RTYY 253 - The Meaning of a Thumping Heart

"And the second part?"

"What second part?"

"I see … So, you're going to ignore the second part …" ZaiWin purred, the dangerous glow in his eyes making Snow's heart skip a beat. And, in the next instant, his legs were being grabbed again, and ZaiWin simply stood up.

Startled, Snow gasped and instinctively held on to him again, his legs automatically wrapping ZaiWin's waist.

"W-what are you doing?!" he complained but, instead of answering, ZaiWin simply climbed onto the bed again. The difference was that, this time, when he settled him down, ZaiWin was practically on top of him.

Snow tried to scoot back, tried to sit up and put some distance between them. But the instant he moved his right leg was viciously grabbed and he was dragged down again.

"Ah! Let go!" He tried to hoist himself up again, only to be pulled down once more.

"Be still. You're still wearing your boots. Let me take them off."

"And who's fault is that?!"

"Mine. All the more reason why I should take responsibility, don't you think?"

The bluntness of ZaiWin's answer left Snow stunned, for a moment.

Not right at all!!, Snow thought, pursing his lips when those pale, elegant fingers started to unlace his boots. Just watching him do such common, banal thing was enough to send his malfunctioning heart into a crazy beat. Which was the most idiotic thing in the entire world! ZaiWin had helped him dress and undress on several occasions, by now. He had seen him naked on several occasions, by now! He had even seen him go through some of the most embarrassing moments of his life! He had see him covered in blood and filth. He had cared for him, washed him, bathed him. He had laid beside him when he had been sick and in pain, when his daitai had been rotting away, the stench so foul that it had been enough to make anyone want to throw up. So why? Why did he have to feel like this now? Why did he have to feel embarrassed when the same hands that had done all gently pulled off his boot? Why did he have to feel as if he wanted to run away and curl under the bed, when those beautiful fingers caressed the bare skin of his foot.

Firmly holding his ankle to make sure Snow wouldn't try to escape again, or decide to simply kick him in the face, ZaiWin bent his head and softly pressed his lips to the bridge of his foot. As he'd expected, Snow immediately jumped, sitting up, his hands on ZaiWin's shoulders, trying to push him back.

"What are you …" Snow's voice broke when another gasp escaped his mouth, his hands reflexively gripping ZaiWin's clothes.

Was he licking his foot? He couldn't see, ZaiWin's black hair falling over his face like a dark curtain. Snow's heart was beating so fast that he was sure he was going to die.

Biting down on his lower lip, he tried to silence the embarrassing sounds escaping his throat. Heat. An overwhelming heat remained wherever he touched him, spreading over his skin, threatening to take over of his entire body. If this went on he was sure he would lose himself, he would stop being who he was to become something entirely different.

Releasing ZaiWin's shoulders, Snow pushed his head back, and that hot mouth finally halted what would probably result in the undoing of his entire being.

"Please … stop …" he pleaded, still gasping for air, his voice sounding weak and shaky. But ZaiWin lowered his head, easily defeating his shaky hands, and pressed another kiss to his bare foot.

"Nnn …" Snow bit down his lip again, gripping ZaiWin's smooth hair, his toes curling. "Please stop, LanRan …"

Those burning lips finally released him, leaving him panting. But then those hungry blue eyes were staring dangerously at him again.


Snow's dark eyes widened in surprise, before a new wave of heat made him blush again.

"I … can't think …"

"Then don't think."

Snow nervously chewed the insides of his mouth.

"My heart … is beating too fast … I can't breathe …"


Before he could answer, ZaiWin pressed his head against Snow's chest and pushed him down, making him fall back.

"Wait …!"

Snow tried to push him off of him, but ZaiWin easily ignored his weak hands and glued his ear to Snow's chest. More heat flooded Snow's body.

"You're right. It is beating way too fast."

Snow pursed his lips shut. That idiot!! Who's fault did he think that was?

The hot hands that slipped beneath his tunic made Snow jump, suddenly endowing his body with renewed strength.

"Enough! Stop touching me!"

ZaiWin slowly raised his head to looked down at him, and Snow couldn't help freeze in place, staring up at that burning gaze. Run away! He had to run away as fast as possible, some urgent voice screamed inside his head. And yet he couldn't move. He couldn't even breathe. His mind completely enthralled by those half-lidded eyes that seemed to glow even more than normal.

"If your heart can't calm down, shall I kiss it better?" The low, purring tone of that voice sent shivers running through Snow's entire body, and Snow quickly shook his head. His heart would probably stop!, if he kissed him right now.

The hand beneath his tunic slowly crawled upwards and around his waist, to the small of his back. Snow urgently grabbed that invading arm, trying to stop it from moving, but his hand simply shook weakly.

"Let go …"

"Don't you mean touch me more?"

Snow shook his head.

ZaiWin smiled, a very scary, predatory smile, and lowered his head, nuzzling his neck.

Snow gasped and closed his eyes, feeling dizzy.

"Can't you be a bit more honest?"

Snow shook his head again. He had the feeling that if he did that, if he allowed himself to admit such a thing, something inside him would irreparably change.

"Even if you won't say it, I can hear it loud and clear. Do you know what this beating heart of yours is telling me? It tells me that you're mine and that you want me."

Snow opened his eyes, startled by those words.

Want him? Did he want him?

The hot tongue that lit a trace of fire up his neck made him shiver. Snow felt weak and defeated. And overwhelmed by his own emotions. He felt completely lost inside his own mind, inside his own burning body. Raising his shaky arms, he pulled them around that scary, merciless man, that was obviously trying his best to break his confused self to pieces. And yet, what else could he hold on to? He was drowning. And even though Snow knew that he would most likely simply push him under even faster, ZaiWin was still the only person in the entire world that he could trust to keep him safe.


Let's all say it: Bad! Baaaad ZaiWin!! 😁
