RTYY 191 - A Frightening Difference

He was going insane, ZaiWin thought. And when he blinked he had somehow jumped them both out of the water and onto dry land, and Snow was lying right there, his pale skin looking even paler in contrast with the dark rock beneath him. He was still breathing hard, his reddened lips parted, but his pale eyes blinked as awareness seeped into him, his pupils dilating in fear.

Leaning forward, ZaiWin kissed him again. But the soft lips that had freely welcomed him just moments ago now trembled against his. And a cold hand was pressed against his chest, weakly pushing him back.

Holding that hand in his, ZaiWin stared down at those scared eyes and gently leaned his forehead against his.

"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered, caressing Snow's face, and the hand he was still holding relaxed a bit. "You're right here, with me. And I will never force you to do anything you don't want to."

Snow's pale gaze was so intently fixed on his that he couldn't help smile.

"So … may we kiss again?"

The pale gaze finally escaped his, averting to one side, and the rosy blush that took over Snow's pale cheeks widened ZaiWin's smile.

Since he didn't get a reply, ZaiWin lowered his head and nuzzled his neck, the same way Snow had done to him just moments ago.

Snow's entire body went immediately stiff, the hand he was holding attempting to escape his grip. ZaiWin pressed it down against the hard stone, an exciting pleasure, brought by the sensation of having him trapped beneath him, heating his blood. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to dive into that overwhelming wave of warmth, and proceeded to lick his way up Snow's neck, all the way to his ear, which made Snow cringe in an attempt to escape his merciless assault.

"So … can we kiss?" he whispered directly into his ear, nibbling the sensitive flesh there, and Snow quickly nodded his head, clearly eager to make him stop what he was doing.

Smiling, ZaiWin raised his head to stare down at him and couped his face so he wouldn't be able to escape him.

"Then close your eyes."

Snow frowned at that and ZaiWin licked the tip of his nose, which immediately erased Snow's scowling expression, replacing it by one of blanc surprise, much more interesting to gaze upon.

"Do as I say. Or I will lick every inch of your body, all the way to your toes!"

Snow parted his lips in silent shock, and ZaiWin chuckled, rubbing his nose against his.

"Do as I say, Snow. Close your eyes …" he whispered in a low voice, softly sliding his hand over his eyes, and Snow obeyed, allowing his eyes to close.

Snow's heart was beating so fast that it was hard to breathe. He still felt tired and slightly dizzy from having spent all his energy. And he hated the feeling of having to lie down like that, on his back, unable to move. But the unexpected warm glow he had just seen in those usually cold, blue eyes was, apparently, even harder to deny than his harsh commands. Not to mention that the way ZaiWin had just smiled made him think that he was probably dreaming.

The large hand holding his shifted, and long, warm fingers laced with his, pressing their palms together. Snow should hate the feeling of having his hand pinned down like that as well, but somehow he didn't. And when hot lips touched his again, he couldn't help jump with a startle.

From the moment he had been taken from Woodbridge, he had kissed many different people across the years, up until the moment he had met ZaiWin always against his will. It had gotten to the point where kissing had become almost as normal and as expected as breathing. He hadn't enjoyed it, but, unlike with other things, he hadn't felt disgusted either. It was just what it was, and Snow would simply and patiently lie there, and wait until it was over. At least those that kissed him rarely cut him as well, since they no longer had the need to drink his blood. And so he had actually started to kiss them back, in an attempt to please them so that they wouldn't bleed him instead.

Snow had never understood why people liked kissing so much, what was so enjoyable about joining two mouths together and licking one another. He was glad they apparently liked it, but he couldn't understand why. Likewise, he still hadn't been able to understand why ZaiWin had told him to stop kissing other people, or why he had gone to the point of getting angry at him, when he had failed to follow his instructions. That is, until two nights ago, when they'd joined the other villagers in their celebration.

Just like now, when he'd realized, he had been lying on his back, and ZaiWin had been kissing him. At first, Snow had thought that ZaiWin must have hurt himself somehow, or maybe he was feeling sick, the same way Snow had felt, from drinking too much. It had annoyed him that he'd just go and use him, just like that, especially after scolding him for doing the same exact thing for other people. But then, just like he'd done now, ZaiWin had closed his eyes and, somehow, something had changed. It was different!, he had realized. It was completely different! And that difference had been so scary that he had pretended that he had forgotten the whole thing. He must be an idiot, to agree to this again!

The hot, wet tongue that slipped across his lower lip sent a shiver down his back, and the unexpected pressure on his chin made Snow part his lips. Heat immediately flooded his mouth, stealing his breath away, making him moan even though he had no intention to do so whatsoever.

Snow was more than aware that this was hardly the first time he had someone else's tongue inside his mouth, and yet nothing had ever felt like this before. And although the other times Snow had done his best to put up with it and patiently wait until they were done, now he found himself wanting to kiss him more. The warmth felt really good, not smothering at all, and, above all, it felt right, all the anguish and insecurity he had been trying his best to ignore from being told he wasn't wanted, suddenly gone.

ZaiWin smiled at the feeling of cold fingers tentatively making their way to the back of his neck. Kissing his way down Snow's cheek, he nibbled the line of his jaw, making him gasp in surprise, which only made him smile even more. Snow's cold hand squeezed his, and ZaiWin nuzzled his neck, relishing in the sound of the small moans leaving his chest.

Mine!, the word echoed inside his head, and, for once, he didn't force himself to deny it. That's right. His beautiful, perfect Celestial. His, and no one else's. All his life he had willingly relinquished what was supposed to be his, but not anymore. This annoying brat, this freaking brat, was his! And he was never going to let anything or anyone take him away from him!


Snow did agree! (to hell with the circumstances 😈) So stop saying bad things about ZaiWin 😊