Chapter 5 Finally the Real Training and Vegetas shocked face

I couldn't help but notice that his lips were only a few centimeters from where mine were. All I did was look into his onyx eyes. Then I saw him look straight in mine. Swirly cinnamon meets black night. That's when I saw Goku start to panic.

"S-sorry about that Erisu." He panicked as he got up at the speed of light. I couldn't help but stay in shock of the situation at hand. Goku took this as a bad sign because he apologized a second time.

"Sorry Erisu I understand if you probably don't want to talk to me." That hit me hard in the brain and heart.

"No it's okay, It's not your fault, I should be apologizing." I panicked as I got up from the ground quickly.

"Oh no it's not your fault Erisu, if anyone's to blame it's Vegeta." Goku pointed out.

"Oh yeah, now that I think about it, it is the trolls fault." I replied. When I said that one word, I saw Vegeta get up at the speed of light. But the weird thing was that, he didn't speak right away. It looked as if he was surrounded by an angry aura.

'Well, this cant be good, but I can't help it He is a troll, it's just true, I mean look at him, a mid-' Before I could finish my thoughts Vegeta brought up a claim that hit me hard.

"Oh yea brat well why don't we talk about holding Goku's hand, taking a nap on Goku, and don't even get me started on how you two almost kissed." Vegeta brought up making me and Goku suddenly helpless to Vegeta's claim. It also made me and Goku start turning red in the face which didn't really help cover up the truth either.

"That's not true you stupid troll, were just friends!" I shouted at Vegeta in rage mode by now.

"Oh well you're just denying the truth about how much you really love Goku, honestly I don't know what you even see in that cl-" He almost finished, but unfortunately for him, I was in full rage mode by now and threw a perfect straight to his face making him fly into the wall nearby.

"That was too far you stupid troll!" I shouted angrily and kinda flustered at him.

'I can't believe he figured it out so fast, damnit.' I thought. I looked back at Goku who was now shaking in fear by the strength I had when I got mad. I was satisfied with punch I threw at Vegeta so I went to go over by Goku, but then Vegeta came back at me with an equal punch, well almost equal. I was sent flying outside of Beerus's sleeping quarters and went through the wall that went to the room that Whis was supposedly eating in. He saw me fly across his face, but I quickly regained my posture and got into a fighting stance. Vegeta did the same, but before we could even start fighting....

"That's enough you two." Whis ordered.

"Oh okay sorry about that, this troll here just got on my nerves." I explained as I saw a angry mark start to appear on Vegeta's face. That's when Goku entered the room.

"Hey guys, we gonna get back to training?" He asked obviously excited.

"Why yes thanks for bringing that up Goku." Whis thanked.

"Alright, all of you follow me." Whis ordered as he got up. We followed him till we came to a glossy-violet path.

'Huh, I remember this episode.' I thought.

"Alright so what's the training?" Goku asked anxious for the training.

"Okay So, you three will each be given a pair of weights, you'll take these weights and run one whole lap around this world." Whis explained as he tapped his wand once making the three weights appear on the shiny violet path.

"How much weight is it Whis?" I asked a bit nervous about how hard it would be.

"Well you'll just have to see." Whis replied.

'Back in my other life, I used to train with weights, but this is probably gonna be on a whole other level.' I thought as I walked over to the violet path.

"You got this guys, but I'm not so sure about myself?" I said to them.

"Don't worry Erisu, you probably won't do as good as me or Vegeta, but at least your starting somewhere." Goku reassured.

"Yea Kakarot's right, let us saiyan men show you how it's done." Vegeta replied confidently. They both tried lifting their weights. Goku went first.

"Man these are heavy, no wonder you've gotten stronger Vegeta." Goku added.

"Let me show you both a technique of carrying these weights of which I've mastered." Vegeta said trying to lift the weights. I just watched him struggle.

"What what happened to my weights?" Vegeta questioned.

"Well you got too used to them so I doubled the weight." Whis added.

"Well are you gonna try now Erisu?" Goku asked.

"Hmm I'd like to see her try." Vegeta sassed.

"Alright I guess I'll give it a try, but I'll be probably suck." I commented.

"Okay go Erisu." Whis cheered.

"Alright well here goes Nothing." I commented as I put my arms through the weights. I squatted and used my legs to lift the weights into the air.

"What the hell, but how!" Vegeta shouted so shocked, he dropped his jaw.

"I don't no, but these weights feel like barely 70, 75 pounds." I said shocked by the achievement I had just accomplished.

"Wow great job Erisu, I knew you were super strong." Goku commented giving me a thumbs up.

"Alright now that's enough chatter, start you're lap." Whis ordered.

"Alright." I agreed jogging around the planet known as Lord Beerus's world. I looked behind me to see how Goku and Vegeta were doing. That's when I noticed that Whis was making the path behind them disappear. I decided to turn around and motivate them a bit.

"Come on Goku and Vegeta, youh guys got this. Just keep going and try your best!" I tried encouraging them and I could tell it helped Goku, but it looked like Vegeta just ignored me.

'His choice.' I thought to myself well at least motivating Goku.