Taking a deep breath, Wen FeiWan made his way to the inner quarters.
As a norm, once the White Pavilion's guests left the Palace, all the servants that had served them during their stay, were handed other assignments and sent elsewhere. So it wasn't completely unexpected that he would find the large pavilion empty. Still, taking into account the fact that they had left just that morning, FeiWan couldn't help hoping that he would still find someone able to better informed him about the Demon Clan's last movements.
Exactly what time had they left? Where were they bound to? Who had sent that damned authorization? Surely someone had remained to at least clean the place! And yet, room after room, everywhere he looked, there was no one in sight.
Halting by the master-bedroom's door, FeiWan hesitated, his hand resting on the handle.
FeiWan had been to that the room the last time they'd met. And he had been thrown out the door by a very pissed-off CalDai, he recalled, a small smile playing on his lips.
Opening the door, he could almost see him, standing there, his horribly scared back to him, the light catching on his snow, white hair. And then … he could actually see him!
FeiWan blinked and blinked again, his heart beating faster inside his chest. He was actually seeing him!, right? He wasn't losing his mind … right?
Sitting on the window sill, his long hair softly dancing at the sound of the gentle breeze coming from the open window, the distinguished CalDai of the Demon Clan looked like some heaven-sent otherworldly being. Everything about him seemed to reflect the white light of the day, from his white clothes to his pale skin. And he looked to be asleep, his eyes closed, a relaxed expression on his face.
His crystal flute was still locked in his grasp, resting on his lap. And FeiWan could clearly imagine the way his long, elegant fingers would softly run the length of the delicate instrument. Had he been playing it before he'd fallen asleep?
Mesmerized by that breathtaking vision, FeiWan took a single step forward. But the instant he crossed the threshold and actually stepped inside the bedroom, CalRimRan opened his eyes, almost as if he hadn't been asleep at all.
FeiWan immediately halted, glued to the ground where he stood, feeling a bit like a mischievous child caught red-handed doing something he knew he shouldn't do. And yet he could hardly believe his own eyes. He was right there, in front of him … Right?
Slowly turning his head, CalRimRan stared straight at him, his pale, gray gaze leaving FeiWan somewhat tense. It was almost as if those eyes could see directly inside his heart, see how the thought of CalRimRan's sudden absence had disturbed him to the point that he had quickly gone back on his own word, his resolve flushed down the drain, as he hadn't hesitated one bit before deciding to set foot inside that place again.
As if he were finally awake, CalRimRan turned to place both feet on the ground and stood up, his every movement filled with that unsettling lightness and grace. Still holding his flute, he took both hands to his forehead and bowed respectfully.
FeiWan blinked. He was most definitely there! He wasn't imagining it. He hadn't lost his mind either. Feeling his throat dry, he swallowed and tried to clear his voice before he spoke.
"Erm … I was told that you and your people had left," he declared, not knowing what else to say, sounding as if he were trying to justify his presence in that place. And CalRimRan straightened his back to look him straight in the eye again.
Other than his closest family, no one ever dared look at him like that, FeiWan thought, that cold gaze making him feel unsure about a lot of things. CalRimRan looked at him as if they were the same, as if they were equals. Worse. It was almost as if, somehow, he were superior to him. And yes, he had just respectfully bowed to him according to the always polite ways of his people, but that was far from making up for that unwavering, undaunted glare.
"It is true that we have finally been granted permission to leave your Capital," he calmly confirmed, and FeiWan frowned. So it had probably been that letter, the one sent by one of the El'Dai's handmaids.
"And yet you're still here," FeiWan stated the obvious before he could hold his toung and think about what he was saying.
CalRimRan nodded. Once.
"So I am. I have decided to prolong my stay for a few more days."
His wits slowly returning to him, FeiWan couldn't help noticing that, for once, CalRimRan had uncharacteristically spoken an entire sentence in the first person. Not that he never did so, but it was definitely rare. Because amongst the Demon Clan all the members were as one, and, as such, the decisions of one were, as a norm, the decisions of the entire Clan. Hence the importance of carefully listening to the actual words that came out of their mouths.
Apparently, taking into account the way CalRimRan had put it, this time, the decision of staying behind had been his and his alone. Which, in itself, was strange to say the least. Strange for any member of the Demon Clan, but even stranger coming from the always righteous, always obedient, CalDai. And so FeiWan couldn't help wondering why.
Everything about his presence in Wen had been strange right from the start. How someone as powerful as him had managed to get himself kidnapped by some lowly lives involved in human trafficking. How he had needed to be rescued. And now, even though his people had left, he had apparently and uncharacteristically decided to stay. What was he really planing? And, whatever it was, would it work in FeiWan's favor or against him?
And yet, even though FeiWan couldn't help feeling suspicious about the true reasons behind CalRimRan's presence, another, much deeper part of him was actually relieved that he had stayed. That they hadn't parted ways with the echo of his harsh words still ringing in both their ears. That he had been granted a chance to try and fix things between them. He didn't know why. But, somehow, even though he had said all that the last time they'd met, the truth was that he didn't want CalRimRan to remain angry at him.
Awww, ain't our silly FeiWan lucky? The Heavens must trully favour him. Either that or he's about to become this gorgeous CalDai's play-thing lol 🤣 You better pray veeeery hard that this is just a fortunate unexpected second chance, dear FeiWan 🤣 🤣 🤣