RTYY 315 - Imperial Guests

In the course of the next few minutes, however, FeiWan's annoyance would only grow.

First CalWan actually dared take CalRimRan by the hand and personally lead him around the hall, introducing him to all his guests, before leading him to his table. Not only that, even though they had obviously arrived together, he clearly sat him as far away from FeiWan as possible, and as closest to his own table as the imperial costumes and regulations would allow it. A special guest, he called him, practically melting all over him, all smiles and friendly taps on his shoulder.

By the time FeiWan had finished greeting all the other important guests and finally sat down, his own honorable mother, sitting right next to him, was fuming in boiling anger!, especially taking into account the victorious smile dancing on Dailar Won LinDuo's face, as she proudly sat at one of the tables placed atop the dais, since she was the lady of the house.

Staring at CalRimRan, now sitting on the other side of the large hall, FeiWan couldn't help silently demand that he would get off his ass and come sit next to him! Which, obviously, didn't happen. In fact, CalRimRan didn't even spare him a glance, sitting with his back very straight, that inapproachable, distinct aura sticking to him like a second skin. At CalWan's request, he raised his cup and made a toast in celebration of his birthday, drinking its contents without even blinking.

Could he even drink alcohol?, FeiWan wondered watching those beautiful, elegant hands place the cup back on the table. As long as he could remember, he had never seen him drink wine or any other type of alcoholic drink. All CalRimRan drank all day was those horrible, bitter teas.

Thankfully, duty called, and CalWan had to leave his beloved guest to greet more members of the imperial family.

"The noble Janwan Wei DaiWei. The Imperial El'Lin Wen NimWan."

The youngest of the Imperial Janwan, and almost as old as CalWan himself, Wei DaiWei bowed timidly when CalWan greeted her with his customary warm and cheerful ways. Her young daughter, Wen NimWan, looked even more intimidated. Taking a step back, for a moment FeiWan almost expected her to hide behind her mother's back when CalWan leaned over her, greeting her with a wide smile that was nothing short of an open threat.

Finally released from his domineering presence, the two women started the intimidating tour of imperial greetings. FeiWan couldn't help feeling sorry for them. Especially when they had to face LinDuo's glares of despise, and his own mother's ice-cold stare. No wonder they rarely left their Shimmering Rainbow Pavilion.

"The Imperial El'Gin Wen GinWan. The Imperial El'Lin Wen LinWan," the herald announced next, and every conversation was immediately cut short. Suddenly, the only sound echoing through the entire hall was the cheerful melody that those brave musicians kept playing. Probably out of fear that CalWan himself might cut off their heads if they dared stop.

With the same exuberant smile with which he had greeted all his other guests, CalWan happily welcomed their younger brother and sister. And yet the tension that immediately spread throughout the entire room was so thick that FeiWan could almost cut it with the dagger now coldly resting on his hand, hidden under the table.

The spitting image of one another, moving in absolute synchronicity like they always did, both twins responded to CalWan's greeting with a short nod of their heads. Of course, in order for them to look exactly alike, LinWan had to, once more, be wearing clothes identical to her brother's, instead of one of the beautiful open back dresses that the noble ladies normally wore. But, then again, who in their right mind would dare try to mend her ways? Certainly not their mother that, once again, was obviously absent. It had been how long … ? Three years, give it or take it, since FeiWan had last seen her. If he wasn't mistaken, it had been during the New Year's Celebration, three years ago, when her daughter, LinWan, had ended up killing an entire troupe of dancers because one of the obviously ignorant girls had dared blink at GinWan.

Obviously doing his best to guarantee that something like that would not happen, CalWan personally led them straight to their seats, strategically placed near the dais and as far away from any other guest as possible. Unlike the other guests, neither GinWan nor LinWan went about formally greeting those who had arrived before them. And not even LinDuo, sitting at her prominent place atop the dais, dared complain about their clear lack of adequate etiquette. In fact, like everyone present, she actually seemed to breathe more easily once they were finally seated.

Glancing towards GinWan, FeiWan couldn't help frown. So he was really back. For him to be able to do so in such a short amount of time meant that the Jundai of the Palace's Temple had portalled him back. Which had been the smart thing to do, FeiWan had to agree. If they allowed him to spend that much time out there, on the road, by the time he arrived at the Palace he'd probably be by himself, trailing a cart full of rotting corpses behind him, including those of his own men.

"The Imperial El'Gin Wen TenWan."

Quickly making his way back to the entrance, CalWan warmly received their younger brother.

At fifteen years of age, Wen TenWan was a lot shorter and paler than any of the other El'Gin had been at his age. His hair was so covered in jewelry that FeiWan could barely see its fiery color. His rich, bright red and golden clothes looked too heavy for his obviously frail body. Still, the smile that brightened his face at the sight of CalWan was as warm and genuine as always, his bright green eyes glowing with nothing short of pure admiration.

"Older Brother! Happy birthday!" he enthusiastically declared, reaching out to hold CalWan's arms. But the lady in waiting by his side immediately cleared her throat, successfully freezing him in place. Suddenly aware of his poor conduct, TenWan just stood there, hands midway up, his warm smile frozen on his face.

Laughing it off, CalWan successfully and astutely closed the gap that had suddenly opened between them. Holding TenWan's hands instead, he immediately conquered another bright smile of adoration from the younger boy.

"Brother. So good of you to come."

TenWan nodded enthusiastically, his green eyes now completely focused on CalWan.

"Even though mother couldn't come, I wouldn't miss your amazing party for anything in the world. Oh! Mother asked me to present her apologies," he suddenly said, as if he had just remembered an important message he had been tasked with delivering. "Father wasn't feeling too well, and so she stayed at the Rising Phoenix Pavilion, to look after him," he openly declared, resulting in an immediate wave of mute whispers.

KimLay, sitting beside FeiWan, snorted under her breath. And LinDuo at the top of the dias openly frowned in disgust.

Watching the scene unfold from his seat, FeiWan couldn't help sighing. That boy … he was going to get himself killed, one of those days.

For starters, none of the El'Gin or El'Lin ever public referred to the El'Dur as their father. In fact, FeiWan couldn't even remember the last time he'd used that word.

And secondly, his naive declaration had just made it public just how much the El'Dur favored his El'Dai, when compared with his other wives. Not only favored, he trusted her with his life, since, as a rule, none of the El'Dur's wives, no matter their position at court, could ever spend the entire night with the El'Dur. Much less at the El'Dur's personal quarters, at the Rising Phoenix Pavilion.

And yet, FeiWan had no doubt that the idiotic boy, still smiling at his older brother, hadn't meant anything by it. He had merely delivered his message, as per his mother's command. And that went just to show how confident Wen LaoTin was, that she could do and say pretty much whatever she pleased, and that no one would dare raise a hand against her or her child.

More than used to navigating the Imperial court, CalWan didn't even blink, his smile as warm and welcoming as always.

"Of course our Imperial Mother must be very busy," he humbly accepted, and TenWan beamed at the way CalWan had clearly said that, as if they were true brothers.

"Oh, but she sent you a lot of presents!" he declared, glancing back towards the long line of servants carrying all sorts of boxes and volumes. "I even helped pick a few myself!"

CalWan nodded appreciatively.

"You must thank our Imperial Mother for me, once you return."

TenWan happily nodded at that and, at CalWan's sign, one of his servants showed the line of people, patiently waiting to be admitted, into the adjoining room, where they could unload their packages.

"But come, brother. Have a seat. I have personally prepared a table right next to mine," CalWan declared, leading TenWan to his table, and the boy happily followed him, stopping by every table along the way to greet CalWan's guests, CalWan, by his side, patiently telling him the names and positions of those he still hadn't had the pleasure to meet.

When they finally reached KimLay's table, TenWan bowed respectfully, a bright smile on his lips.

"Honorable Mother, you look especially beautiful tonight," he complimented her, but KimLay practically didn't even glance at him, simply nodding, not even dignifying him with a reply.

Quickly noticing the younger boy's disappointment, CalWan quickly guided him to FeiWan's table. And, true enough, TenWan's smile was immediately renewed, his green eyes coming alive.

"Brother FeiWan! It's so good to see you!"

FeiWan smiled up at him and nodded.

"You too, little brother."

"I have been meaning to ask! When can we go horse-riding again? I really enjoyed it, the last time!"

When that bitch mother of yours allows you to set foot outside the Eternal Blossom Pavilion again!, FeiWan wanted to reply. How long had it been since TenWan had been allowed out of the Hao Clan's Pavilion, outside official gatherings like this? Seven months?! Instead, FeiWan made sure he kept his flawless smile in place and nodded.

"I really enjoyed it as well. How about I send you an invitation next week?"

TenWan almost jumped from enthusiasm.

"Really?! I can hardly wait! And maybe you can teach me how to use the bow! I'd really like to learn that!"

"Of course," FeiWan promptly agreed. CalWan, standing right beside TenWan, smiled coldly at him, his gaze openly mocking him. As if he wasn't standing there, happily playing his part in that theater as well!

"Come, little brother. Come and greet our cousin," CalWan told him, skilfully guiding him away, but TenWan still turned back, that eager smile on his face.

FeiWan waved at him, giving him an accomplice wink, and the boy finally allowed his attention to focus elsewhere, politely greeting their cousin, Ren JinWan.

Lowering his hand, FeiWan took a deep breath of relief. He hated having to deal with that brat! He was just too childish and innocent, for his age. TenWan lived in a completely different world, convinced that everything in his life was just perfect. It pissed him off and, at the same time, it made him unable to decide how to deal with the damned kid. Because, no matter how childish or naive he might be, at the moment, Wen TenWan was probably the person closer to receiving the title of El'Cal, thus becoming the official heir to the crown. A title FeiWan had to attain at all costs! Ultimately, after CalWan, that innocent kid was his biggest obstacle, one he had to either surpass or, if that proved impossible, completely eliminate.


I get the feeling that there's just too much explosive material in this room. One wrong spark and booom! 🤯

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