Chapter 6 Goku please don't leave me, don't leave me in the dark all by myself.

I was motivating Goku all the way till the lap had finished. Once we finished Whis told us we were finished for today. After being dismissed we started following Vegeta back to where we would stay

"Man I can't believe it's time for bed all ready." I brought up as I yawned.

"Yea I'm sad, I really wanted a bed time snack." Goku complained as he began to drool at the thought of delicious food.

"Well you two could just quit and go back to earth if it's too much for you." Vegeta brought up.

"Nice try Vegeta." Goku shot back.

"Yea no kidding, I'm not gonna give up and let some troll like you surpass me." I replied confidently.

"Hmm well see about that." Vegeta said entering the room.

"This is where were staying." Vegeta simply said.

"Alright, I'm tuckered out." I commented as I ran to my bed and jumped on it.

"Same here I can't wait to get some sleep." Goku replied. That's when I remembered, I don't have a stuffed animal to cuddle with.

"Hey Vegeta, do you think I could go ask Whis to give me a stuffed animal?" I asked politely. I was kinda scared of the dark, well not of the dark, but of what could be in the dark.

"It seems the brat is afraid of sleeping alone." Vegeta commented as he gave a snicker.

"Hey that's not nice Vegeta, she can go ask Whis for a stuffed animal, right." Goku said standing up to Vegeta for me.

"You're an idiot Kakarot, Whis is asleep at this time and you don't want to risk waking up Beerus." Vegeta reasoned.

"But what about Erisu?" He asked worried. I had no idea why he was showing so much care towards a situation so small. It was strange. I just couldn't put my finger on it. That's when Vegeta brought the worst possible thing up.

"If you're so worried about her phobia Kakarot, then why don't you snuggle under the covers with her." Vegeta suggested. In that moment me and Goku stood there frozen. In that moment, time froze. I felt my face heat up as I tried to cover my face with the blanket.

"Why would you even suggest such a thing you troll. Fine I'll sleep without a stuffed animal, goodnight!" I said angrily as I covered my whole body in the silky peach blanket. I heard the light switch flip and everything became pitch black. The truth of why I was always afraid of the dark was because I had a gift of being able to see spirits. So whenever I'm in the dark I feel so alone and scared, that's why I at least like having a stuffed animal to snuggle with. It makes me feel safer.

Goku's POV

"Why would you even suggest such a thing you troll. Fine I'll sleep without a stuffed animal, goodnight!" I heard Erisu reply as I saw her cover herself in peachy cream sheets. I was about to try and say something to make her feel better, but I decided it was better I didn't say anything so she could rest.

'I don't know why I care so much though. What are these feelings I keep feeling when I'm around her?' My thoughts were put on hold as I felt my eyes begin to feel droopy. Before I knew it I fell into the warm arms of sleep.

Erisu POV

I was about to fall asleep when I saw it. It was a girl in a ragged dress. She had dirty black hair.

'Help me.' She called out. It just got louder and louder. It got to the point where I was crying. I was too scared to say anything. I've seen many ghosts, but none this scary.

'What's it doing here?' I thought still crying.

Goku's POV

'I heard something. Is it my dream, Wait it sounds like, Erisu.' I found that my eyes shot open at the sound of her tears. I looked at her too see her eyes still open, but they were puffy and I could hear her crying. I decided to get up from bed and walk over to Erisu's bed.

"Hey Erisu are you okay." I asked her. She didn't answer and her eyes looked dead.

"Please stop." She said looking terrified.

"Erisu it's me Goku." I said to her. She looked at me.

"Goku." She replied.

"Yes I'm Goku." I said again.

She started crying and her eyes looked alive once more. She put her arms around me and tucked her head in my chest.

"Goku please don't leave me, don't leave me in the dark all by myself with all these lost souls, please." She begged crying even harder. I felt her tears wet my shirt. I felt a feeling ignite inside. A feeling I've never felt before. I felt as if I wanted to stay with her like this forever. I didn't quite understand it.

"Okay I won't leave, but what happened, are you okay?" I asked her worried.

Erisu POV

"Okay I won't, but what happened, are you okay?" Goku asked me with a hint of worry in his voice. I looked back at the place the ghost was to find her gone.

"It was there, a girl with a ragged dress and ragged black hair, a spirit, I got so scared, so I started crying." I explained getting closer to Goku as I saw her reappear by the door.

"A spirit?" Goku questioned.

"I know it probably sounds silly, but I've been able to see spirits since age 8. I found out when I was going down the stairs of my basement to get the soccer ball so I could play with my cousins and sisters. As I reached out for the soccer ball, it kept rolling and rolling away towards the back of the basement. Then I saw it. A girl with black ragged hair. I don't want to even remember what she said to me." I explained, tightening my grip on Goku's sleeve.

"Alright then I have no choice." Goku brought up.

"Wh-what do you me-" Before I could finish my sentence I was tossed on the bed. Goku got next to me and started embracing me.

"Wait, But Goku, you don't have to, it's alright really." I replied.

"No it's not okay, you shouldn't have to get no sleep because of some stupid ghost." Goku said sternly.

'Wait Goku being strict. He's never strict.' I thought to myself as I decided to just get comfortable and cuddle up to him.

"Alright then I guess I'll accept." I said as I took my pointer finger and bounced it on and off his nose. I saw him become rather flustered by this action. I couldn't help but smile at how cute it was.

"Um Erisu, why are you smiling like that?" He asked confused.

Goku's POV

"No reason, I just guess that being with you has made me forget about that ghost and instead has brightened my mood." Erisu replied like it was the simplest thing in the world. I felt my face temperature rise and my eyes widened a bit by what she said, yet I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Oh well I'm glad I'm able to help you." I replied.

Erisu POV

"Yea same here I'm very grateful." I said as I snuggled up to him closer with the blanket wrapped around the two of us. I felt Goku's warmth envelop me and I felt safe in his arms, so very safe. Feeling relaxed I said one last thing to Goku before falling asleep in his comforting arms.

"Goodnight Goku, I hope it stays night time forever." I said unaware of the meaning behind it.

"Goodnight Erisu." I heard Goku reply back with a soft and gentle voice. I wasn't sure if what I saw really happened, but before I dozed off, I swear I saw a soft smile make its way up Goku's lips.