Chapter 4 A Dream and a Terrible Sneeze?!

Erisu Dream

I was walking over to the spot Goku told me to meet him. I wonder why he called me over to the park. Then I saw Goku.

"Hey Goku." I said running over to him and trampling him with a big hug.

"Oh hey Erisu." He greeted back with that goofy smile of his, but I also couldn't help but notice a slight pink blushing spread across his cheek. I pulled away gently and smiled.

"So anyway Goku why'd you call me over here anyway?" I asked curious to his reason for bringing me hear.

"Well you see, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to get ice cream with me?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

'Wait he wants to go on a date with me?' I questioned myself. I stayed silent for a second due to the shock of him asking me out for ice cream.

"It's okay if you don't want to." Goku brought up embarrassed by the silence.

"Oh no sorry if it seemed like that, the truth is I guess I was just sort of shocked that you asked me out." I replied to him. He just stood there stunned. I thought this meant he was now unsure of me so I decided to tell him how I truly felt.

"Well Goku I know this'll probably sound weird considering I've only known you for just a few days, but the truth is I'm not from this dimension, I was brought here from another dimension where your in a cartoon show. I know it sounds silly, but I've loved you even before I met you. Every passing day was quite painful, having to live without being able to actually see you or hear you and touch you it really tore me apart. That's why I just wanted to let you know how truly grateful I am to finally be here by your side and be able to fight with you. It's miracle of god for me because I really do love you Goku." By the end of that my eyes were puffy and red, a river of tears ran down my eyes, but these were tears of joy. Out of instinct I dropped my bags and ran to him wrapping my arms around his huge frame. I didn't care what he thought, if this is the last few minutes I get to spend with him, then so be it. I'm just grateful I ever got to see you. What he said next surprised me, but also warmed my heart.

"I love you too Erisu." My eyes widened as I pulled away from the hug. I saw tears running down Goku's face. I could tell they were of joy.

'Even if this is just a dream, I can at least see you and hear you and hold you in my arms for now. Even if I wake up in the same bed I woke up in my whole life, I'll at least be glad I had this little time with you Son Goku.'

End of Dream

"Erisu , Erisu wake up!" Someone yelled.

'What if it was all just a dream, no it wasn't just a dream it couldn't have been, it felt so real, not just that, but it felt as if Goku was actually there. It wasn't a dream it was reality.'

I was so relieved when I saw that the one who was shaking me awake was Vegeta.

'Thank you God, Thank you so much for giving me more time with him, Thank you so much.' I cried out  to god through my thoughts in great joy. Vegeta of course looked at me weirdly.

"Hey Erisu what are you doing?" Goku asked as he rubbed his droopy eyes.

"Just thanking God." I replied glad with a soft smile glad he was still really there.

"Hey can we get back to changing Beerus's sheets, it's just the right time." Vegeta whisper shouted angrily at us.

"Alright what do we do?" I asked.

"Alright Erisu tell Goku to come lift lord Beerus up and make it quick." He quickly ordered getting ready to change the sheets quickly. I ran over to Goku and explained everything to him.

"Alright I'm coming." He replied getting up and lifting Lord Beerus up by his legs.

"Damn it Vegeta you never told me he'd be this heavy!" Goku whisper shouted.

"Just wait a second longer Kakarot."

"Sometimes I think you enjoy torturing me Vegeta." Goku commented.

"I know and I even have evidence he does it on purpose." I brought up.

"Oh really and exactly what is this evidence?" Vegeta shot at me not knowing I had a huge comeback that would shock his nerves.

"Well it's pretty obvious, a midget, short tempered, and a ridiculous hairstyle, your a troll." I concluded which made Vegeta even angrier. He had just finished making Beerus's bedsheets so his reaction couldn't be good in anyway.

"Oh a troll I'll show you who's the real midget brat!" Vegeta shouted letting his emotions take over.

"Oh no Vegeta, Beerus is waking up." Goku panicked.

"Oh shoot." I added.

"Dammit all, here lord Beerus this is all just a dream." Vegeta replied well giving him a sardine.

"Whew." We all sighed in relief, till that is.

"Achu!" Lord Beerus had sneezed and a giant energy blast of destruction came at us.

"Oh no run guys!" I shouted trying to dodge it, but I wasn't able to fully dodge it, resulting in me being knocked partly unconscious. When I came back fully, I noticed Goku was laying on top of me. Not only that, his head was also in the crook of my neck, so I could feel his breath on my neck. I felt my heart skip several beats. It didn't stop there though, it just got worse. I noticed Goku came back to reality and as he tried to prop himself up, I noticed that he stopped in a position where his lips were only at a few centimeters from were mine were.