RTYY 266 - Wet Clothes

There was something wrong with Snow, ZaiWin thought, making his way through the trees, hoping he was leading them in the right direction.

Well, not exactly wrong, since he was clearly in better shape than himself. Just not ... quite right, he considered, stopping himself from looking back at him.

Snow had barely looked him in the face since he'd woken up. And he had gone back to being his quiet self. Not that ZaiWin expected him to be all talkative all of the sudden. That would be worrisome in its own way. It was just that he had the feeling that, even though he had barely uttered a single word, Snow's head was actually full of thoughts and questions.

Was it because of what he had done, ZaiWin wondered, his heart suddenly beating harder. Well, he had tried his best to fix it somehow, and he kind of felt that things hadn't been left in a bad way. But, on the other hand, it was also true that they hadn't had the chance to calmly talk about it either. He had done something like that and then, in the next morning, they had been forced to run for their lives. Which, in itself, was probably a bit … overwhelming? Was he scared? Having been forced to leave End of the World so suddenly? Having been forced to leave ZenTar and VinWei like that? Even ZaiWin didn't feel completely at ease with the way things had progressed. Was that what was worrying him? Or was he resenting him for having practically molested him?

Even though ZaiWin's clothes were cold and wet, his entire body immediately warmed up at the memory of the feeling of those legs pressing against his waist, of the deep blush that had taken over Snow's pale cheeks, of the amazing, enticing sounds that had left his trembling lips. Shit! He was definitely going to lose it if he kept thinking about it. Everything had felt so right, so perfect, that it kind of hurt having to attach the word 'molested' to what had happened between them.

Sighing, ZaiWin focused his attention on the narrow path in front of him, and on not stumbling on the tree roots and fallen tree branches that constantly cut his way. He felt too tired to be walking around, he thought with another sigh. If it weren't for Snow, he would have probably just looked for someplace a bit more concealed, maybe behind a bush or a large rock, and simply sat down to sleep until he felt a bit better. But Snow would only needlessly worry if he did that. Also, he didn't want to leave him all alone, in the middle of the forest, while he slept. And so he could only move forward, and hope that his calculations weren't wrong, and that they would reach the closest town as soon as possible.

Pushing his way through a thick wall of branches and trees, the pale light of day finally poured unfiltered over his face, forcing him to squint. And then there it was, the town he had planned to reach the previous night, if only his energy had lasted a bit longer. It was bigger than he had thought, ZaiWin noticed, taking advantage of the high view he had of the city while standing atop of what looked to be a hill.

The sound of rustling leaves captured his attention, and ZaiWin turned back to help clear a path for Snow.

Stepping out of the bushes, Snow raised an arm to shield his eyes from the sudden bright light and took a deep breath.

"We're here," ZaiWin declared, straightening his stiff back. "Ready to go down there?"

Snow silently pulled his hood over his head and nodded, leaving another sigh on ZaiWin's lips.

The more Snow behaved like that the more ZaiWin felt the urge to grab him and kiss him, and simply make a mess of him. It was the distance, he realized. The feeling that Snow was distancing himself from him annoyed him on such a deep level that he could barely control it. It had always annoyed him. Even before. That's why he hated the sensation that he was trying to run away. It was that fucking link, he knew! Of course, it didn't help to know that Snow was apparently unable to refuse him. Knowing that if he kissed him he would probably just melt against his body. Was that the link as well? Was that part of the restrictions placed on a bound Celestial? Was he unable to refuse him the same way he was unable to disobey his command if he really pressured him into obeying? Shit! ZaiWin didn't want that! Yeah, it felt fucking good, having him desperately cling to him and softly moan in his ear. But if that was just the result of another constraint brought upon by their bond he fucking didn't want that! He wanted Snow to choose him! Because he wanted to. Because he needed to. Not because he had to.

Since it was still early in the morning, most of the town-folk was yet to leave their houses, which only worked to their advantage. Two completely drenched strangers arriving in town on foot was bound to raise some unwanted questions. It was also good that there was an inn practically at the town's entrance, which spared ZaiWin the trouble of having to aimlessly wander around or, worse even, have to ask someone for directions.

The establishment didn't look big or fancy, but it would do just fine for what he had in mind. They would only stay for a couple of nights, anyways, only time enough to allow him to completely restore his energy levels. And then they would leave again. They had to meet up with ZenTar and VinWei as soon as possible.

Crossing the small, empty common room, ZaiWin made his way to the large wooden counter to the left and peered through the open door in the back.

"Hello?" he called out, and the sound of running steps told him that he'd been heard.

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm so sorry! We were just finishing today's …" the young woman who had run to greet him trailed off, her beautiful dark eyes widening in amazement, her cheeks immediately blushing to a lovely pink color. "Oh … erm … hmm … how can I help you?" she finally managed to ask, and ZaiWin quickly fished for his coin pouch.

"We need a room for a couple of nights."

The woman blinked, swallowed dry, and nodded.

"Hmm, yes, of course," she replied, and only then his words seemed to really sink in. Standing on her tiptoes, she tried to get a glimpse of the other person, practically hiding behind that gorgeous man. "Will it be only one room?" she made a point to confirm and ZaiWin nodded, placing five coins on the counter.

"One room."

The woman nodded, collecting the coins, all the while stealing curious glances at the second person.

"Hmm … through that door," she indicated, pointing the passageway on the other side of the room. "Turn left. Fourth door on the right."

ZaiWin simply nodded, turning to follow her instructions, grabbing Snow by his shoulders and making sure he walked in front of him. He hadn't liked the curious expression on that woman's face one bit!

The bedroom was much smaller than the room they had previously occupied, at Rain's house. But it had a window!, Snow immediately realized, the pale light of the day pouring inside making it less detestable. Besides that, it was sparingly furnished, with only one bed, a couple of chairs, and a small table. At least it was clean, he noticed- And the bedsheets and blankets looked to have been recently washed. He still hated it, though.

Closing the door behind him, ZaiWin crossed the small room straight for the window, quickly peering outside before he checked on the window latch and closed the old curtains.

They were in a ground-floor room, which equally had its advantages and disadvantages. In any case, now the important thing was to make sure they were safe enough to get some rest.

"Snow? Can you freeze that door and this window?" he asked, looking back at the boy, and was just in time to see his dark eyes widen in surprise, before he quickly averted his gaze.

"It will make the room colder."

"That's okay. Better colder and safe, then having to deal with some unwanted guests," ZaiWin replied, and Snow simply nodded, doing as he was told. "I normally use a few wards to make sure no one is able to come in uninvited, but I should probably try to restore my energy first, before attempting to use them."

Snow simply nodded again and, when he was finally able to gather enough courage to glance ZaiWin's way he couldn't help blush all the way to his ears.

"What are you doing?"

ZaiWin stopped unbuttoning his pants and looked back at him with an inquisitive expression. His wet coat was already spread over one of the chairs, his boots resting beside it.

"Getting out of these wet clothes? Hurry up! Take off your clothes as well."

Snow's eyes widened in a near panic at the sound of those words, his heart exploding into a frantic beat, and he just stood there, watching ZaiWin go back to unbuttoning his pants.

"It's not healthy to sleep in wet clothes," ZaiWin kept saying. "And if you go to bed like that, you'll only end up wetting our blankets. You're not considering sleeping on the floor, right?" ZaiWin suddenly asked as if the thought had just occurred him and those bright-blue eyes glared coldly at him. "I will not allow that! So, strip!"

Snow swallowed dry and blinked, pulling himself out of his paralyzed state. He was being silly again, he told himself. Up till now, how many times had he been naked in front of him? And yet his heart kept beating furiously, a wave of heat warming his chest and cheeks, a strange anxiety turning his stomach upside down.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly dropped his small bag on the floor and unlaced his wet, heavy cloak, hurriedly stepping out of his boots. If he had to undress he'd better do it as quickly as possible, he decided. Preferably before ZaiWin could use his slowness as an excuse to offer to help him.

Snow was out of his clothes and under the blankets before ZaiWin could finish taking off his pants. Heart drumming against his chest and eyes firmly shut, pulling his knees up against his chest, he tried his best to calm down.

The rustling sound of fabric reached his ears, and suddenly Snow couldn't help wondering. Was ZaiWin really going to undress? Really completely undress?!

Opening one eye, Snow took a peek at him, to see ZaiWin undress his black, wet tunic, pulling it over his head.

ZaiWin's entire body was covered with pale skin, but Snow could easily see a few reddened marks. Were those scars? His chest looked as firm as he knew it to be, the elegant curve of his neck ending in round shoulders and long, strong arms. Overall, he didn't have what one could call a muscular build, but every muscle in his body was gracefully well defined, every aspect of him finely proportioned.

Snow really wished he could have a body like that, that he could at least be as tall as him.

Untying the white ribbon he had worn on his hair, ZaiWin allowed the wet, black strands to fall over his bare shoulders and chest. It always amazed Snow, how long and silky his hair was, and suddenly he really wanted to touch it. ZaiWin, however, clearly didn't share his admiration for it, impatiently throwing the wet locks back over his shoulders with an annoyed sigh. And then, Snow's gaze could not help but notice that his head wasn't the only part of his body to be covered in black hair. His heart jumping inside his chest, his cheeks burning from embarrassment, he quickly closed his eyes again.

The sudden extra weight on the mattress and the inevitable shifting of the blankets left him immediately tense, fear and want mixing inside his head. But then everything went still again, and it remained so for what felt like a long time.

Fearing what he might find, Snow slowly unglued his eyelashes to take another peek at him. But the moment he opened his eyes he was immediately captured by the bright-blue gaze silently watching him.

Even though Snow had done his best to lay as close to the edge of the bed as possible, and although apparently ZaiWin had tried to do the same, they were still lying too close to each other, to the point where it was a miracle their bodies weren't touching.

Lying on his side, with his long wet hair pulled back, probably cascading all the way to the floor, ZaiWin was simply lying there, simply watching him, a strange expression Snow couldn't decipher on his face. And yet, for once, Snow didn't feel embarrassed or scared.

ZaiWin had really undressed completely, Snow suddenly realized, his gaze falling on what looked like a part of a delicate swirl near the back of his neck. A black swirl.

The soft touch of warm fingers against his made him look at him again. ZaiWin hadn't moved, except to lightly touch his hand. And Snow simply allowed those long fingers to close around his, warmth rushing up his arm from where their hands were touching.

A deep sense of peace washed over him. Even though he was being bluntly stared at by that cold, piercing gaze, Snow had never felt calmer and more centered in his entire life. It was almost as if the silence between them had a familiar form and shape, and it was extremely relaxing and comfortable. Inside it, Snow could clearly hear ZaiWin breathe. No. Not hear. He could feel it. Feel the air slowly filling his lungs. Feel the heart beating inside his chest. Feel the warm blood flowing through his veins. Feel the life burning inside him. A precious life. His own life, he thought, allowing his eyes to close, gently holding those warm fingers back.


Hmm, I always like how sweet silent moments like this can be 😊