good, ZaiWin couldn't help want more. And, for once, that nagging irritation that accompanied him on a daily basis since that brat had fallen on his knees at his feet, was gone. The constant strain and the effort to keep it check were also gone. Everything felt right again. More than that, he felt strangely at peace, in a way he didn't remember feeling in a very, very long time.
The moment ZaiWin pulled away from those warm lips, the most alluring gasp he had ever heard filled his ears. It was more than he could resist. He couldn't stop himself anymore. Making Snow tilt his head to one side, ZaiWin kissed his way down his neck, lightly bitting the soft skin of his shoulder.
Snow gasped again. ZaiWin could feel his chest quickly rising and falling against his. But, instead of pushing him back, a cold, wet hand actually pressed the back of ZaiWin's head, small fingers burying into his damp hair, holding him closer.
Now, I know our ZaiWin is being evil again, taking advantage of our little Snow when he's barely conscious. 😔But!!! Come on! How could he resist that?? 🤤 He did try. I swear he did!! 🤥🤥🤥 Snow even took the initiative and all! 😏 Of course, ZaiWin did undress him first, even though he could have wet his clothes since he said he would jump back to the village for some dry ones ... 🤔 But!! That is that and kissing and stuff is kissing and stuff! 😇😇😇 (yeah, yeah. I'm being ZaiWin's defense lawyer here. I know you are all going to say bad things about him lol) 🙃🙃🙃