RTYY 316 - The Unfortunate El'Lin

"The El'Lin, Wen NimRen."

The immediate change in CalWan's demeanor was so visible that FeiWan couldn't help watching him with renewed interest. Sure, he still had that wide smile plastered on his face, but if before it had been merely fake, now it had become outright forced. Which was strange, FeiWan thought, watching as he greeted his younger sister.

CalWan was well known for being a loving and caring brother, frequently doting on his younger sister. In fact, the rumors circling around the Palace clearly had him as the only one actually giving a crap about the one known to be the most pitiful member of the Imperial family. Even her own mother seemed to ignore her most of the time.

Clearly forcing himself to look as warm and caring as the rumors portrayed him, FeiWan saw him grabbed his sister's arm with so much strength that she actually flinched. Leaning closer to her, he whispered some angry message into her ear. FeiWan really wished he could hear what he was saying. Because if NimRen had looked timidly out of place before, now FeiWan could swear that she was outright scared.

Forcibly holding her hand, CalWan took it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her pale skin, obviously for appearance's sake. And then he started guiding her through the customary greetings.

Looking as if she could stumble and fall at any minute, NimRen followed him, her manners impeccable, her voice soft and delicately feminine as she greeted and complimented CalWan's guests. And yet, no matter how hard she tried to follow all those costumes and etiquette, no matter how much she tried to impress the other nobles and royals, nothing she could ever do was enough. Everyone knew that. And the mere fact that she was wearing a brown shawl, dusted with beautiful silver particles, over her dark-green dress was more than a reminder of how unfortunate the poor girl really was.

She would always be singled out, FeiWan knew. Whether she was brave enough to uncover her back, like all the noble ladies did, whether she decided not to flaunt the cause of her misfortune by covering it, like she was now doing right now. Because, even though her hair was as red as her brother's, the similarities between the two siblings ended there. The similarities with every other Imperial child, FeiWan corrected. Because not only she hadn't inherited the El'Dur's green eyes, most of the daitai covering her frail-looking back were water-based, in nature.

Sure, she did possess a few fire daitai, but there were other minor nobles out there that easily supplanted her in that. Which meant that, unlike any other El'Gin or El'Lin, her daitai were metallic blue and not bright red, immediately telling everyone who laid eyes on her back that, in truth, she wasn't fit to be an El'Lin at all. As if that weren't enough, excluding NimWan who was only eleven years of age, she was also the only Imperial child that hadn't successfully become a Chosen One. Which inevitably had resulted in voices being raised at the Imperial Court, demanding that she be stripped from the surname Wen, since it was obvious that she would never inherit the throne. Why they still hadn't done so was beyond FeiWan's understanding. But he was sure that, one way or another, NimRen had CalWan to thank for that.

Since he was closely following the pair's movements, he couldn't help watching when CalWan finally led NimRen to CalRimRan's table. And so he almost gaped when, in one of his fluid, graceful movements, CalRimRan actually rose to his feet, especially to greet her. CalWan's suppressed scowl immediately faded at that, and NimRen blushed deeply, averting her gaze, looking very much like a shy little girl.

What the …?!! Was CalRimRan actually smiling at her?! What kind of grave was he trying to dig for himself? It was all FeiWan could do to keep his butt glued to his chair and not jump to his feet fuming in outrage. Hadn't CalRimRan openly told him that he wasn't interested in marrying NimRen?! Because from what FeiWan was seeing right now, it was clear that CalWan was still very much invested in throwing his sister at him! And so was their mother, Won LinDuo, FeiWan concluded just by glancing at her, the approving smile dancing on her lips as she watched the scene more than pissing him off!

Looking positively embarrassed, NimRen bowed again and left CalRimRan's table to proceed with her greetings. And so, by the time she reached the dais, her mother's smile was long gone, an ice-cold mask descending over her face as she stared down at her daughter's blue eyes, the same exact color as her own.

Obviously unable to face her, NimRen bowed respectfully and timidly mumbled her greetings. And, as to be expected, didn't receive an answer.

Clearly already expecting as much, CalWan sighed and led her away.

As if to openly oppose LinDuo's open despise for her own daughter, FeiWan's mother greeted her warmly, which she still hadn't done to anyone. And FeiWan couldn't help sighing inwardly as he watched her smile gently at the poor girl, and casually invite her to join her for tea, the next day.

Always the epitome of politeness, NimRen humbly accepted her invitation, her gestures, as she bowed from the waist, delicate and gentle.

"Brother," she greeted FeiWan when she finally reached his table, elegantly bowing her head.

Looking up at her, FeiWan forced himself to smile, bowing his head in response.

"Little sister. I gather that you've been well."

Delicately blushing, NimRen nodded.

"I have. Thank you for your concern," she replied and FeiWan couldn't help noticing CalWan's hand still around her arm, squeezing it discreetly, his fingers digging into her pale skin. To NimRen's credit, she didn't even flinch. Instead, she looked even more embarrassed, nervously chewing her lower lip, her gaze roaming urgently across FeiWan's table. Looking at her, FeiWan couldn't help thinking that she was really pitiful.

"Is there anything I can do for you, little sister?" he asked, hoping to urge her to say whatever CalWan wanted her to say, since he probably wouldn't allow her to move on unless she did so.

"Erm … no …" she mumbled. "Not really. I was just … wondering if brother will also join us for tea, tomorrow."

Tea?! Was that it? She wanted him to join her and his mother for tea? Why?, he couldn't help wonder, peeking sideways at CalWan.

From his persistent scowl, that wasn't that at all! In any case, no. He didn't want to have to sit down for who knows how long, sipping tea while having to hear his mother and NimRen exchange flattering remarks and engage in futile conversation. But he could clearly feel it, KimLay's piercing gaze on him. Refusing NimRen was hardly the polite thing to do. Not to mention that his mother probably had a very good reason to want to spend some time with her. She was clearly trying to win NimRen's favor, and she would never take it lightly if FeiWan were to offend her now. And so FeiWan simply sucked it up, making sure his smile didn't waver as he nodded.

"It will be my pleasure, little sister."

A flush of happiness immediately took over NimRen's pale cheeks, but the way her blue eyes kept roaming around told him that she wasn't finished.

"I was wondering … if you could ask the distinguished CalDai to join us as well," she went on, her voice so small now that FeiWan could barely hear her. "I have heard rumors that he deeply appreciates Royal Mother's herbal mixtures."

So that's where they were going!, FeiWan immediately concluded. They even knew that CalRimRan liked to drink those horrible, bitter concoctions! However, now that it had come to this, there was no way to turn back. Still smiling at her, FeiWan gave her the only answer he could give her.

"I will be sure to ask him, little sister."

Her small shoulders clearly relaxing, NimRen finally looked back at him, bowing politely, as if she weren't an El'Lin herself.

"I won't bother you anymore, brother. I will be eagerly waiting to see you tomorrow."

FeiWan simply nodded. He wondered if including CalRimRan in that boring tea session had been a part of his mother's plans. Probably not, he could almost smile at that. He didn't know what she had planned, to ask for NimRen's presence like that. But, as things stood right now, CalWan had just skillfully used FeiWn as bridge between his sister and CalRimRan. It was almost interesting, seeing KimLay's plan being so naturally turned against herself. Almost. Except for the fact that their target was obviously CalRimRan. That idiot!, FeiWan grumbled, staring angrily at him across the room. Publicly playing favorites like that! And yet, he simply kept sitting there, lost amongst all that color and glamour, his gaze downcast, an aura of pure stillness surrounding him.

It was actually … pretty amazing, FeiWan thought, his anger slowly fading away. There he was, in that rich hall, surrounded by beautiful people, dressed in beautiful clothes, adorned by beautiful jewelry, in an open competition to see who stood out the most. And then there was CalRimRan, in his plain, white clothes, his white hair falling freely down his back and pooling over the satin pillow. He should have been insignificant, amongst all that opulence. He should have looked like a poor beggar, at the very least like a meaningless commoner, way out of his depth amongst all those nobles and royals. So how come he seemed to shine more than anyone else in that room? How come, in all his blandness and simplicity, he was actually the most beautiful thing FeiWan had seen the entire evening?


Author's Note: Hmm, poor NimRen 😔 . In this imperial family being different sure it's the worst sin one can carry. 😔

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